>be me >lurk Veeky Forums >discover new world of gym stuff >DEAD LIFT my gym is more of a fitness club so have that in mind >read how everyone lifts 2 pl8s ezly >go to gym like 1:30h ago >load 2 and 1/2 pl8s 100kgs to be precise + bar (2 pl8s each side ofc) >get in position >alternate grip like Veeky Forums tought me >inhale and let it rip back is heavy knees weak legs spaghetti >lift that crap >gym lady comes running to me >"wut u doin boy u only used your lumbar u gotta use the legs or else you will ruin your back and never lift again"
>tl;dr it was my 1st time deadlifting and i lifted 100kg w/o belt and only using my lumbar/lowerback (tho my back was rly straight) >DID I JUST FKED MY BACK? LIKE FOR GOOD?
Didnt lurk enough to know that EVERYONE starts by warming up with 135 Doesnt matter if your max is 185, 405, or the world record. You always start with 135.
Carter Roberts
You're going to join bodyweight squat man if you keep this up.
Evan Walker
Because they are on steroids. Deadlifts aren't for aesthetics
Landon Sullivan
>deadlifts are for big backs Fuck off to whatever shitter of the internet you came from
Hunter Smith
if you don't feel any soreness (=pain) in muscles after workout, that means you didn't work hard enough. Try 120kg tomorrow.
also, eat big. 3 SCOOPS, CMON. Do you want to become a mutant or stay dyel for the rest of your life?
Noah Taylor
>alternate grip like Veeky Forums tought me
Stop that shit. You aren't pulling for numbers, so just use light weight with a double overhand grip. Less chance of muscle imbalance in the future, plus you get some nice forearm gains in the process.
I mean yeah, if you've been lifting for a while and want to hit your lower back and hamstrings really hard, deadlifting heavier weight with a mixed grip can accomplish this, but that's only after you've become experienced and no longer worry about your form. When going up in weight, go up until your forearms are the limiting factor and you literally can't hold onto the weight with a double overhand grip, and then DON'T GO ANY HEAVIER. This is a safer way to work your way to heavier weights than jumping straight to mixed grip. Using a double overhand grip will also help you learn how to do cleans, if you decide to incorporate them into your routine at some point in the future (which you should).
In the meantime, do as many reps at 135 as you can, making sure to keep good form with each pull. I don't care if the internet says deadlifting isn't meant to be done in high rep sets. Fuck the internet, save your back.
Zachary Russell
Charles Robinson
OP here and still lurking as ususal
>ty for the gr8 advice m8
Parker Turner
David Thomas
>let it rip this phrase alone indicates how bad your deadlift form is
Cameron Smith
Kill yourself OP.
You type like a 14 year old /b/tard. I don't know where the fuck you think you are but I can't even be bothered to decipher what the fuck you're on about.
Eli Thomas
>tl;dr it was my 1st time deadlifting and i lifted 100kg w/o belt and only using my lumbar/lowerback (tho my back was rly straight) >DID I JUST FKED MY BACK? LIKE FOR GOOD?
if you can`t understand this i don`t think i`m the
/b/ t a r d r a t
James Powell
ayy OP
Ya probably didn't fuck your back up too much, unless of course it's still sore for days.
Don't fucking start with a 2 plate DL ya idiot. Do a fucking beginner program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts, it'll get you familiar with the dl
Lincoln Nelson
>2 pl8s AND 1/2 pls
nah it was arround 4~5 p.m. it`s now 9 p.m. and no back pain ok i`ll check the SS program and look at the weights
Jacob Perez
I noticed your stupid leddit memespeak and just stopped reading honestly.
I hope you did fuck your back up. Why the fuck would you make this thread unless your back actually hurt retard? You are asking total strangers if your back is fucked up when you are a better judge of that than anyone.
Seriously though stop typing like a 12 year old. It's cringey as fuck.