I called one of my old lifting buddies from college and he says I'm exhausting my muscles by doing PPL because I'm only giving my upper body two days of rest with no rest between my push and pull. Does that sound accurate?
I'm thinking about doing my PPL but giving myself a day in between each workout - Push rest Pull Rest Legs rest.
I'm not sure what to do here. Does this sound reasonable?
How much do you sleep? Try to sleep 10 hours every night and see if it helps. If not, you eat too little. Ppl wont have that effect you described unless you do something wrong. Try sleeping more one week and eating more the next and see if it helps.
Connor Jackson
> How much do you sleep? Try to sleep 10 hours every night and see if it helps
I get plenty of sleep.
> If not, you eat too little.
I don't know if that's the case. I'm getting around 19,000 calories a day and my body weight in grams of protein. Even if my diet was shit for like four days straight, you shouldn't expect a drop in like 5 reps for every exercise in a span of four days.
I was kind of afraid I would get cookie cutter nooblet answers like this. I've worked out off and on my whole life (was infantry in the US Army so fitness was literally my job). This is the first exercise regimen I've ever been a part of that doesn't give you days of rest in between.
> pl wont have that effect you described unless you do something wrong
That's what I'm skeptical of. I don't know what I could possibly be doing wrong if I drop so many reps so quickly after seeing straight progress for 45 days.
Michael Jackson
19, 000 = 1,900 (sorry, typo)
Eli Powell
why are you asking for advice then when your obv an expert
Brayden Kelly
PPLxPPLxPPLxPPLx continue till death
Logan Campbell
Go fuck yourself. Knowing that you don't suddenly drop 4 - 5 reps per exercise in one day because "YOU SUDDENLY AREN'T EATING ENOUGH / GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP" whenever literally none of my habits have changed doesn't make me think I'm an expert. It just means you're giving bullshit answers.
Xavier Mitchell
Days where you don't perform well happen Also 1900 calories enough to keep adding weight after more than a month is enough for like a 5'2 grill desu senpai I eat more than that cutting over 2 lbs a week
Nolan Gonzalez
welcome to Veeky Forums.
Joshua Lewis
You're obviously looking for some kind of awnser that's already made up in your mind, and wont accept any other advise.
"Stuff is going wrong, but im not the reason, right?? plzz hlp" That's you
Ryder Nguyen
Thomas Butler
>You're obviously looking for some kind of awnser that's already made up in your mind, and wont accept any other advise.
>"Stuff is going wrong, but im not the reason, right?? plzz hlp"
I've already addressed how this isn't true, but you aren't listening to me. I guess the standard for shitposting on this board has gotten worse and still doesn't surprise me.
Just for the record, "Are you getting enough sleep" and "area you eating enough" are the same answers you guys say to everybody about everything. I grant you that it's often the case for complete newb dyels, but there's absolutely no reason you're going to DROP 5 reps on every exercise in one day after consistent gains if your diet and sleeping patterns were consistent. You might plateau or stay the same, but you won't suddenly fail to reach your reps that badly.
> Days where you don't perform well happen
I think this might be it. If it isn't rest. We'll just give it a shot today and see what happens.
Xavier Jones
Pretty obviously just stating the point is making yo, hope you grow up some day, and stop acting like a spoiled child. GL
William Cook
yh u got it now fuck off
Jackson Rodriguez
That is literally nothing,
Grayson Robinson
Do a medium week. Then a light week then a heavy week then take a couple days off. Doing this my lifts always go up on heavy week.
Cameron Wilson
1900 calories seems really little man. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
Bentley Ross
Kf you just started doing PPL give it a few weeks to grt used to it.
I lifted for maintance few months on PPL once a week, and now Started bulking and first weak of PPLxPPL(not first time did ppl throughout the year)has been brutal yi had to take more rest days during week.
Lincoln Richardson
I mean OP had a pretty good point. You give beta-quality advice and OP called it out as bullshit. Sounds reasonable to me.
Like user said, there's no reason you'll drop so many reps for any of those reasons.