ITT: post your ideal partner's body.
ITT: post your ideal partner's body
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better go see a doc for low test.
High test men are attracted to women with feminine faces not fatasses you fucking retard
You're a failure to fitness.
That was a study of facial attractiveness.
High-test men are motivated to fuck more women than low-test men are.
Too much flab.
Great ass and legs but no tiits.
No pronounced waistline and long torso, also can't see legs and ass.
Not bad, but she seems to be a womanlet.
No 10/10 so far.
Nice thickness but that face...
test levels off the charts
We're talking ideal bodies here
back to /r9k/'s belly gf threads with this one
>High-test men are motivated to fuck more women than low-test men are.
No shit sherlock...
my ex
What happened?
Idc bros. As long as its a body.
>tfw no gf
I would actually quite like OP's, but that's just me.
>That guy who goes through these threads and rates every post
lotsa shit. it was pretty mutual but I still yearn for dat puss
Its called discussion.
>"6/10 would not bang" is discussion
okay buddy
Where did you see "6/10 would not bang" itt?
>autism intensifies
what's wrong with the face?
she's cute
Fit girls asses are too firm and not enough jiggle and squeeze
t. femanon
do you actually like tats like that?
I think tats are degenerate actually.
Looks bloated, maybe just not my type.
>dat puss
Oh come on that's clearly not a puss
l share these tastes frlend0
I just want to say it saddens me deeply to see that the high test meme was misinterpreted to such a point that these days there are autists actually citing studies to try and argue about it
And just like that I realize that it's not just a joke, some users here really DO have autism.
You both are going to make some fatty happy one day.
Fuck off I like thick women too but this nigger posted a fat chick and acted like she should be in a high test thread
I threw up in my mouth a little.
I came
Why are you posting pictures of yourself again?
prequals poster. Would not smash.
Yes, I am being unironic.
This is true high test
I dream about dating a petite skinny girl and having her try and keep up with my diet and turning into a chubby little girl which I can tease and grab from behind.
That ain't me tho.
I just picked the most attractive person I could find on cbt desu
>implying puppers are the ideal partner
Man's best friend, desu senpai
>tfw no cute faced big butt nignog gf
Would be better if the colors were inverted
Such a qt
All you children with shit taste.
This a sfw board you dipshit. No one wants to see this tub of lard anyways go to /s/ for that.
So mad
based mister two
Reminds me of this
Tfw my daddy did this to me except I didn't get chubby, just gained weight in all the right places
but mr2s are slow.. TT supra would be better
>for you
Fuck off balconyfag
>all these low test faggots in this thread
who are all these absolutely dogshit trips?
Is that a lil dicku i spy?
We have all been lifting heavy ass weight for a reason. This is our moment of triumph. It is our time to do what others could not and slay that booty.
The one with the glorious pecs would be my dream cute bottom bf.
Here you go, user!
the only correct answer. Angie is a goddess
Blood sugar levels off the charts
it's all about face senpai, when you shitters gonna learn.
>tfw no radioactive nigger gf
This thread is all about the body you fucking retard kys my senpai
desu for girls it's all about FACE, HIPS and TITS.
I would. Spooky negress sex would be the bomb.
>You will never fuck a massive negra with spotted bra and an anime diadem with fake horns and cow ears.
What race is this women? She looks black