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That trainer only works there to buttfuck old men that want to work on their biceps.
mirin 160kg clean
say goodbye to her knees
Thoughts? All her achievements are usless because of dat ass. She's strong as phuck, but nobody gives a chit because she's a woman.
Those plates do not weight what you think they weigh. Those appear to be the Rogue VTX plates that my gym has, and I believe they're only in the typical American units. The oranges plates are 45 lbs, and the green plates are 10. Looks like a 5 and a 2.5 on each end. So you've got 280 lbs.
Which I can clean, AND jerk, with better form, no knee sleeves, and something resembling proper shoes. Though her ass IS nicer than mine. No hetero.
I desperately want to put a baby inside her.
That old guy in the back is like "ok, I give up, FML."
And what kind of trainer worth their salt would actually allow straight-bar curls like that? Those are bad for your wrists.
no tits and no waist
Might be okay if she's 53 kg since the C&J record is 131 kg and she's only a little under that.
sports bras how do they work
she's 5'9 though. so more like 75-80kg
... and she's married to a fat bald manlet powerlifter
>that dyel who has to lie about his lifts and make excuses because he's so insecure
Sports bras don't make you have no tits at all, kiddo.
Notice how you didn't post a pic of the actual girl in question?
No tits.
I think she shouldn't let her knees cave in like that.
Not bad. She gets my test levels going if too if you know what i mean
Congrats on being stronger than a chick.
>that guy curling in the background
She's a big girl.
They kinda do user. You should educate yourself
Is anyone else bothered by slow third pulls?
The ol' valgus collapse
My thought are
>wood berry
Good job, you're stronger than a fucking woman.
>this goddamn autistic board
>every fucking day
me on the right
He's doing a great job
I would finger her.
Her legs and glutes made me cum
>the way she slips off the belt in one smug and swift motion
She is pretty and cute, and that bod... My cod, would breed an army of superwarriors with her.
What a dumb bitch, you never drop the weight, you should always be in control.
she could have that ass without the oversized legs if she did glute bridges instead of lifting heavy.
thick legs are just obstacles that get in the way of the vagina
for some reason, the way she takes off the belt and just let it drops makes me hard
that guy in the back though
>he doesn't want his head crushed like a melon between a pair of thunderthighs
aborted the c&j cause she had to laugh, seeing the two guys in the mirror
cant blame her
>that extreme knee valgus moment
shame, she was kinda hot too
Bouncing the bar on diddlys. Would not bang.
me on the right
>mixed grip
>not tits
>fridge core
>big arms and quads
Just come out of the closet. I mean, it's the current year, for fuck's sake, nobody cares.
You can't breed with infertile rebbok roidgrrrls, user.
She can clean the bar but she should jerk me, if you know what I mean.
My tits are bigger then her's.
>implying you can go double overhand on 400lbs
So are mine, hers are not particularly big, dunno why you'd even bother to point it out.
Roids or not, which I doubt, she has some prime genetics for strength. Her sister has the same build. Weak men fear strong women.
>when she turns around
She needs better form she is gonna blow out her knees one day.
If you aren't a woman, that should be well within your capabilities.
And if it is not, you are just super weak :)
Weak webm. She didn't even pee.
fuck you
This. Fucking hate dudes who try to DL like 500lbs and halfway up they just drop it, that noise makes me cringe.
Attacking a person for their opinion when the OP asked for their opinion.
Wow, this board has gone to shit
>OP asks for opinions
>user gives his opinions
>Other anons find it shit
You're fucking thin skinned holy shit. Why are you even in a discussion if you can't take the slight bit of attack you fucking moron
>Hurr durr everyone is entitled to his opinions
Well that opinion was shit ,arrogant and he sounds like a poumpous cunt.
Fuck off you bloody cumslurping double tosser
>tfw your fridgefu will never peg you
why even live brehs
Shut the fuck up you autistic faggots, youre only mad cos this bitch is stronger than you
Who cares if you drop bumpers anyway
>good bye knees
>now pls sit on face
>Boo hoo valgus
>Bad form
>Blah blah blah
You're all mad weak cucks cos this chick can clean more than your max dead
>the year of our lord 2^20-32
>can't like muscled bodies without being called gay
just let the miserable bastards jerk in peace.
she brought the bar off center (it was a little to her right) and still finished it. looks hard.
Nobody fears her, she's just not attractive to most men because she looks masculine.
>nice snatch
OWG would like a word with you
>saying that snatch isn't nice
My dick would like a word with you
>that chick looks like a man
nah, you just look like a bitch
>Love the feeling
>mucular physique, no tits and a fridge core aren't masculine traits
>being attracted to those traits isn't gay
fridgemode is disgusting on females
especially when the chest ruins her boobs.
How do women even get fridge cores? I squat 500lb and my waist is still not that thick. Is it just genetics?
Impressive for a chick but I was really concerned about her knees for a second there, holy shit. Almost thought this was gonna be one of those horror threads.
>tfw no fridge gf
Getting fat, then lose weight makes u fridge, not squatting and deadlifting.
This is so common. Insta models have started posting this pic related
I am the guy who curls 30lbs in the power cage with bad form while chewing bubble gum btw
Fucking autists ruin this board.
me in the back
the way she squats with all that weight... i can't stop imagining her squating like that on muh dick
>t. retard
>Weak men fear strong women.
tumblr pls go
theres a huge roidculture in crossfit m8
rape his ass
why is that old nigga in the back breathing like that?
rippletoes actually does. But if it hurts your wrist I guess you shouldn't do them.
says the guy who just pulled 2pl8's and is now an authority on power lifting
Why do crossfit girls actually get so wide in the middle?
lol pretty sure that was a max out. gotta go all out on a max out or youll never make it.
I'll let her crash into me
>MFW she has replied to me on instagram three times
about what?
mediocre lifting conversations. she has a husbando unfortunately ;(
>reds aren't 25kgs
fucking crossfit