Best way to get pumped for heavy squats?
Best way to get pumped for heavy squats?
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squat plug
watch some CBT
start with the bar
then keep working your way up, going ass to grass each time
Whats CBT? Is that like BBC?
idk why but watching youtube fags squatting heavy ass weight always gets my bitch ass to the gym on days im not feeling it
it's like extreme SPH
If you need to get pumped for squats, you are squatting too heavy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy. Cuz Zeus knows 90% of this board needs it.
bounce on a dick xF
Enjoy the rest of your life in a wheelchair
Isnt this a meme? Tell me this is a meme
stop your ass to the grass stupidity if a person doesn't have flexibility they only gonna shorten the road to snap city
breathing heavy, grunting, yelling like autist, sounds silly but it does work
Do people actually rely on bursts of motivation to "help" them perform certain lifts, or even workout at all? I swear, motivation is the most toxic self-help concept known to man. Motivation will never get you ANYWHERE.
it's not, I prefer stainless steel ones for ease of cleaning, resistance to odor and ease of removal
What I do is look up fitness chicks on Instagram and give them follows/subs on other social media, that way I have a "binder of womenc that I can just browse through, pick one I wish I slayed, realize my current body wouldn't get me there, then I go to the gym to train so that eventually I do get there.
Calm down you literal fedora tipping autist. Motivation? I dont need help with that for lifting. What I struggle with is getting into to the right mindstate before a big lift.
that's why i only go A2G on my warmups. it comes naturally. don't dare try on my heavy sets.
I like to place my hands on the bar shake it a little, then go underneath the bar and slam the bar under my traps. Afterwards stick out my stomach as much as possible while breathing out and then breathe into my balls. Lastly when you are at the bottom of your squats start foaming at your mouth and spitting everywhere, amd in between sets make sure to set up a barstool with bands and a makeshift roller to stretch out your muscles. The more rabid you look the more of a pump youll have
I sniff ammonia
Fucking hell. I cant afford that. Dont they have ones specifically for weightlifting? There was nothing about weights in the description
imagine pic related with a big hairy bush. that'll pump up your test level for a heavy squat sesh
This. Those youtubers are at least good for that. Who do you watch?