Pic related is me and my girl...

Pic related is me and my girl. I'm 5'3 and she's 5'10 so what was that short guys can't get girls meme about again Veeky Forums?

To keep this Veeky Forumsness related what's the best lower back workout bar deadlifts?

Other urls found in this thread:


lanklets on suicide watch

My last girlfriend was 6' and im 5'9 to be honest height doesn’t really mather.

I'd let her jack me off with her feet. Good 4 u op

She's a 4/10 at best.

I wonder if it bums girls out when they find out they're a guys beard.

I'm 6'2 and I'm taller then I'm almost every girl I've ever met. Also I wouldn't fuck you girlfriend but congrats lil man.

romanian and stiff leg deads
bent over barbell rows from the floor (there's a name for them but it escapes me at the moment)
full ROM cable rows

she probably thinks she's at some humanitarian camp feeding starving little pacific islanders

>I wonder if it bums girls out when they find out they're a guys beard.
What does he mean by this?

a gay man's girlfriend so everyone thinks he's straight. Get it, like a beard?

All right buddy. I hope you both have a happy life together.

No hate here.

>bent over barbell rows from the floor (there's a name for them but it escapes me at the moment)
pendlay rows

You're both ugly as sin and you don't even lift. Can you post your bait elsewhere? Thanks.

discusting lol

Half this board is full of 18-25 year old virgins so I'd say he's doing pretty well.

Only gay men have beards? Is that what your trying to say?

Nice try OP

I can go out and pick up a fat chick right now that is more attractive than your gf

Grats for making that leap I guess

Im guessing this guy must be your hero

No, you fucking moron. A "beard" is a girl that is dating a closeted gay man. It makes the closeted gay man look straight. Much like an actual beard is traditionally seen as masculine and therefore straight.

>imgur filename

whos the girl

Ahhh ok I get it now. The other two comments just sounded like something different

Lanklets on full scale damage control

But why do beard's make you straight? I know plenty of gays with beards

This is the way I imagined Dipper and Wendy from gravity falls together. Uhm... I mean heavy deadlift and testosterone!

Top keks

Its a term from the earlier days of gay culture.

Fucking christ for a board full of faggots, none of you queers know a damn thing about gay history

5'8" manlet here.

I think it only counts when you get a hot girlfriend, and not a rancid crackhead.

6'2 grill here, pretty insecure about height so I would strongly prefer a taller bf. I know most people prefer taller guys, so maybe you just went against the odds OP?
Or maybe she has a scat fetish

>disgusting skinny fat tramp
>ugly as fuck face
>ugly as fuck body
>literally a bottom feeder who had to settle for a manlet

Delude yourself all ya want faggot, she's a dog.

it really is though.

a bro in the roid thread a few weeks ago posted a pic of a chick he was fucking. an user, incredulous, asked him if he was 6'2 and had a square jaw and jacked, as according to him this is the only way he could land a girl that hot (and to be honest, she was just cute, not a fucking supermodel or anything)

bro posted a pic of himself, he was 5'8, lean muscular but nothing to post on anime boards about, and otherwise unremarkable looking.

user insisted he was full of shit. He just HAD to be full of shit, like it would rock his world view that this normal looking guy managed to pull a cute bird.

These are the same guys telling you they know about women, mating, genetics and fitness. They don't even leave their house and you take advice from them. Just lmao.

My last girlfriend was 7'2" and I'm 4'8" to be honest height doesn't really matter.

My last girlfriend was 8" and I'm 4" to be honest height doesn't really matter.

>or maybe she has a scat fetish?
top bants my amazon queen
please sit on my face

>I can go out and pick up a fat chick right now
kind of a weird thing to brag about. Sweaty fat chick v. tall, blond, blue-eyed girl with nice legs. think this lad's got you beat user.

a shitskin manlet with a potato face managed to land a white 5 and there average to above average looking tall white guys here who have never even kissed a girl because they think thats a bridge too far LOL

5'8 here dating a 5'10
Only sluts who want you for status/ show off care about your height, if a girl truly likes you she doesn't give a shit, if she does she's nothing but pump and dump material.

>...To keep this Veeky Forumsness related
This is a meme now

You know there's a pretty high chance that it's a dude posting right?

The fuck am I reading?

Do people REALLY in this thread think this is real and not just some faggot posting a pic he found on Reddit? Wtf is this board anymore.

lose those earrings tho user jesus. those are unacceptable at any height.


> a literal skeleton talking shit about somebody else
Kek. Go drink some milk and then try coming back .

>imgur title
try better next time bitter manlet. also she looks like /r9k/'s eggman lmao

why are you posting on Veeky Forums if you dont even lift?
baka desu senpai

hey I know I'm even worse than manlets, just giving my two cents.


6'2 here, genuinely well done OP. (Not lanklet lol)
Honestly height isn't as big of an issue as everyone claims it is, my bro is 6'3 and wishes he was 5'9 lol.

How does it feel like to be a freak? Good luck finding an actual man, you'll be dating nothing but lanky skeletons lol


if you're not extroverted being a literal giant is pretty tough.

6ft6 reporting in.

Am jelly!