First for 3 weeks until /plg/ Midwest meetup meet - Columbus edition.
Please post fit grills. My friend is drunk and his reactions are funny.
How do i get a cute shy bf?
will getting swole help?
Holy fuck that's pathetic. The last four didn't even count
It's okay, he benches more than your total.
Gotchu senpai
Too far. I dig the spirit though
When you're talking about a guy who weighs more than most of Veeky Forums deadlifts, even a couple of pullups is a pretty solid performance.
if dubs noresfat jerks off to trappys dick
That was the point
>tfw fit girl folder has like 3000 unique files
166 on practice timed lsat.
getting there i guess. 5 points up from last week.
Night lads and lasses.
Be good to one another.
If dubs sean has to shut his fucking drunk mouth, stop deep throating his microphone, and go to bed.
Preferably forever.
plz dont leave me alone come back
One more just because
i know what i'm wanking to tonight
continue to post please
No sean, stop begging for me and go to bed.
Careful not to choke on your alcohol vomit.
Good luck with sean, you're a real american hero. Your sacrifice won't be forgotten.
Gonna warn you a lot of these are shit quality because either they were uploaded in shit quality or I accidentally saved a thumbnail or something retarded like that
ifdoubles that little BITCH known as trappy BITCH is confirmed for being a MAN
When Sean was just a little boy
Gettin fucked by his daddys peepee
his poppa said, "Son, don't let the dick get ya"
its what your grandpa done to me
>accidentally knocked my finger into my entertainment center and somehow sliced the fuck out of my pinky
Welp. Hope this doesn't affect anything lifting-wise. Hurts like a bitch currently. Seriously a really deep cut.
ahahahahhahaahh trap-chan the fucking MAN with a PENIS just got fucking EXPOSED
ahhahahah duuuubs cnfirm
trapyBITCH confirmed for being a fucking goddmn MASCULINE loser
>saving pictures of random girls to your hard drive
nice dubs mirin tc btfo
just WOW
will trappy ever recover? ever post AGAIN???????
Well my soft drive was already full
Don't care how much he weighs, his strength should match his size, especially since he takes lifting so seriously. May as well start praising jason blaha then.
It does match his size. Pullup strength for a guy weighing in the mid 3s is never going to match pullup strength on a guy who weighs a buck fifty, regardless of how hard the big guy pushes his back training.
Yes, and those 60kg rock climbers are slacking because they can't match his bench.
Ungh thats it bby. Keep going
are we going to have a problem, user?
Most of them aren't that T H I C C desu
thats ok
I really, really like that shirt
Did cardio again. Saw improvement, could keep running for longer.
There isnt as much euphoria as last time though, probably didnt need it as bad but idgaf, I cant squat or diddly so I need to use my legs for something.
Gonna try some handstand pushups, headstands, more pullups then bedtime.
elephants are cool
For a whole bunch of good (I swear) reasons, it looks like I'm going to be running a bastardised Conjugate/rest-pause template.
This is going to go so, so wrong. I can feel it.
Also realizing I'm really gonna be even more poor over the next 6 months so I basically get to cut without putting any extra effort in
Hell yeah. I've planned on getting a huge back piece of an elephant head eventually. My artist has really good prices and estimated it at around $1000 though so that'll be a while.
>not using the quad mace
Buda's program is nice for lotsa volume. All the pressing and pulling variations I can think of with the 'volume protocol'.
Arms look noticably bigger a week in, not just to me my brother mentioned I looked bigger. Likely more nutrient storage but still very nice. Cant wait until my back is ready, its gonna be fun blasting out all the squat and deadlift variations.
basically what I was doing for a while but it was my own variation and I ended up going too hard
might try that when I'm done with my retro visit to memeburn
Its fun. Im late novice/early intermediate though so the non-specificity is really great after a LP. Build up all those muscles I wasnt using when doing the same four exercises all the time. If youre in later stages of your training it might not work as well, but who knows. Godspeed user
>ARms look niticably bigger a week in
>a week in
>Likely more nutrient storage
I'm not very advanced. Certainly not as strong as buda
>tfw pokemon go uk release is delayed
>haven't had a refreshing nights sleep in about a year and a half now
I just want off this ride lads ;_;
Try anapanasati
nah my body is just retarded and won't breathe properly when I sleep. Been trying to fix it for ages now but slow going.
Did you even google
Are you by any chance competing in one of the fat fuck weight classes?
Nah 83 @ 5ft 9 right now
yes, its a physical thing not mental. I can barley breathe through my nose on a good day. Going to see a specialist about a surgery option but sick of dealing with this shit.
Is it really true that c6w gives no bench gains? I've considered combining c6w with nuckols bench program (bench from nuckols, lower body from candito), but I'm not sure how I'd efficiently combine them. I don't know shit about programming
>deadlift is going shit
>start working on form and lots of sets and reps
>deadlift starts going up
>set new 5RM, 3RM, 2RM
>try new 1RM
>old 1RM stays stapeled to the ground
wtf is this brehs my repping strength increased massively over the past 2 months but it seems like my 1RM went to shit
There's a lot of possible reasons for this, but the big one is either touch-and-go rep work or allowing yourself to get sloppy off the ground on the light pulls.
maybe youre just fatigued
Nah all reps are done dead stop. I did 190kgx8, 205kgx5, 210kgx3, 220kgx2 (thats 420, 450, 462 and 485 in burger units) with 1 week between them, then I deloaded 1 week and went for a 1RM. 225 flew of the ground but 230 didn't move. I think I'm gonna go and pull everything off a defecit for a while
I'm impressed. Usually big guys have trouble with pull ups. He's pretty good at them.
yeah insane amounts of roids usually make you pretty strong
that's my guess as well. the diddly is the one lift where I feel like it's very easy to do too much and end up weaker. it can happen with any lift, of course, but it seems to happen quite often with my deadlift.
not really, they make you a little stronger than you would have been otherwise. if you took insane amounts of roids you'd still be weak. if he didn't take insane amounts of roids he'd be weaker than he is now, but still stronger than you on roids.
hes been hanging by a thread all night friends :(
hes stable now though
3 people died in the car accident, both cars counted
Often quite a bit stronger (about 10% increase in wilks, which is not to be confused with a 10% increase in raw numbers), but yes most people who're strong as fuck on gear would be strong as fuck without it.
Why is it the only time Sean is asleep NOBODY POSTS ON PLG
Fucking what? Confirmed?
phil :(
thought everyone saw my post in the last thread
Ofc not u fucking idiot, it's a troll
He was saying it was Bodorio last night
sure. it's just silly to me when people think steroids is the main reason these beasts are strong. roids just enhances what you already have, it doesn't make a 400lbs squatter into an 800lbs squatter. or even a 600lbs squatter into an 800lbs squatter.
you have any idea how much i wish i were trolling?
How did I do this once and haven't been close since?
natty limit
2 reasons:
You don't train close to your max often enough (AFAIK)
You focused on your bench and left your deadlift in the dust
Watched a video once where kirill sareychev said something along the lines of "if you want a big bench your deadlift has to suffer as a result"
Genetic dead end tBh
weren't you neet then?
easy to try hard when you are just playing souls all day
>talking to the literal founder of ipf memeing on /plg/
>quoting kirill
He runs a drug dealers program
Fil just confirmed in chat, he lost two of his best friends and another acquaintance.
He says he was better off because he was behind the driver (and he's Phil).
Maybe the driver had been drinking? Hewas at a wedding yesterday
>You focused on your bench and left your deadlift in the dust
But this isn't true though, I do sheiko for both.
I don't believe it
Fuck you
Your life has peaked
What year was this?
15th April 2015
lmao get on my level
Yeah but technically you're not running sheiko correctly for deadlift.
The bench suit is the equivalent to running sheiko with inflated maxes
However your deadlift suit isn't that good // you're not getting the most out of it so it doesn't count as an inflated max and that's why you're detained.
Inflate your deadlift it's the only way
My deadlift max is 300kg currently.
Is this fillip car crash thing a joke?
Can I have some fucking proof you niggers
Believe what you want
What sheiko are you running? ( CXX)?
>two his best friends are dead