Hello Veeky Forums who or what motivated you to get off the couch and hit the gym?

Hello Veeky Forums who or what motivated you to get off the couch and hit the gym?

Certainly not this gay shit

lol this question

the same thing that motivates a dope fiend to go find dope

I had always been a half-assed, active kid. When I was really little, I did soccer, then moved onto TKD for about 4 years. After my dad got arrested, and money became a lot tighter, we couldn't afford to do shit like that, so I just played vidya for a few years until we moved close to a YMCA and my mom was able to get a discounted family membership from her work. I fucked around doing random machine and bodyweight shit because they didn't allow anyone over 14 to do free weights and I got taken in by guys pushing those fake "Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man routine" or by Jujimufu before he started seriously lifting.

I made no gains, and the membership eventually expired, so I just started doing some cardio shit not knowing what the hell I was doing in terms of routine. Around that time I started browsing /b/, then realized that if I wanted to get laid in college, I'd need to start working out, so I started browsing Veeky Forums and been here ever since.

Zyzz was still around and posting at that time, so seeing his shit enticed me as a dipshit 18 year old, so he got me lifting more seriously

>tl;dr zyzz, but not anymore

failed first time 1 month
failed second time 3 months
failed third time 2 weeks
decided to try a fourth time still goings it been a year and a half and now im completelt addicted and look about 60% better than i did before.
Basicly just keep trying untill u do it regardless of how many times it takes.

The mirror.

my brethren

Honestly? I really, like REALLY, want a 3some with my gf and one of our friends. I mean there are a ton of reasons why I lift, a million benefits, but why did I actually get my ass off the couch and start? When then and not a year ago, or three months ago or whatever?

Because the 3some thing came up and I realised that if it ever happened the sad sack of fat shit I was would just dissapoint two women. And that it was not likely to happen when I looked like a hairy pillsbury doughboy.

It might never happen. But that's not the point. It got me started, and that's enough.

When I was 9 a dead tree fell on my friend while we were dicking around in the forest pretending to be Boromir(Me) and Aragorn(Her). She told me to call for help but the tree didn't look that stout so I thought I could lift it off her and I was wrong. I basically tried stiff-legged deadlift the tree off of her but I couldn't and I blacked out. Our parents got worried since we haven't returned before dinner and eventually found us. I woke up in a hospital bed and a few days later found out that my friend had died. I hit the gym so that when an emergency like that happens again, I'll be ready.

Also so that the next time I move apartments, I can just throw around the mattresses and the furniture like it aint no thang.

I watched anime and got motivated by all the fit characters to be more like them.

That, coupled with browsing Veeky Forums for a bit, and the thought of impressing people at the start.

After i got functional benefits (ie. could do more chinups, carrying heavy bags because easier) I was even more reinforced since i saw actual improvements in my daily life.

Now it's just "functional improvements" and anime aspirations, as sad as it sounds.

No shame breh. I do most accessory work at home and leave shit like my hero academia on. Really fucking helps me push through some sets

This faggot

One day I will destroy him

I've always found fiction more inspiring than real life, I don't know what that says about me and I kind of don't care.


Should've called for aid with the Horn of Gondor.
>Aragorn died
It was supposed to be you.


I've seen this story posted a few years ago. Is this pasta that failed to catch on?

I realized that people are shallow. I'm not saying that as a bad thing; just as an observation. I'm tired of being at the bottom so I've decided to climb that ladder and try and reach the top.


Lost everything, got fat, moved somewhere else, no friends, just a job and a gym membership.

Ive been lifting to help forget the pain of existance and trying to cope with the loss of my happy life. Slowly its getting better and I'm starting to find myself again.

>tfw I can fit into medium shirts again
>tfw mired by a girl once

Been talking to girls a little more than before and I can feel my confidence coming back. It's a small glimpse of what my life can be when I finally let go of my past and move on to obtain what I really want.

We're all gonna make it brah

started at 250 last year this exact month.
180 right now trying to get down to 150
i'm 5'10 btw.

I used to spend full summers doing sweet nothing at home, but the I realized that it was one of my sources of depression.

Going to the gym early in the morning is the most interesting thing I do in any given day, so in a worst case scenario, I helps to kill time.

Eating healthy also proved to help.

I just keep telling myself not to be a bitch and everything falls into place.

Im not even fucking joking.

Weight scale. When I saw 101kg on it, I said to myself to do something about it.

That was two months ago and now I'm 89kg and pretty blue on symmetric strength.

Feels good.

Fear of being a complete failure and noob gains I guess

one time walking by the mirror i saw how fat i've become and that was that, dropped soda, started walking 1h every day, ate less, went from 98 to 78 kg in nearly 4 months, then went to a gym because skinnyfat, turns out i actually liked it so im still going a few years down the line

But If you kill your enemies they win bro

Next time call for help instead of fainting.

>Woke up at 5 AM
>Morning cardio
>Eat a lot of food
>Work starts @ 7am
>finish work at 8 and off to do part time work
>go to gym at 1
I just want senpai to notice me

That's because real life isn't exactly impressive.

I love to look at the mirror and sing
"I looked over to the left
A reflection of myself
That's why I couldn't catch my breath"

Yeah i started the gym when i got clean and its my new high.. chasing the dragon at 5pl8 diddy atm feels much better then chasin tarone for white

I realized that i was on my way from skinny to skinnyfat after actually looking in the mirrior before a shower.

I have a fear that my wife would be attacked and raped and i would be too weak to stop it.

I want other women to be jealous of my wife when we are together instead of just being the gumpy tard that i am now.

My wife could stand to drop a little weight, and a transformarion from myself would be a good motivation or something.

Kinda a mixture of everytbing really. Im 3 weeks in and gave up soda and fast food, eating healthy and gym workouts 5 days a week. Not seen much change but i know its early

Because I'm a boring faggot with nothing else to do
>sometimes see friends
sometimes I have unhealthy periods where I play lots of vidya
right now I have a period where I just browse the internet the whole fucking day
watch some anime inbetween
and do some lifting
I should get a fucking hobby


The realization that fat people health problems run in my family.

the only correct response

muh nigga