No cbt on Veeky Forums u wot m8
6'4 89kg
goodbye cutting
No cbt on Veeky Forums u wot m8
6'4 89kg
goodbye cutting
Other urls found in this thread:
1) you have the lighting of an 80s villain
2) there are 2 seperate cbts already up, dummy
3) post dick
Previous is kill no homo
it has 40 posts you dullwitted cutie
well done dude
Dim the lights more
mirin hard
stopped reading at "Jody Body" in catalog
I look like shit no roid came off a muhpowahliftah perma bulk
Lifting for 4 months and used to be fat fuck. 177 cm and 72 kg.
Am i out of DYEL mode?
You have titties for fuck's sake, you delusional high schooler. Forget about DYEL status, you're still a fat fuck.
Nah im 18 and just don't have any body hair, none in My family do.
Lookin like you're about to tell a story in Are You Afraid of the Dark
>used to be
fuck off, underage.
Haha prove it retard, im 18 and still fucked more Than you
What do your legs look like?
Post stats as well.
Skipped going to the gym for like 5 months, how DYEL do I look?
happy 4th of july faggets
6' 180
How's the test levels lately homie? Looking good as usual.
>Are You Afraid of the Dark
>Implying I'd be scared of OP pressing his hard dick against my BP in the dark with that kind of body
Skinny fat at best.
How do I into hair gains?
Cpt. Rogers?
nice hair daddy
how bad is it? I made a thread earlier asking if I had gyno, most people said it looked fine
you don't have gyno
>haha have i mentioned I'm homosexual yet?
Anybody wanna be gym progress buddies?
I started working out on June 15th~ and I wanna compete against someone in strength gains and progress. I'm pretty small, though. Just lookin' for some rivalry so I don't ever quit, or at least until I lift 7-8 months and it becomes a deeply ingrained habit.
All you need judging by this photo are bigger forearms and possibly some extra size on those delts. Looking good though brah
compete how? i dont get your post...
Skype, just compare core lifts.
That's bout' it? And talk about lifting. Stalling, injuries, diet, stretching, form, cutting, bulking, ect
righto what's your skype then?
Uh, shit. I wasn't checking this thread so this reply will be a bit late.
I'm not too sure, search up phalanxdef. I think that's my old gaming Skype I used for internet buds when I was a kid. That should be it
doot doot
I'll post I suppose. I'm gonna post an old pic first, then I'm going to try and post a new arm pic that's probably tilted.
Plz no tilt
rate my progress brehs
Why did you make a CBT? Idiot.
You want your ego stroked?
You look like you barely lift.
You are honestly just a skellington, and to make it worse you used shit lighting so that we can't actually see much. I know what you're doing. Fucked up lighting and stupid angles are fun to experiment with - when you're six.
Yup, such photos draw the attention, but in the same way that a hunchback person does. Wake up to yourself and stop being unique to attract compliments from DYELs.
The purpose of a CBT is to get advice from and to update other anons who also post regularly about your current physique. If you want to be arty go to >>soc. otherwise, use generic poses that everybody can compare to and fro. It's better for everybody. I just get annoyed when people don't bother to search the catalog before starting an identical thread.
I mean jesus christ mate we have enough summerfags invading the board at the moment as it is: Do this shithole a favour and minimize the chances of them derailing the usual comfy /fit threads like /owg and /plg.
And to be honest you fucking good for 6'4 and I am mainly projecting internalised insecurities that I gained from spending too fucking long looking at thick, solid and tight bodies.
I'll never escape the fucking manlet cutoff and my penis isn't an 8x6 and tfw no gf and fucking normies keep upsetting me with thier shitty unironic memes. And no matter how hard I train I'll never be the best at a sport.
And I think /fit has finally turned me gay and I want to be your little spoon but I keep fighting the homo. Every day I wish for a simple live with a loving, lifter gf - but my only dreams are of my fucking lying ex.
And lifting makes the social anxiety worse.
And my family thinks I'm about to jump on roids.
And I read scholarly articles and research papers and philosophy but nobody even remembers me as a smart person anymore.
I'm just a desensitized red-pilled recluse now.
I hope you have a great life, mang.
I guess I'll ask here: Been trying not to be a fat shit for 6 months after not getting up from the couch f0r 10 years. Am I still a newb enough that I should keep the calorie deficit? Or should I start looking into bulk/cut cycles? I've been at the gym for 2 months now.
TL;DR: Bulk or cut?
what the fuck is this a Goosebumps episode?
wew lad
Op, we all know you look nice man but indirect lighting is easy to look good in. Post normal shot so you'll quit being teased.
Wether this is pasta or not, I actually enjoyed it. I like the plot twists half way in. 9/10 post.
get your validation somewhere else you skinnyfat tittymonster
Is this you 4 months ago? Sure looks like it.
Boxer here, mostly pushups and jumprope.
Arms are 9.5 inches
WOW dude, if that is you in all three pictures then excellent progress mate.
honestly congrats. If you're at the 3rd pic now, would suggest losing a few more pounds, and then start bulking.
Great progress again.
How long is the first pic from the 3rd pic?
Stopped reading right there.
Good lean body + dem hands > baloon gains and no fighting skill
Good job dude
Starting Boxing + Muay Thai + MMA next week.
It's a shame you're straight, desu.
Seriously tho, mirin, and you look hot.
Keep it up user!
Around 6 months. But I wasted some time learning, and a lot of time which I could have spent at the gym.
I'm still counting calories, but my weight loss has pretty much stalled because of going out and "having to" eat pizza and drink beer
>fighting skill
Won't be useful when he's getting shot by the magav.
>that guy that shadowboxes in between sets
Bi. ^.*
Yo got me.
But i dont care.
realniggertalk: you should shaddow box as a workout.
Shadowboxing between sets is fine but you look like a fag and its not as saticfying
Skinnyfat bitch coming thru
Right now 1.77cm and 75kgs, one year into lifting started at 49kgs
Should I continue to bulk or cut ?
Considering my frame and height what should be a good weight goal and bf% if going ottermode?
lol to be honest I am really into the daddy thing lol
my hairs not that great right now trust me, but for what its worth i dont use any product just shampoo and conditioner
Thanks dude ditto.. As for test I got a appointment this month will probably get it checked again. Only reason I might look more ripped this year I think in pics is ive been doing the higher fat lower carb diet thing. Been adding coconut oil to things and randomly eating a bit of coffee chocolate bar and ive found its suppresed my appetite quite a bit actually. I think its kept me more consistently ripped looking for sure.
You put on 25kg in a year, over 50 pounds. 12 of that, at best, was muscle. You're bulking waaay to hard. Lower the caloric surplus.
What if i live in a gun free country?
>gun fire at some wedding in the backround
o-oh yeah, i live in sandniggerstan.
Disgusting fatty go and stay go
Still trying to exit fatfuck mcvillage.
Was 117 kg, now 104kg, aiming for 85kg.
6'3" how do i look? I'm still horribly insecure about my body because i spent my whole life being a fatty.
This is 6 months of progress (im 21) but I took a month off due to injury
You look average. Dont worry and keep lifting.
55kg master race. How does it feel having to watch what you eat, fatties?
God damn it. If only I were actually hot enough to get someone like you in my area haha.
That's pretty cool to know though, I assume most dudes here are actually straight until proven otherwise.
not as bad as it must feel to have those hips and that chest hair
A guy at work looks like you. He has trouble getting his office chair to lower under his weight. Its hilarious
lol skellator trying to bully fat people
>thinks hes not just as bad
>prob has mental issues
>Tasty bait give another plx
Ngl my chest hair makes me want to kill myself. Amongst other things.
I had trouble getting a dropper post to work when I was servicing a bike at work once. Good times.
skelly here, how long would this take to achieve on SS?
ayy lmao
just get a trimmer and trim that shit
im 60kg and 6' and I'm nowhere near as skinny as that
fug i'm 5'6" 105lb and that chair story rings a bell. it doesn't happen often, but rarely chairs will have fairly high resistance and i have to actively push down instead of just having it fall under my weight.
It sucks desu. But at the same time, I get a huge enjoyment in my life eating various delicious foods, which you obviously do not. Just imagine if you could feel an orgasm every time you bite into a cookie or brownie, etc. You missing out homie.
Work on chest and shoulders more breh
Cyclist. My weight's in my legs.
>implying fat people shouldn't be bullied
4.5 dead
3 squat
1.5 ohp
105kg binch
If you eat perfect and work hard 4-8months
but dnt do SS for more than a few months just use it to learn the basics then change program.
im not saying dnt bully them im just saying skellys cnt do it as they are just as bad.
Lol at the shithole you're in
Damn that quickly? Thanks man. Any more tips?
How am I doing?
>Cyclist. My weight's in my legs.
That's even more hilarious.
>those hips
Was it twins?
Discount Neil Patrick Harris became Roided Zac Efron?
Tbf I've never really enjoyed eating all that much anyway. I do it because I have to, not because I want to.
is ottermode achievable for me
you've got a thick build. nice, but thick. probably much easier going for beef mode
I'm on the left, goal body on the right.
thanks ;_;
Oh, alright. On the right track then and get a tan, Neil.
Doing fine man. Would work on your chest though
You natty?
I like my hips :c
Say that to my face not online and see what happens
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
you're qt
Yes natty.
Thanks meng