How does Veeky Forums deal with stress?

how does Veeky Forums deal with stress?

I trace doggos in paint

Got any more?
If i send you a picture of my doggo, will you trace it?

i go for walks at 2am

post moar


Can you trace my dogbro Bentley

havnt been home for 4 months ;(

Trace this little faggot pls

Here's a better picture of his face

trace my pup, OP, please

i will trace your doggos

i watch hours of porn

here you go user


Thanks man it's perfect

here you go

sorry my bad


Can u trace these hot babes user

Can you trace my doggo, user?

user pls

thanks me bredda

? :)

Pugs are shit-tier dogs.

Thanks senpai

maybe I should try

I'll draw your doggo

Reading threads like these make me question what I'm doing with my life

>stress thread turns into a deviantArt commission page

I write it all out into my diary desu

i dont feel any better

Could you trace this ol' doggo for me? He ran away a few months earlier. He was very shy and cautious all the time, but I really miss him...

Lol OP that's adorable