Bad Feels Thread

The other feels thread is just about good feels, so I thought I'd start a thread where anons can just post what's troubling you and pour their heart out. Doesn't necessarily have to be bad feels, just post what's on your mind.

>scored a summer job 2 months ago at my local grocery store
>happy as fuck since jobs are basically nonexistant here
>one month in there's an incident where exactly 40€ mysteriously vanishes in two consecutive weeks
>get a lot of shit for it, there's a hearing where the management undirectly but very obviously accuses me of stealing
>I'm a really nice guy, a former beta who's had a good upbringing, I never could've imagined I'd be in this situation
>fast forward today
>get called to the management's office
>yesterday there was 20€ less in the register than was supposed to even though I made NO mistakes and took extra care not to make any
>told to get my stuff and leave

And that's how I got fired from my first job. I feel like shit right now. I know I have only myself to blame, I should've been more responsible.

To make the thread fitness related
>3 weeks ago
>bench pressing 3x10 80kg like a champ
>feel left shoulder snap
>hurts like a motherfucker
>can't lift for 2 weeks
>can finally bench press again
>lost all my summer progress
>now I'm jobless and weak as fuck
>considering downing a bottle of rum and watching movies all night

>downing a bottle of rum that night
With the cash you stole breh?

back to

only 178 cm but my dad is 187 cm
end my life

>graduated high school
>never had a gf or any other teenage experiences
>2 months after graduation i just realize this
>want to go back
>you will never be forced into a room with other kids your age
>you wont go through the phase of maturing with your peers ever again
I just wanna sit in a classroom one more time.

Naw man, it's actually the cheapest rum you can buy. Probably going to blend it with some cheap cola so it's drinkable.

Even I'm not dumb enough to believe that you won't get caught if you steal from the register. Especially when stealing big bills, that's just begging for trouble.

>20 year old virgin
>make love to 1st woman
>never talk to her again
>mfw she now has blue hair

dodged that bullet

That's a harsh feel bro.

I spent my best teenage years playing WoW and being pissed at my parents for not liking me being on the computer 24/7. It was THIS close that became a social outcast. I just want to go back and fix it all.

The only good thing that came out of being an outcast it was that i got good grades but even then i didnt even apply to any unis so im going to community college which means all my effort was for nothing.
Not only did i miss all the teenage experiences but all the work i put into school was useless as well.

I am right there with you bro, right fucking there with you. I would have never touched a fucking video game nor even thought about looking at pornography. I'd have focused on my grades and extra curricular activities as well as lifting.

So many things could have been avoided, and I could actually flourish in life instead of being where I'm at right now. I know that things can be fixed, I'm only 22, but that's just it, I feel too old as is.

I feel like if I were to ever do anything great, I'd have done or would have started doing it by now. Be a mainstage festival DJ? Kids are already producing tracks at the age of 14 that are AAA by label standards.

Never thought I'd want to go through HS again, but fuck man, the "real world" is shit; actual shit.

My first friend ever, literally the first male baby I met as an infant, has his own event once a month and has been able to book artists like DJ Orkidea and Darude to play there. We're almost the same age. Holy shit I feel inferior, I wish I would've concentrated on something meaningful instead of making my phone battery last longer...

So much truth. Everyone cant wait to graduate hs but they domt realize once you stop being forced in a classroom run with tax payer money no one really wants you anywhere. And when you are forced in that classroom amazing things happen like connections that some retards like us miss.


I just turned 23 and i just realized that i'm still waiting for experiences that I shouldve started living like 10 years ago.

I got some shit on my mind as well, OP.
>be me,19 years old
>leave for bootcamp, 223 pounds.
fast forward 3 months
>complete bootcamp, 170 pounds, 6 foot flat.
>go to secondary training, lasts one month.
>complete that, I'm now 174 but still very healthy and feeling amazing.
fast forward a year.
>married to a hedgehog of a woman, eat like shit, and because of it, i'm 195 pounds.

I fucking feel so shitty, dude. I finally got my weight down with all the confidence on my shoulders and I went and got fucking nasty again. I'm sick of myself. Last week (for a full 7 days) I worked out for an hour and a half to try to get back in the swing of shit and it was going great. I went from 195 to 189 and was starting to feel great. Alas, what was this weekend? July 4th. I ate like shit. I look like shit, and feel like shit. Today I started a hydroxycut regiment, already pt'd for an hour and a half, and am willing to do whatever the fuck it takes to get small again. I literally could give two fucks about getting big and muscular. I just want to be smaller, with no love handles and a nice chest. Moreover, I want to be healthy again.

>had a gf
>got a addicted to porn and vidya
>lost gf
>work 14 hour days with 35+ y/o males
>no girls in sight
>social outcast/akward kid
>try reconnecting with girls that liked me in HS
>they're all in relationships
>nobody to hang out with at beach
>no real friends my age

I make bank and my wallet is overflowing but material things don't satisfy my needs for happiness. Thinking about starting PUA just so I can force myself into social situations and maybe something will happen and I can meet people outside of work.

Same boat except no married

Run and drink water user, you'll make it.

We both will, brodie.

if you had a girlfriend would they be like a friend with sexual relationship or the first moment you show a flaw in your personality they leave you?

>hedgehog of a woman


That's the worst thing, this is precisely why I avoid social media at all costs. I see kids who I know deep down are not nearly intelligent as myself (fedora af I kno), and yet they attend top tier Uni's and get to experience a life that I will never get to experience.

The honest truth for the both of us is a harsh one, but we have to start now. I figure putting ourselves in our future shoes asking "Man, I wish I started doing x when I was z years old" is how we can at least retain some semblance of a solid life.

It may not be spectacular, but there are definitely things that you and I can attain to maintain a definite positive lifestyle.

We just have to focus on realistic positivity, and not dream talk like we could back when it was a posibility; it's too late for that now imo :(

At least I love the industry I am in. It's also devoid of females, because the media didn't hype it yet. That's good.

The bad part is of course that I don't meet many women. What I do therefore is to just chat girls up wherever I am. Works alright, but it would work better if I had friends for le social proof meme. Women are very into it.

But I have no friends. Not in this city at least.

Holy fucking what, are you me?

I used to work at Home Depot as a part-time cashier for 6 months. I was never stupid enough to steal from the cash register, but I'd give outrageous discounts to cute customers. I scored some pussy that way...

So they're less intelligent than you are yet they go to better Universities. I think you're a just a moron who wants to believe he's intelligent.

u dont understand what he means.

I did horrendous in HS as did they topping out with sub 3.0 GPA's, not elligble for scholarships. With daddy's $, they can go 4 years pull out a BS with no debt.

All of my posts are regarding hating myself for not doing better, I even state

>I'd have focused on my grades and extra curricular activities as well as lifting.

It's as if you're insinuating that intelligence is the only factor to attend Uni.

>no one ever comments on my physique when I post in CBTs

How hard do I have to push myself until you love me?

You can still apply to colleges you dum fool.

Use good lighting and angles. Domt forget to flex.
Unless you do roids this is the only way to get compliments on pics.

These are set backs b/rother that you will encounter in different points in your life...injury, loss of income/employment are very common. You just roll with it and keep climbing. It will not be the first or last time you will find yourself in this situation. Just keep going.

I got a few compliments on my body with
>noob gains
>good lighting
>on creatine to add to the pump
>pulling my stomach in
>wearing super skinny t-shirts

In truth I look like shit.