1 pl8 deadlift.
Best 4th of July ever.
Thank you Veeky Forums
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1 pl8 deadlift.
Best 4th of July ever.
Thank you Veeky Forums
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>1pl8 deadlift
I feel this is relevant here.
>cutting for 15 months now
>drop 60 pounds
>can see abs and veins coming up my hips and down my biceps
>random strangers/customers at work telling me I look good
>getting mired all the time
>close to making it, I can see the finish line
gj, that's pretty impressive for a pre pubescent 11 year old girl
>cutting for 15 months now
>drop 60 pounds
>can see abs and veins coming up my hips and down my biceps
>random strangers/customers at work telling me I look good
>getting mired all the time
>close to making it, I can see the finish line
>did 1pl8 + 50 on third day of lifting
I desperately hope your situation is the same, bitch boy
Grats brah. Been cutting for 2.5 months and dropped 20 lbs in that time. Currently cutting even more aggressively in hopes of dropping at least 1kg a week. I gotta get from 182 to 160 before fall, that's my goal
Fuck man, my cut starts this week. I hope to god i can make it like you have bro
Not him, but have you ever done an EC stack before? Really helps stop the hunger while giving you energy
wew, my 17 year old friend never lifted for more
than a week and can deadlift more than one plate, op you are weak
I feel pretty good
Fuck these retards. Good job OP, now work up to 2 pl8
fuckin good shit op
next is 2, smash it
Hit a 405 1RM today, and with that I am now 1/2/3/4 pl8 certified, I guess. The squat was the easiest of those four lifts by far.
weighed 150-165 my whole adult life
this week i've cracked 180lbs
the bulk is good
the bulk is strong
I've been going to the gym for four months now. Not every night, although for the past couple of weeks it's been almost every night. I'm 6'4 and I was never fat, just had a bit of a stomach, and I'm still not exactly at having abs, but I still feel a lot better physically. I can run a mile in 8:30 now, which makes me happy. I've started lifting 40 pound weights here and there, when I started with 25 because I was that out of shape. I've also gotten complements on how my body looks now, and how it's noticeable.
It's giving me the push to go almost every night now. I've always pushed myself, I always stay sweaty. My issue right now I'd nutrition, I don't eat enough. I'm trying to fix it.
Either way, working out is saving my life. I finally have something to be proud about.
>tfw i hit lmao1pl8 benchx5 2 days ago. That felt really amazing desu, feels like gains and regrets for not doing a real program until 2 months ago.
>finally hit 1pl8 for OHP
I don't use an oly bar cause I don't have one but fuck if it doesn't feel good after being a skelly
>Can finally do 10 pullups again
Thinking about switching to 5day split from current PPL
>tfw fucked a black girl
When girls spill their spaghettis around you instead of the other way around.
>copped a gf
Ignore the retards op, congrats
Dropped from 280-265 in ~1 month
Feel like I look better, try to dress with more style than baggy polo and cargo shorts.
>Still a fat fuck and look disgusting
Post your stats and pic, tough guy
Forgot to post picture. I fucking hate being fat. I have to make it bros.
>tfw finally learned that you leg press the deadlift and not straighten your back out
>tfw deadlift was 4 plates
>tfw realized you lift with legs and not back
>now that i leg press the weight it seems easy
>won a hotdog eating contest on the 4th
Nice one OP, keep it up!
cut your hair, your hairline is too high to pull longer hair off
Do you have any style recommendations in mind? I havent found a haircut that's really sat well with me yet
get a bowl cut, and gel it to the side to express the homosexuality inside of you.
>March 31st start treating my 8 year old ingrown toenail
>up until then couldn't walk for 5 minutes without seeing tons of blood in my socks
fast forward today
>nail will be back to its normal state in a couple weeks
>just ran 45 mins at 8km
use a bit of product and push your hair a little up and over or buzz it
that emo swoosh is a bad look
>tfw hung steroid using chad
>had a threesome yesterday
>tiny half asian girl coming over wednesday
>...tfw getting chest pains, should probably do real cardio a lot more
Oh boy...
There is no end.
Benched 265 for 5 at BW 180.
So... not really 1pl8 then, since you're missing a bar of 20kg?
>injured so no squats for 2 weeks
>managed to do pic related using 20 lbs with no pain/horrible noises yesterday
>might even try 30s today
Last night after sexy time the girl I've been hooking up with said she noticed my back and arms were bigger than before. Gonna be hitting the gym heavy this week with that in the back of my mind.
Cut your hair shorter. Maybe something that's short on the sides, with a bit more up top. I'm not so good at hair myself, took months of experimenting to find something I like. Just take risks and wear a hat if you don't like it. Hair grows back.
Also, consider growing a beard and moustache. I may be biased, but I think everyone looks better with facial hair.
Don't put yourself down, you're improving yourself. That's the important thing. Just stick with a routine that pushes your body and mind, the payoff will come.
>qt 3.14 I hang out with said my back and arms were looking really good
>became my gf in the past week
>says I'm best she's had
We're all going to maek it