Low test?

>Can't get erections unless masturbating
>when i have time i often sleep 10-14 hours
>often depressed and anxious
>can deadlift and squat over 500 pounds
>even after sleeping 10+ hours im still tired
>shit mood, irritable, not happy

What is going on with me ?

reverse puberty

too much porn

Same here, I can fix the erection part by just not masturbating for a week, though, the rest doesn't change shit.

Just saying this before anyone advises you nofap, it's all a bullshit meme (except for the random boners).

nofap should solve your erection problem

About your mental health: maybe you have a personality disorder, lots have. Just read about some and get yourself an overview

are you fucking retarded

sleep isn't just a meme like cardio it's actually a necessity.

When you have a bad sleep schedule it reflects. You CAN sleep too much.

Go fix your sleeping pattern and do stuff with your time outside and you'll lose the depression and your mood will improve.

How old are you?


I can understand why you are so tired and feel so shitty. It is only going to get worse from now on bro.

Off the top of my head, depression, sleep apnea, and just plain old oversleeping all seem like viable possibilities.

is it possible to be low test if you can squat/diddly over 500?

porn addiction

seriously tho get off the porn

also do some cardio and take vitamin D

take your vitamins damnit!

Thats what i wonder. Its been like this for years.

I can remember fighting to keep my eyes open on the drive to the gym. Then going in there and squatting 400+

Sounds like you've got general depression. You're just describing general problems except for the erection. Low test comes with a whole set of different complaints apart from being tired.

Ok other than take magic happy pills that dont work and going to talk to someone that pretends they care for 100 dollars an hour what can i do?

sleep less? who sleeps that fucking much and gets away with it? you need 7-9 MAX

Work on self improvement and meditation. Read books. Start doing cardio regularly alongside lifting. Figure out what could be a problem and work to fix it. Some people also say mdma or LSD could help under the right circumstances (not just partying but using it as a tool to achieve new ways of thinking) but I'm sceptical about that.

Seriously depression is something you can fix yourself, psychologists and medications are just there for people who lack the discipline or willpower to fix it themselves.

Also this... just limit your sleep to 8 hours man. When I sleep for 10 hours I'll also feel dizzy and tired as fuck the whole day

>magic happy pills that don't work
They do work but remember that nobody is the same so the results will vary from medication to medication.
They're not something you want to be on for a long time but it's much better than being in your current state.

get trt nigga

Goddamn it Veeky Forums not everything is because of testosterone. I know your only tool is a hammer, but come on.

+1 for sleep apnea