What is normie's definition of Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forumsizens know that anybody with over 8% bf and below 200lb and 6ft are not fit.
but what is the normie standard?
What is normie's definition of Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forumsizens know that anybody with over 8% bf and below 200lb and 6ft are not fit.
but what is the normie standard?
Depends on where you live, but here in alaska people have been calling me "lean" since 20% bodyfat (actual 20% not what literally every fat fuck thinks 20% is)
I have been called a "big guy" "moose" amd "superman" all unironically (i know, i thought it was satirical at first too) after 6 months noob gains.
I get called jacked ripped shredded big guy etc. One girl told me I looked photoshopped.
Veeky Forums is usually kind when I post in CBT but I get the odd skelly comment.
>according to Veeky Forums's definition, Bruce Lee was not fit
>actual 20%
how did you measure your body fat percentage?
when i was 20% people told me i am a fat bear
I've been told by girls that I'm "ripped" and "the hottest guy they've been with" and I'm literally DYEL. I've been half-assing stronglifts for 10 months and I can barely squat my own BW and bench slightly over lmao1pl8. These normie fools have no idea what they're talking about.
Pic related. This is how low people's standards for "ripped" are now lmao.
I look like you user... maybe slightly less ab definition, and I get told basically the same thing. Bizarre.
>look at bicep
>barely visible
>"dude, your arms have gotten BIG!"
The average standard for being fit scares me. I never trust an opinion that doesn't come from people who can shit talk with zero consequence.
I look better than you and am a handholdless virgin
Standards are just pretty low because everyone is a fatsoe. I feel like I look like Donatello's David and yet people compliment me about my ripped physique. I guess not being fat or overly skinny is "ripped" now.
ive been lifting for a month and im already squatting 130 for reps..
Seriously. I'm at the end of week 2 and squatting 145 for 3x5. He must really be half-assing, that or BW is really high
Then just lower your standards or don't be as autistic.
Good for you I guess.
>don't be autistic
Thanks dude, that totally solved my problem ! Wow just got laid ! Thanks for the advice !
I've been lifting for two weeks and squatting 200 5x5 and benching 190 for 1.
People start different places, take it easy
I got told the same thing when I looked around there. Now I'm actually big and ripped (5'9" 185 pounds with a defined six pack) and girls literally have been surrounding me and I've had my pick of who to go home with all summer. It's unreal.
185 is skinny not big
>used to look semi-like pic related
>people said i was muscly as well
>held less body fat as well
>your arms and shoulders look just tapped into
>you're like a cross between dyel and 4 weeks out
>used to play sports in high school mode.
>your posture may be a leading cause to fail workouts if not your willpower.
It's basically the natty limit for 5'9
No prob bud. Glad I could help.
There's literally nothing I could say that will help you. It is literally as simple as deciding not to be autistic. I was autistic once and then I decided not to be as autistic anymore. It's like everything else, if you work at it, the autism eventually fades away. If you're in better shape than me, then just know that you are attractive to at least 90% of women. All you gotta do now is talk to them and not be autistic. I don't know how smart you are but it always helps to have some general knowledge you can inject into the conversation. Maybe something she says will remind you of a book you read and you can talk about that for a while, maybe she mentions a subject and you actually have something to contribute. I don't know what you do in your spare time but if you spend every waking hours on here then yeah, girls won't exactly get excited about Mark Rippetoe and Rich Piana, because they're not autistic. You have to have something to contribute. At least be an open person, if she asks you a personal question, answer it honestly. The first girl I admitted I was a virgin to ended up taking it from me. Anyway, sorry for the pointless wall of text and good luck. Keep improving yourself and and it'll happen.
that's not skinny but that's definitely not big, either.
fucking matt serra or what? if not then this is false and you are exaggerating details in order to make average female judgement calls sound not inaccurate.
give or take a few %s...
Fit big is not the same as real life big. Most people don't find Rich Piana attractive.
You were probably fatter.
I literally had what normies call a ""4-pack"" at 18%
If you have a gut overhang, you are probably over 20%, unless you carry most your fat on your belly.
People here are still stuck in the early early 60s, i guess that is what old people call """jocks""""
fuck off
Pointless typing that to be honest. You can't help these people, they've decided they can't talk to people and that's the end of it.
He was a scrawny DYEL.
You will be bigger than bruce after noob gains.
It's not like I have anything better to do.
>It's unreal.
it literally is, because you made up this post
damn im 5'9 at 179 cutting to get that six pack.
are you on creatine or something? I weighed at 189 builtfat before I started cutting last month
heightfaceframe ;)
>What is normie's definition of Veeky Forums?
Having a sixpack and or be a curlbro
literally me a couple of years ago.
people called me ripped all the time and asked me for advice or touched my abs.leanness gives a perception of strength.
Shocked you've never been laid brah
Started cutting in feb, lifting heavy in march. where i'm from i'm in good shape, but not tremendous. all depends on the type of people you hang with
>tfw I have higher lifts than that but I'm still one of the small guys at my work
Lel it's 6%bf and 240lb
If your resting heart rate isn't in the 40's you don't deserve to call yourself fit in my opinion. Of course that won't fly here on an actual fitness board full of people that think being fit is lifting heavy and having girls look at you in the gym but forget you the second they leave.
Literally got home from my third lifting session ever and I was doing 110lb 5x5. Noob lifts depend entirely on previous sport experience, m8.
Such is live in the West, where every guy is a pussy. Where I live (Poland) everyone is at least strong fat. Woudl be nice to live in another country while being 190lbs lean, but considering most of your women are fat, I think I'll stay.
Eh, it's not exactly pointless. Reading things like that through the year almost convinced me to get out my basement. I'm on the verge of changing, lol.
in poland everyone is slav and poor
seriously you poltard, america is the best country
It's so great that everyone got fat from prosperity. I'm not belittling US, I really think you're cutting edge on everything. If only you didn't turn left a while ago and there was less acceptance for being fat and lazy leftist, your country would be the greatest. All hope is in Trump.
>can barely squat my own BW
Nigga what? I'm already squatting 180lbs 3 months in and it's one of my weakest lifts.
Also 150lbs myself.
We're talking weights here man, not one-punch-man jogging
You're doing great so far
fkn rekt kid