Explain jason blaha's current body in two words

>explain jason blaha's current body in two words

big guy

too fat

fucking shit

bretty gud


Two is a waste

Like Serge Nubret, but more muscular

melted butter

Cut, needed.

Delusional fatty

too big

He has to properly bulk first to cut if he cuts now he'd look like he has aids

Can someone please explain to me why this guy is popular. I get that he most likely lied about being military intrlligence, but he was popular before that.

Why wont he just cut down to 10% bodyfat?

Not even asking for single digit.

CIA Sausage


He was a meme even before that.

Idiot newfriends thought we unironically liked him, because he isn't necessarily wrong, most of the time.

He just gives really basic bitch obvious advice.

And when he does try to science, he fails miserably
>hurr the WHO can't distinguish between correlation and causation

But yea, he spouts obvious shit like mike o hearn is on drugs.

His dislikes and shit have always been high, and people have always trolled him.

He is just a meme

Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

thats my boy hemingway

Dad bod



Dog shit

>in two words

Absolutely Disgusting

Skinny fat

>that manlet delusion
too kek


The Monster

Kline Felters

Stroke Survivor

wiiiiiide hips

He needs to hit triceps

Jason "The Joke" Blahahahahaha

ayy lmao

fat autist

Your entire force is a joke. Just ask me you fucking pussies. Are you that scared of the fucking Russians and Chinese. I'm not surprised they're far more intelligent than you are anyway.

I'm flattered that you'd do all this for me but it won't delay you getting your shit kicked in by them though. Hope you enjoyed your burgers and hot dogs you obese murdering fucks. Killing my family only made me hate you more. God would have been better off aborting most of you

juggernaut bitch

You know what's funny is I wrote that without even knowing his channel name was "Juggernaut Fitness TV.

please tell me it's not really his body...
>skinny fat

The algorithm

Exactly why I didn't feel bad about the attacks yesterday. They're all the algorithm anyway right user. Why should I care about pawns on on a chessboard


bigboy hemmingway

what video is that?

Generic nightshade

Really gross

U mad


zero muscle

Human Dough