have any of you got ED from being on Veeky Forums too much
everytime you click you get a dopamine release - i think being on too much fucks up your dopamine
have any of you got ED from being on Veeky Forums too much
everytime you click you get a dopamine release - i think being on too much fucks up your dopamine
>tfw all the (you)s from shitposting have broken my dick
well for one, everytime i get on Veeky Forums i end up masterbating at least twice. Now include the mornings and late night faps, my dick doesn't even get fully erect anymore but idc i havent seen a vagina in months
I have been on Veeky Forums for at least 4 hours a day for a year straight, and my dick is in the best condition it's ever been in.
I also fap 1-2 times a day to trannies and hentai. ED is a meme, probably a genetic thing
Nah i got an ED from growing up in a misogynist society when i was 15 inb4 back to tumblr you idiots
You are literally have retard.
I miss being 15
It's called self control. Don't get your dick out everytime you're on Veeky Forums.
If you're weak willed it'll happen. Focus on your goals.
On the topic of broken dicks, I've been doing nofap for like a week and I've noticed my libido is fucking gone. I'll go onto /gif/ occasionally just to test it and feel fucking nothing. It's quite worrying
great now im fired
i think it stays like that till like 1-2 month of nofap
ya read the no-fap sites. it goes super limp for like 2 weeks.
then takes 1-2 months ( and up to 6-9 for bad cases )
Not that user. But really? How do I know it will go back to normal? Was really disconcerning last time I tried it, I could NOT get hard for the life of me until I fapped to pr0n a few times. Can't wait 6 months to get a boner, I got a gf and she's thristy af!
>have any of you got ED from being on Veeky Forums too much
No, I've been using Veeky Forums for years and fap to porn almost every day to fart and foot worship porn. I can still get hard as a rock for a woman. You just have bad penis genes, or blood pressure issues. idk
just dont fap to pron and fuck your bitch
dick problems come in theory from dopamine overloads from fapping too much to internet porn. wait for real pussy your dick will be fine
That's the thing though. If I don't get my dose of pr0n my dick begins to fail me and I can't preform with the bitch. I need to get my whack on in just the right quantity... I want to stop but can't handle having ED for HALF A FUCKING YEAR because someone on the Internet said it MIGHT get better after that.
I just count my total calories and make sure I eat plenty of protein and as little refined sugar and sat fats as possible. I wouldnt call it an eating disorder.
ok just do whats right for you. dont worry about ur dick. thinking about it too much will make it limp
Avoiding saturated fats at all costs is basically an eating disorder. Unless you're a cardiovascular car bomb (Zyzz or a 500 pound man with hypertension, diabetes, etc...) , you shouldn't be avoiding sat fats, even vegans should be getting 10-15 grams a day of them, more if coconuts are eaten
another victim of nofap. Smile for the screenshot.
just use viagra a few ttimes
Been on Veeky Forums for about a decade. Dick still works fine as always.
Sometimes, I'll maybe do it as little as once a week for a couple weeks, and other times once a day. I don't worry about it.
Also, I did try nofap once a couple years ago. I made it a month. I was horny all the time, and less attractive women went up a couple points. That was it, though. It didn't bring me any extra energy or motivation. Although, I will say that when I finally came, it was magnificent. Made the wait worth it.
anymore of these?
Not that I know of, unfortunately.
Falling for the no fap meme
When I did nofap I ended up shagging the girl who works at the desk opposite me.
Lmao not me senpai I can cum and get boners easy as fuck
Of course it is you're training your dick to not be aroused and be used
those toes bruh mmm
Sometimes I get so many you from a particularly notable comment that normal posting just stops being magical for a while and I go to other sites.
Stupid whore
Fapping once a week is truly the masterrace.
actually the opposite happened, Veeky Forums cured my ED
now whenever i see a high test thumbnail i immediately have to rub one out