Is really tall girl the worst thing to be in the height spectrum?

Is really tall girl the worst thing to be in the height spectrum?
>manlets are pretty common, it pushes them to try harder to overcompensate, will usually still be taller than most girls
>lanklets are mired and praised for their height, but it's relatively common too, might have a harder time putting on weight, but when they do they are adonis
>short girls are cute, get a nice ass easy
>Tall girls get strange looks everywhere, require much more work to look good than shorties, often have angular faces and bad curves, very rarely high test, people don't want to settle down with them

No one gives a fuck about height in the real life man

It's a fucking internet meme made by /r9k/ and other betas. Seriously no one notices or cares unless you're like 5'1 male or 7'0

>No one gives a fuck about height in the real life man
people stare if you're a 186 grill

Maybe for a second and then they turn away

No one really cares that much

Yeah man 'cause I'm wondering about those legs wrapped around me.

>tfw you will never have an amazon woman

Manlet in denial

I'm 6'1" and I have a thing for taller girls. I'm talking like 5'10"- 5'11".
They're normally more slender and have legs for days

Tall girls are gross desu

Y-you too.

Tall girls are cute and model-tier

Women on Veeky Forums, please don't pay attention to this garbage troll chart OP posted, us tall men love tall women, don't listen to those sub 6' oompa loompa gnomes.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>tfw no tall gf

Do they even want 5'11 kings of manlets?

lol yeah and studies showing that women prefer taller men is made up shit by space jews.

I stare. because I am 198, and you are Karlie Kloss I want to MUH DICK you into a large series of well-adjusted, properly raised children with great careers

How big was the group studied?

OP here. Not really. I would vastly prefer someone taller than me. But hey, there's more to the world than size.

tall girls are gross man they cant even look feminine if they tried with their giraffe like bodies Lmao

5'1 - 5'4 best female height

bigger than you little man.

>this is what autistis on Veeky Forums believe

your kids are going to be ugly just like you pham

t. dwarf-lady.
r-right guys?

But why?

don't you want to be big spoon and tower over me?

no, my height honestly makes me pretty insecure. If I had a taller bf it'd be like I was normal-sized. Also small guys often expect weird things I'm not into.

lel noaint
my fault some faggot manlets get insecure just by standing next to me


Don't you think it would be cute? You're not even that much taller than me it's h-hardly noticable ;-;

I want a tall gf

I wish you luck user!

Fugg man iktf

>I wish you luck user!

>That's all she could say because she hates manlets but doesn't want to seem rude

I never chose my height... this... isn't fair

Sorry. If It's any condolence it probably wasn't going to happen anyways, I live in Denmark

>TFW even girls online can't take a few seconds of their day just to say a couple nice words to you so that you feel better

I didn't choose my height, ok? I never selected this.

>us tall men love tall women,
Implying anyone wants a tall lanklet lololol

What do I have to do to make up for my height?

Tall girls are hot

But so are short girls. Two female friends in college were 4'11" and 6'1" respectively and I would have hit them if they weren't dating my bros.

I guess I like extremes. Big tits or flat, super tall or super short.

You sound like a little bitch

Of course if you are a gay man and care about that shit.A straight man should fuck any pussy be it fat, anorexic, fit, short, tall, feminazist etc. Unless it has flesh eating bacteria or some shit.Also how is this fitness related?

I am a little bitch

My inferior height is proof of it.

Feels bad knowing ill always look like I'm compensating if I get rich or much bigger than I currently am. What am I suppose to do

Sounds like someone needs to man the fuck up, accept the hand they were dealt in life and go ask girls out. Anyone too shallow to reject you for your height isn't worth it.

This. Actually getting tired of the manlet joke, shit's been beat to death now.

As a matter of fact, go out into the real world, and you'll find out that nobody gives a fuck about anything considered law here.

>6 footsies tall

Guilty as charged.

I probably got caught staring at this Chinese guy's 6 foot or so tall daughter at the airport a couple years back but she was hot and it was totally worth ogling

be funny and confident I guess.
It's a lot about first impressions with me, I don't like people that are too aggressively pursuing me, also don't expect me to be your mommy or some shit, short guys seem to do that. also be swole.

I lost the genetic lottery in every way

>Bad dandruff
>Bad eyesight
>Bad skin(no acne but it does not look too good)

I'm so close to ending it but my only hope is that if I earn as much money as possible eventually a cure for all my problems will be found and life extension therapy will come out and ill be able to relive my missed years after it's all fixed

I refuse to believe this person is being serious.
There's no way someone can be this pathetic...right?

Ysah haha... just kidding guys

I was just trolling all along! Gotcha!!!

>Don't expect me to be your mommy

Lots of girls are now doing this on their own-and guys are desiring it.

Who could be behind this?

I prefer tall women personally. My ex was about 6 foot and we looked great together.

Oh also forgot
>will never get to stand on tippy toes to kiss a boy

I'm 5'10" and I think girls over 6' are the seciest things around


Manlets confirmed for high estrogen sissies

It does matter though, Veeky Forums greatly exaggerates it though. No one in real life is going to consider a 5'10" male a manlet. But if you're a 5'7" man try asking out a 5'10" woman and telling me that height doesn't matter.

The best

then get some dandruff shampoo and contacts and stop whining like a little bitch

Under 4'11 is honestly truly the qtest tier

I went out with a 4'9 girl once, they are just so little no pedo

6'2 bro reporting in. I know that feel, I'm also not really attracted to girls under about 5'4

It really sucks being 4'11, I just wanna be a kinda tall 5'6 :c

I don't find them as attractive at all, they tend to look kind of stumpy and their walk is way less sexy than a tall woman's walk. There's a reason runway girls are all tall.

Yarssssssssssssss im 6'3 and I want to ram my fucking 8 inch cock into a runway modellll rejfpieupteiuptuaaw

how beta can u get

Stop being a bitch
>height doesn't matter that much
>get contacts
>get dandruff shampoo
>get a skin care routine there was a thread a day or two ago

I know it's a troll but 7/10 for making me reply

Are you me? I'm the same except that I like taller women a bit more, superior genetics for a possible child

That list must have been made by an insecure 5'7 cuck.

Also, who the fuck wants to have a short son? Not worth risking it just to satisfy your midget fetish.

Im 5'11 and want a girl that is atleast 5'6 (pref taller up to max 6'2) to ensure my son is my height or taller.

no way bro

I'm 5'10 and I've never been discriminated against or made fun of because of my height IRL. Never. No girls have ever said I'm too short. No guys have ever called me small. It has never happened in my entire life. I'm sure the manlet shit is true in dating, but only if you're so short that it's significant, like 5'2" or something, even then you could just date a super short girl for fucks sake.

Fuck, I usually date girls at my height. I don't even like short girls.

Here being 5'10" is like king beta manlet faggot mode or some shit. Being 5'10" is great because there are still more shorter guys than taller guys at 5'10". I really don't notice that a guy is taller than me unless he's like 6'8" or literally tells me he's 6'3 or whatever.

at least you go to the gym on a regular basis and eat properly!

I'm 5'5 1/2 and my gf is 5'. Am I a winner?

No because your sons are gonna be manlets too.

5'6" Napoleon who loves tall girls checking in

>5'8" KV here
Don't be an idiot. It's being a manlet

Fucking kill yourself dude.

You're dooming your children, fucktard.

Im 6'3 I dont care about the chicks height as long as she's blonde and not a landwhale but still has dat ass.

Small ones are good cause you can throw them around and tall ones are good so you dont have to hunch down to hear them speak or kiss them

5ft9 194lbs overweight guy, but in the process of going down to 170lbs from my highest at 210lbs here. I'm dating a 5ft2 105lb kawaii asian girl. Shits so cash, we've been dating 2 months now. Honestly shes way out of my league, im like a solid 6/10, maybe 7.5/10 after weight loss. People say I'm funny though and have a good personality so I guess that adds a point. Shes easily a 8.5/10, 9/10 on a great day. We really like each other, but I have no idea what attracted her to me in the first place. Shes actually the one who asked me out in the first place. We both worked at the same job before they transferred her to a different section in the same building so we were friendly with each other for a good month before she asked me out. I'm actually her first boyfriend, apparently she was extremely shy so thats why. But yea, shits fucking awesome. I don't know, didn't really have a reason to post this, just wanted to brag or some shit.

This desu

im 5'7, i'd gladly date a taller girl but she wont cause she cares what her friends think.

even if you have a nice face, it wont work unless you are rich.

this image was made by a manlett...I'm 6ft 6in and I will never date a woman less than 6ft tall. 5'5 is short as fuck 5'8-5'10 is good but 6'+ is the best.

>You are now above average and officially have officially have a disadvantage

The only person with a disadvantage is whatever autist put this together.

Stop spewing this garbage!!! I am a 5'7" manlet because my father married a short woman (my mom) with short male relatives. Now I have to improve my game, get rich, and get jacked, all so that I can marry a tall qt, so that my kids have good genetics.


Height matters if you're trying to get some 9/10 model tier chick but for most girls, it matters very little unless you're literal midget tier (like 5'2).

Doesn't necessarily work that way.

My dad is 5 foot 9 and my mum is 5ft.

I'm 6 foot 1.

Naww all little itty babys

How tall your mom is only sets the lower cap for how short your son can get. If you're genetically valid as a male (read: over 6 feet) there's no reason your son wouldn't also be tall.
Short women have healthier hormonal levels, are more obedient, are more curvacious, have more feminine faces, and this might be bullshit but iirc they live longer.
Short women are waifu for laifu. This thread is filled with manlets that want someone even more of a genetic failure to drag away attention.
>There's a reason runway girls are all tall.
Yeah, to fit and show off clothing better. Most of them are also extremely androgynous facially, and pretty fridgey relative to their weight.
>muh victorias secret models
Yeah, those women are like the olympic bodybuilders of women, don't expect normal 6 foot women to have that kind of figure

That fucking chart is for retarded manlets. Best height for females is 5'7-5'11. Excellent proportions for a long, lithe body with long legs and accentuated curves.

>are more obedient
I'm tall and I'm pretty much a doormat.

Can you make that rope bigger for the both of us?

this chart was made by a manlet

this post was made by a manlet

so was this post

>If you're genetically valid as a male (read: over 6 feet)

that means shit and you know it

its literally just how girls view attraction to males

it doesnt mean you are good stock at all

I wanna say that's true but I would add that it's more /r9k/ manlets. As a manlet, I don't care. I like tall or short, doesn't bother me, though I tend to agree with on best heights even though I'm 5'7.

>not appreciating long sexy legs
What are you, gay or something?

absolutely beta.

5'11" is prime height to be bang qt3.14 5'6" - 5'7"

stay away from gross freaks

The ideal female height is 5'9" and the ideal male height is 6'1"-6'2".

This is indisputable

I can agree with these. A shame I'm a manlet.

I would literally cut off my hand to have a tall lean girl let me bury my face in her long juicy thighs

I've dated a bunch of girls out of the same group but never the tall, amazon goddess.

I'm 6ft and just want a girl that is taller than me but isn't also four hundred pounds

>5'11" is prime height to be bang qt3.14 5'6" - 5'7"


I'm like 6'-6'1 in shoes

im fine the way i am, and fuck what other people think

I'm 181 bare feet
I also live in Canada so its different that say in the Netherlands.

But yes. 5'11" is a prime height for that height range. Although you want to be in the 6'1"-6'2" for the Goldilocks zone of 5'9" women.

I'm also in Canada my lad

I am a virgin and i've never kissed a girl though

Where are these sources? I can find tall girls attractive but the sweet spot for me is like 5'8 give or take a couple inches. Surprise suprise my mom is about 5'7, but I'm not one of those guys that wanna fug their mum

Underrated post.

>height is everything

height gets your foot in the door easier.

Perhaps fix other aspects of your life. But I can safely say your height is fine as long as you stay away from above average girl.

I was with a girl who was 5'7" and wore heels and people said my height was perfect for her at the prom.

How do I get a gf in Canada?

I live in Southern Ontario and I am starting to lose hope

Doesn't matter how tall the girl is as long as you are about 5 inches taller than her. 180/5'11 and the girls that are perfect for me are 166/5'5. There are shorter girls just as there are shorter guys. Don't lose hope, you'll make it someday.

I heard Toronto is a shithole. I've never been to Ontario so I don't know about things there.

I lived in Vancouver all my life but I study in Montreal.

Honestly, the best way to get a long term gf is to focus on yourself. I am assuming you are going to university. Focus on yourself and make sure everything is good with you. If you are genuinely comfortable and you can say "I am okay." then you got step 1 completed. Step 2 is to be socially available.

Step two is important. Imagine a fisherman with the best bait and equipment in the world but never goes to the lake.

Is he going to catch anything? No. But if you are going out and having a good time with friends etc, then people will catch onto you.

>no friends

You'll have to go to /r9k/ for the specialist appointment.

I'm a fucking dyel loser who's doing nothing with his life except working two menial wageslave jobs