Desperately need a new hobby Veeky Forums

Desperately need a new hobby Veeky Forums

I love fitness but does going to the gym even count as a proper hobby? I've tried dabbling in music production and I just make everything sound shit..

Please /fit, I need a hobby.. Music production or nah?

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waste of time

Define proper: self-improvement, money-earning... What do you want, OP?

Just want a nice hobby for fulfillment I guess. I just feel like I have no talents?

Yet you waste your time on Veeky Forums

sorry mr perfect, but it's a fucking hobby, aka recreation, A time spent enjoying isn't a time wasted

Get a piece of paper, sit on your ass and write down everything that has piqued your interest for the last couple of years. Then try out each one for about a week. Something will eventually click. You gotta experiment!

>A time spent enjoying isn't a time wasted
I disagree.
But how about doing drugs? It's recreation, aka a fucking hobby. Time spent enjoying isn't time wasted.

I cannot take anyone who plays video games seriously.
t. someone who played video games till 24yo

videogames don't ruin your body/mind

>t. someone who played video games till 24yo
muh nigga, I quit at 23

Video games aren't the devil but they're pointless as fuck
Try your hand at writing fiction (or writing in general, I found fiction to be fun, you get to imagine shit, make places, people, etc)

A proper hobby is one that takes effort, is high status and attractive to women. A nice bonus is if you have fun doing it.

I've thought for a long time about this and decided to do MMA and Motocross. MMA isn't exactly high-status, but it is in its own way a "superior" hobby. It also justifies my lifting. Motocross is adventurous and rather expensive. You look good doing it and its fun.

God I hate how cynic I have become. Life was easier back when my hobbies were /ic/ and reading. Exgf leaving me seriously shifted some priorities in me. It's all about status and aesthetics now.

>video games don't ruin your body
Really? Why don't you go look at a regular wow player then?

Man, those generalizations don't mean shit here. The act of playing video games do not ruin your body/mind. They're entirely fine as long as you do what you need to do to maintain a decent life.

If video games are such a waste of time then why are you even on Veeky Forums? The Internet is the same thing: sitting down and pressing buttons. I'm sure you don't watch television or movies either, right?

They literally destroy your mind. And by doing so they potentially destroy your body as well, depending on person.

24 here, not quitting so much as cutting out everything that's time wasting. No more stupid ""competitive"" games that die in a few years. I'm here for a story/adventure, or shit I can play with my girlfriend and that's it.

Losing time in a well-written game is like reading a book or watching a good show. Losing time playing something like CS:GO or Overwatch is flushing your time away in a skinner box.

not op
but on Veeky Forums you're interacting with "people"
you get to share and receive information that may or (usually) may not be useful, and some gags along the way
personally you faggots fill a gaping void in my life of no friends outside of work

>destroy your mind
In what way?

Bjj/boxing/muay Thai. Challenge yourself

>caring about what women want

Addiction actually does fuck with your mind pretty badly. Sure, video games aren't gonna destroy your bank account or your physical body; but their harmlessness makes them that much easier to fall prey to.

>those generalizations don't mean shit here
>overdose on generalizations in same post
What are you trying to pull here?

>cites world of warcraft
>then claims Veeky Forums is 'interaction'
user, multi-player video games such of those contain tons of interaction. I've met some of my best friends in real life through playing video games.

learn an instrument

Fencing was pretty fun in uni. I might try that again and go to more competitions, and I'd recommend for everyone to give it a try. I even got to meet 2 Olympic Fencers that competed in Beijing, including a bronze medalist.

OP you should try to be more specific in what you want. Do you want a physical activity? Or do you want to do something more with your mind? Or do you want to build or craft something with your own hands?

I'm indecisive as hell so it troubles me trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, but you gotta ask these questions to find happiness in life.

Sure, but that's not what we're talking about. I was under the impression that we were talking about causal play considering the fact that addiction was never mentioned.

Funny, I quit entirely for the exact opposite reason. Get bored after 20 hours of any competitive game, but get sucked into SP games one after another. I could go for ages about game design and story being pointless, but, this isn't /v/, and as long as you feel like you're spending your time wisely that's all that matters.

We can break everything down to movement and expenditure of energy. It doesn't change the fact that tons of people do stuff that and actively shit on their health. Grabbing onto an example of such shitting doesn't strengthen your argument.

Whats a good hobby to meet business/rich people?
I started a company but i'm lacking in my networking because i don't have any business/rich man hobbies.

Have already started looking into golfing but what else do business men do that isn't golfing?

I do.
I want a family, that's what I want most. So it's best to learn about the female mind and to practice the insights to minimize the probability of her fucking up the family unit because her ovaries told her so. Attracting the same female for a long time takes daily effort. Now if I wouldn't care for women I'd probably still be reading books all day. But in a way the constant stress, constant adaptation, weekly challenging of the self, the forcing of the self to live an active lifestyle made me grow as a person as well. If I was left to my own devices I'd degenerate into an isolated ~intellectual~ whose world is books and internet forums. So while I do it for girls, it benefits me doubly. And in a certain way it pleases me to look in the mirror and to go through the things done in the past few months and to realize it's the manifestation of my will. The will to p[spoiler]ussy[/spoiler].

Maybe I'm just stupid, but I have no idea what you're trying to say.

The golf meme is real.

lmao I swear I read the same written by a guy defending his drug habits

Buy yourself a Dremel.
You'll find something cool, creative and fun to do with it.
Fuck, just finding fun things to do with a Dremel might be a good hobby.

Then I guess this argument is over then ^^

Is it bad form to give business cards when you're at the golf course? i'm not autismo so i can read a situation but even if i'm real friendly with someone idk if it's looked down upon anyways

Yea right they destroy your mind by Giving you better hand-eye coordination and better reflexes

kill yourself my man

Video games are for children, the fact you need to defend your "hobby" so much just shows that.
Time to grow up

yeah you sound like an attention seeking faggot.

this. If you have friends (i might be reaching for straws) then ask them to bring you along on one of their hobbies or schedule a sport outing. If you want more of an intellectual hobby, try learning about the stock market or maybe reading a books and starting a library

pic reminds me of berserk for some reason

>Videogames are for children
>PEGI +18

look at the fact that when videogames were first distributed, they got popular from people with all ages, even old people,

>B-but mom video games are rated 18 +! its for adults!!
>omg mom but you watch tv all day so thats okay but video games arent?

This is what you sound like.
I'm not even being mean , i'm seriously telling you it's time to drop the games and grow up. You won't regret it and your life will only improve.

Time for some irl gains bro

They physically change and degrade your brain.
First googling result. The research on that topic is extensive and pretty conclusive. If you know of neuroplasticity and look at this habit from a 3rd persons perspective one cannot come to any other conclusion than that video games are harmful. They have no objective benefit and are ruining your reward/pleasure centers. I could go on and on, but I don't know why I care. I don't even know you. I know it to be true and I took the effort to quit video games. As expected my live vastly improved (even though it was hard at first. Not the first week, or the first month. But to really quit completely for many months and then years).

Thinking back the only game I don't regret wasting my time on was Deus Ex.

Join the video game quitters self help group on Steam.

>Do you watch movies,TV, listen to music? Stop they are for children and will destroy your mind and body.....depending on the person...

this is what you sound like, a critical, controlling faggot who hasnt been happy since 15 years old.

Tons of people indulge in things that could negatively impact their health, but it's not impossible to indulge without letting it go that far. Many people watch television, browse Internet, play games, and maintain good health just the same that some will waste their life away in these hobbies.

Please don't tell me you feel superior because you read Sartre and Nietzshe and contemplate suicide 24/7.

>using psychology today as a credible source
lost it

Sounds like nofap

Yes it's bad form, because they don't want to talk business wherever they are (at first). Get to know them first, be a regular. Ideally you won't even need to give them a card or they'll even ask you for it.

Many people start golf because it's a meme, but then they start actually liking it. It's like Veeky Forums: one maybe starts reading the first high-brow book because it's a challenge, but then you actually get hooked by real literature. Further down that path you consider people who just entered the better reading realm "pseuds". They want to meet people who actually like golf. Interesting people.

If you want to keep it purely business go to the big conventions and product fairs (I really don't know how to call it in English) of your industry. Car manufacturers have such events rather often and the like.

t. mid level corp drone in the medical technology industry

What's your point?

Get off 4chinz if you don't want to waste time. Fucking loser

Oh thanks man got it, ill go for the golf meme and socializing meme and hopefully they will like me and ask for contact info at which point ill give em the ol' bidnis card.

Thanks famalam. Wait how do i get good at golf? driving ranges? shit

That you can play video games in moderation.

It's the Veeky Forums equivalent of pic related for /pol/.
If you didn't realize it there might be something wrong with you
Just select a source of your liking. The conclusion is pretty universal: video games physically destroy your brain.


You've missed the point of the whole argument, breh.

Even better: instead of video games he can do a more fulfilling, more productive, more respectable and more enjoyable hobby. Video games are the lowest of the low tier hobbies. The only pro point is that they are easy and cheap. I'd say that easy hobbies are not so good as they don't challenge you, they don't force you to grow. If you choose a hobby: why not select the high grade ones? Video games fall short in every aspect compared to most other hobbies, besides collecting.

You must be living under some unique piece of rock, you mong

What does your argument towards the initial post matter? I'm telling you now that you can play video games in moderation. You haven't told me why that's wrong..


Then you're arguing with the wrong person. I never said moderation is bad. And yes, it does matter who you're starting shit with, especially when you're late for the initial thing

I used to say shit like that when I was 14 to my mother in order to justify my shit-tier gaming habit. I came to realize it was just a massive waste of time and left me with nothing valuable. If you're gaming enough to call it a hobby, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and look for other ways to spend your limited time on this earth.

just like genders XD

Man, just continue playing video games, heh. Have fun.

Wasn't he just saying the same thing?

I honestly feel bad that these people in this thread (though i think its just one guy vehemently defending his "hobby" ) refuse to grow up because omg bideogaymes r fun its a hobby

i'll meet da perfekt gaymur girll one day youll see!


Find a hobby to transition into from fitness,... archery, martial arts, yoga, not crossfit, swimming, hiking etc

> dabbling in music production
> Wonder why your stuff sounds like shit

Any hobby or whatever will take you a long fucking time to get good at. Don't be a bitch and quit, stick with it but accept that you will suck shit for years and take your time to learn music theory, learn about synthesis, find good drum samples,learn about mixing, etc.

But user think of all that time wasted if you don't get good enough to sell your music. Aren't you afraid of wasting time?

Play an instrument and read books

Then you're not shit at making music, you're shit at marketing

But user you just spent all that time making music but didn't learn marketing. Maybe you should focus on that first.

The average age of gamers is mid-30s, m8.

Music production is a cool hobby tho. Even if you're stuff is awful, you can just say you're a producer and people will think it's pretty cool. Plus you can transition into being a dj which is really easy, cool as fuck and can get you gigs

how to identify a loser :
>uses the word gamer

Why not both?

Yeah I was just messing with you man, I actually produce a bit.

>But user think of all that time wasted if you don't get swole enough to be a professional bodybuilder. Aren't you afraid of wasting time?

Do your hobbies because you enjoy them, not because you want to become a superstar.

video games are a waste of time like any other hobby

just do what the fuck do you like

lifting and reading should be mandatory for a better life , but the rest is the same shit

So are all hobbies.

Yea you totally won that argument by not being clear in what you were saying. Kys


Your IQ is 30 points lower than you think it is.

Whatever makes you feel better.

I'm not your father or friend, so I don't really care about your welfare that much. We are what we do. I wouldn't want to be a gamer.

There are two types of hobbies. Real hobbies are active ones in which you pour effort and time into and you yield something out of it. Whittling, writing, model building, and martial arts are such hobbies.

The other type of hobby is not a hobby at all, but a time waster. You poor time and effort into this hobby and you get nothing in return. Video games, movies, and reading are such hobbies.

Of course if you spend hours on end discussing the elements of literature and film, you can consider it a hobby. But of course you're not doing that with video games, sitting on your ass twiddling your fingers. Don't even try and justify it.

t. Barely snapping out of the video game meme

Not an argument.


This is quite sad and is the pinnacle of justification in favor of the "video games are just as good a hobby as any sport" meme.

What if you thought it was 30

I'd say yoga could be nice idk

But for me, gardening has been very enjoyable

Yoga is pretty soothing.

I could never get into gardening though. Fucking SoCal dries all the water out of my cute little plants and up into some other water blessed state.

Just remember weightlifting is not a hobby but you can claim it is if you have nothing else.

What do you do to maintain an active lifestyle? I'm struggling with this myself. I don't go outside and do anything because I tell myself subconciously that I don't have money for it. I could sit at home and read and browse all day but it's driving me insane, I can't seem to force myself outside to do things. What did you do? What type of area do you live in?

>I am pretending to be superior on a tibetan cooking forum, yet i insult you with the hat joke

>I am a fully functioning adult who is superior to you
>yet i still post on Veeky Forums
Videogames,books and movies have quite literally no deffirences between them, One of them just happens to be interactive

A TV screen could have as much hazard on your health as a Computer screen

you know someone is autismal is as fuck when he says x is for children
Well congratulations mr adult please tell us what are your recreational hobbies that will give you "irl gains"?

Sounds like you're the one destroying your mind and body here, you're the one who drinks ans smokes after all,
And just because you read Nietzsche and contemplate suicide 24/7 (like other user said) Doesn't make you any superior

Improving your social skills.

Take acting lessons

>Needing youtube videos to improve your social skills
>needing to improve your social skills

what the fuck user?
i've spent my whole childhood and teenagehood inside my house watching TV and playing videogames, yet i've still got incredible social skills

what have you been doing in your childhood anyway?

learn a second language

it's very rewarding and fun user

>watching TV and playing videogames

Some of us are legit autists.

Congratulations, you've officially become your father.

You're delusional if you think the fruits of Whittling or Model building are worth more than the fruits of video games, same goes for writing unless you're good enough to get published, and then it stops being a hobby and starts to be a career. Martial arts, are the only arguable one there, and even then the only real net worth is physical prowess, which you get from going to the gym anyways.

>raises hand shyly

I...I play yugioh at my local comic shop on my rest days.

>Join the video game quitters self help group on Steam

Jesus. That's like putting an AA inside a pub.

Muscle production

Muscle production or nah

Don't produce music if you're not a musician. It invariably sounds shitty, for a variety of reasons.
>1. You don't have a trained ear. Listening to a bunch of music does not do this for you.
>2. You don't understand the basics. Chord structure, harmonics, scales, technique, etc. Producing scores and songs without this knowledge would be like trying to diddy 4pl8s without knowing proper form, you're just going to fuck your shit up.
>3. You don't understand musical quirks, intricacies, and subtleties. I've been a musician, trained classically, play in band setting, and been trained in jazz for over a decade and I still don't understand everything there is to understand.
>4. Even if you do play one instrument (which I assume you don't seriously, gathering from "I need a hobby"), that's not enough to produce. You need to understand a full ensemble to create good music. What is the bassist's job? What is the guitarists job? What is the melodic leader's job? What are they doing individually? How can they not step on each others toes? How much is too much? How little is too little? When should the bassist stop playing? When should the EG take it down a notch? Which pieces go where? Why? etc
Not trying to be a dick, but "music production" is a waste of your time if you're not already an accomplished and skilled musician.