Roids, sloots and anime pillows
Roids, sloots and anime pillows
zyzz was cancer.
I'm glad he's dead.
epic :^)
1st for videogames = best cutting drug
Jerrbears and I sell everything and live the jerry life
gonna start pinning and will start directly with bnc because why not. can't find any ralox source, if I accidently fuck up and get high estro and get gyno symptoms will nolva help?
>in for made it to 82Kg
>struggling to keep this momentum going
>eating lots is slowly killing me inside
>my soul can't take this
I just gotta keep reminding myself only 1.5 more months of this and I start cutting
Gotta remember how big and juicy I'll look
I legit think my benis is broken
Onaholes are very nice
Figmas and plastic pussy are very expensive
Nolva works very well
More sides, it's outdated by ralox
Are there any interviews with current or ex-pro bb's talking about what gear they run without exaggerating or downplaying what they took?
Theres some amateurs who have discussed it. There are pros who have very obviously downplayed what they've taken. I can't think of a single pro that I can say told what they took and told the truth. Most advanced I can think of with minor bullshitting is palumbo. He was never pro but could have been easily. He got several 2nd places at national shows for years.
ok great, ty baby, hopefully I won't need to use it since I will start with asin right away
or almost right away since I will do test base with eq
Only Bostin Lloyd and Rich pianoman
Both of which seem to massively overdo the gear even by pro standards
Is test-e and Winnie a good first cycle?
What do for pct?
If I'm experiencing no sides at 300mcg prop/450 tren-a a week do I still need ai?
I might lower the dose to stretch my supply, what would be a good cruise ratio.
100 test 50 tren will probably bring you down to normal health levels, don't forget about cardio to familia
It's god tier you'll get absolutely peeled and have muscles growing where you didn't even know they could grow from.
You won't need any pct because you'll be a monster.
Is that what you wanted to hear? Good. Now fuck off.
I wouldn't even worry about it then.
So do you fuckers have your own sticky or what? Where do I start my research?
No, winstrol is the shittiest drug around.
Orals wise use Anadrol or dbol for mass, anavar, tbol, epistane for cutting.
maybe I'm reading it wrong.
>tfw 95kg ~16%
>tfw still look dyel
I wish I was 4'10"
Google fraud pastebin
It should pop up. The reddit wiki is good too
really? I'll will start with 150test 400eq. I will be slightly leaner than this when I start.
>cutting steroids
>bulking steroids
when will this meme end, kys pleb
Being a midget can have its perks
>all I have to do is dye my hair and beard red
>tell drunk girls I'm a leprechaun and that rubbing my dick is good luck
>it can't possibly fail, I'm short enough for it kek
Air is subjective but you could triple both of those
How tall are you?
>tfw 5'6 and just short enough to play a faerie at disneyland
too bad I don't live in the states I am cute af and would be perfect for the role
want to start low though, but since the ester is so slow I probably won't wake up one day and have ESTP titties
yeah I got that lol
About 5'6 in American measurements
166 in rest of world measuring
I've honestly thought about spending a few months in the US working doing random shit just to enjoy experiencing it for a bit.
>tfw it would be so easy getting low wage jobs purely because the accent is entertaining/ annoying af
Teen is both kek
EQ is soooo long
Like front load a gram
You're fine.
Seriously didn't use ai on ~500-600 each and I'm a fatties
>Implying the attributes of certain compounds aren't more suitable for one goal over another
If you think dry orals with shitty mass gains like tbol or var should be used on a bulk you're fucking retarded
And if you use bloating drugs like dbol on a cut you're equally retarded
Denying that drugs have different properties is like denying men and women are different, its blatant bullshit
Tren* fucking phone
yeah I love teens
so tbol is shitty mass gainer just because it doesn't fill you up with water and glycogen like dbol? I agree on water shedding stuff being used on cuts but why wouldn't you want to use them on a bulk to look leaner than you actually are?
too scared of gyno, might get some winny to look hard at the lake though
Because aside from tren, sdrol and epi all the drying drugs are shit for mass. And all the recent var and sdrol is utter shit.
Tren I agree with bulking but not everyone can handle it, deca and dbol give good feels and drol in my experience has very little bloat and great mass gain.
If you're trying to put on mass then use proper mass gaining compounds instead of fucking around spinning your wheels on shitty test/mast/tbol/var blasts
I kinda agree
What do you mean handle it?
Also enjoying my apparently infinite calories on this Tren bulk while somehow getting more veins every day
You're not going to fill out from those doses though.
Will be dry, especially with winny
Going to run a 4-500mg test cycle for 7 weeks. What should I research for PCT and OCT?
The kind you take after 15 weeks of test.
plan on doing my first cycle soon of test e 500 mgs a week for 10 weeks, for diet what do you guys think will be the best calorie surplus for making the most gains? not gaining alot of fat and etc
Do Moar research, most test takes a few weeks to kick in so you should run it longer if you run it at all, Google nigger we won't spoon feed you legit ask Google questions
>blood levels peak at 4 weeks
>going to end my cycle 3 weeks after that
For what purpose
I will add in stuff later, will drop winny then add 250tren then maybe some mast and then 50mg adrol
Cum and celery
500 is usually recommended. Maybe a bit more.
Lee priest talks about what he has used and when several times, but everyone calls him a liar every time.
Ric Drasin talks pretty often about what they used to take in the golden era (dbol, deca, primo pretty much. and not much either)
I'd say watch out for your bp with eq and tren but that's so low dose
Any tips for diet on 400 test, 600 dnp, 20mk677?
Cutting obviously.
And for 200/200 test/tren? Bulking. 300-400 surplus 50/30/20?
>doing a ratio on a tren bulk
Less than 60g fat, 250+ protein the rest carbs
>rest Carbs
Jerry... No :(
I was thinking 350/250/100.
If not 400/200/100.
I dont know much about DNP. Can't advise.
As for the bulking diet, it really doesn't matter. pretend you're a psychologically sound, normal, mostly happy individual and just eat normal food.
More than 150g prots on a bulk is overkill. I've seen lab results proving it.
1.2g per lb minimum, it's what the us oly coach used to go by
We're enhanced so even more is beneficial
Too much fat
That dirty bulk
Like I can talk though lol
DNP you can do whatever diet you want. Eat stuff with lots of potassium, sodium, and supplement magnesium.
There's a /dnp/ subbreit.
I find ephedrine is pretty much a must for a good cycle.
Yeah but im a meatarian. At least half of what I eat is either eggs with bacon, steak, chicken or fish.
If I cant eat like that I dont eat much of anything really.
I've seen blood tests of an endocrinologist. He ate 130g protein at maintenance and maintained a positive nitrogen balance. He was 7% and around 215 at the time.
I've got sibutramine and amphetamines.
Honestly I could do 500/250/50.
>when you're working out to a YouTube playlist and one of those hour long ads comes up you have to skip
Just fuck my shit up senpai
Also I did the 20 ml of test cyp. It's like .2 of the syringe kek I think most of it got trapped before the needle don't think I got shit all to worry about
20mg I hope. Or you'll have a very male nonpenis in about 3 hours.
Wouldn't andriol work for you? I've got 20 strips left.
>very male nonpenis
Please have this
No homo
I don't believe it
I guess on maintenance?
No way that's bulk protein though
It was a very tall roided up woman at 7% fat.
Yes 20mg typo
Honestly I already have it, I've used it before at like 200mg I think I'll be a fine
There are a handful of other things that do me better but I don't want to wait for shit to ship yolo etc
Eat whatever macros you want. Cals are only thing that matter for muscle gains. Tren will just shuttle carbs into your muscles better/ you'll look fuller.
I gained muscle on the same amount. On tren and peptides.
I promise niggu.
It never ends
Some people do that natty, can you believe it? Gaining muscle natty? Idiots.
Hey estp can I ask you a pregunta?
okay, so i'm seriously considering hopping on sust...
i've been lifting for fucking years, pre zyzz, pre tiny, pre trucrypt aka towelhead, pre quad.
I've been here a long fucking time and this is the first Veeky Forums post i've made in literally 2 years...
what does it feel like to be on?
Should i be worried of my temper?
I literally am already a crazed sex won't fucking make me lose my mind will it?
serious answers needed for oldfag
Si se puede
why the fuck havent you killed yourself yet puta
Stupid thread, zyzz was all naty bro
Keep estrogen in check
Some people can handle a lot of tren or a little. You don't need a lot of tren anyway.
>it won't fucking make me lose my mind will it?
Maybe. Nandrolone mellows out libido. While tren and proviron make me go crazy.`
I wish I knew
As natty as Jeff and Scooby and a lot of other guys people wank on about being natty :^)
What if I already have have gyno to begin with? Not him btw
callate el osico gordota
You'll be fine. I didnt get worse or better on gear.
It usually improves mood up to a point. Lethargy if you go too high on certain compounds.
Water weight/bloat is a thing, and you might get more agressive in a good way. Competitive and such.
Didn't know you were brazilian.
Lose weight.
what the fuck
Would I face less risk of worsening my gyno if I use SARMs? One dude here mentioned it last night
But just keep nolva and letro on hand.
Keep test low as in 100-150mg. Run masteron or proviron. Bulking choices are nandrolone, EQ, and tren.
That's my unprofessional advice.
>just Googled tranny prostitutes for 30 minutes
I can't stop, fuck.
Roid rage is jewelry propaganda
Libido increase is real, I literally pulled something fucking my plastic pussy and gave continued to since
Also all the guys you names were on roids but towelhead, what took you so long
My step mother is native Spanish speaker
J, also dhb and primo. Or 300 test with orals on and off.
Incline or flat bench for flat chest?