How does one get this physique

How does one get this physique

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>train from child
>eat from child
>take hgh from child

God he's disgusting

Gamma rays. And roids.

>synthol xF
>have shitty lifts in proportion to body size xF
>pretend to be a world-class powerlifter despite shitty lifts xF

>can lift up to 380 lbs
>weigh 380 lbs

weak as fuck

That's not synthol. This guy is an Iranian lifter called Sajad, he's like 160kg or something

Become one with the oil.

what the fuck. why does he look so weird?

I know who he is. He's a wannabe WWE wrestler with subpar lifts for his weight. Are you really gonna tell me those slabs on his body are synthol-less? Does he have some sort of defect?


Gigantism x F
Heart failure at 40 x 1

That's how

he's a big guy

Don't know about now, but when I used to take steroids Iranian pharma test was the best test

Iranian pharma test?

for you

this guys is weak as a kitten.

pic related

A lot of sex with goats. I mean, at least 5 times a day.

look at his fuggin hands

I can't be sure why I feel this way, but if i ever saw this guy in person i would gesture to him happily at first as if I knew him, he would act confused but exhibit a similar reaction back. When I got close enough I would then shoot out both his kneecaps. Then his elbows. Then I would sever his back at the the C8 vertebrae so he couldn't move but would still be aware and responsive to stimuli. Then I would cut off his cock and choke him on it until suffocation. Then I would find a nice kebab joint to eat something and maybe take a walk in the park.



>eat a child

ur just jealous of them hefty shoulder boulders

2/10 predictable


You're right. I might eat Italian instead.

Fuck I am so tired of all those dyels asking this question, same with the "is x natty" when referring to simeon panda built guys

Fuck off, he is photoshopped and just fat

>not teleporting behind him
>not unsheathing your katana or Coldsteel brand knife that you bought for $80 at the mall
>not slitting his throat after a dull one-liner

You are not doing anything for this board.

How tall is Sajad Gharibi


It's not gh or synth, might be gear + high body fat.

Nothing personnel, kid

You and the guy you're quoting are the reason I Veeky Forums.

>not synthol

Literally worse synthol job than piana's

Good synthol jobs just look like actual muscle.

It's not synthol, his entire body is proportionally fat. He would have needed to injected oil literally everywhere.

>pic related
it's not the same.

>that zyzz shirt
Holy shit.

You are retarded.
Flex wheeler did synthol
Bostin loyd did synthol.

They did better synthol jobs than piana.

It os funny because you said not synthol or gh, but he has huge joints ( gh) and synthol as fuck """muscles"""

You know NOTHING about gear.

Not everyone using synthol is a retard third worlder using 200x the recommended dosage.

It is not impossible that he injected synthol in his chest, traps, forearms, arms, delts lats, legs

I'm eating breakfast so I will be not clicking that.

>boston loyd video
opinion disregarded

It's not likely

This body is as appealing to look at ad the aftermath of a suicide bombing.

Speaking of which they could probably stick a hell of a lot of explosives on this fat fuck.

how can you explain his fucking knuckles you retard

He looks like his muscles where replaced with miniature bean bag chairs.

Gh + synth

>look at his ig
>news article: "he weights over 340lbs and can lift up to 400lb (2 baby elephants), a real life incredible hulk"

fucking WHAT
what is wrong with normies

He's got half the fucking Iranian oil reserves in his biceps alone

Why are normies giving this guy so much credit? 400 pound lift means jack shit without any context, and he's just your average synthol physique.

How can people not tell this is photoshopped to hell and back? Is this a meme to pretend there is no photo editing here?

With Photoshop

Any particular reason for these actions?

Oh, you think the lifts are your ally, you merely adopted the lifts. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see my gains until I was already natty; by then, it was nothing to me but squats!