Your wrist circumference and how much you can bench press My wirst is small and I have generally small bones. my wirst is 6.5 inches and I can lift 50kg(110lb) maybe 55kg if I do less reps.
I never saw someone with the same bones size as me lifting more them me. so it's not a meme.
Daniel Williams
I'm 7.5 inches, and can bench 200 fine. You're just make excuses.
James James
Wrist 5.5 inches Bench-205
Joshua Carter
can you post your hand with something to comparison? like a g-shok watch, toilet roll, tape Measure(best)
Brayden Adams
6.2 Inches, I can lift 60-65kg (~140lb) I can do about 70-75kg with a 1 rep max
Benjamin Bennett
7.8 inches Bench 240x1
Jacob Martin
6.5 240 x 5
dont make excuses. you have small wirsts so do I do but that shouldnt keep you from benching more than you do now.
Robert Roberts
I have ethiopian wrists but im close to 225 for one rep
Isaiah Flores
6.25 inches 225lbs x 5
You're a weakling and should feel bad for blaming it on your fucking wrist size. Try harder and you'll see better results kid
Julian Edwards
Barely 6 inches @ fucking 6'1 and 240 1repmax. Just try harder op.
Lucas Cook
7" wrislet, bench 225 for 15 325lbs for 1
Joseph Hernandez
6.75", max 153lb
Austin Ortiz
But 7.5" is fucking huge
Colton Rodriguez
Just over 6 inch wrists.
5'10'' 175 lbs
Max Bench around 300 lb on a good day.
3x5 with 255 lb
Curl 90 lb bar for reps
18 straight Chin ups with 20lb weight vest on
Deadlift 315 double overhand for sets of 3 no problem
OP is just a pussy
Christopher Scott
About 1/3rd of an inch under 7"
Bench 245x5
Angel Thompson
i can bet mine are smaller (almost as small as my 160cm gf) and i bench 97.5kg for reps with 2plate on my way
youre a pussy
Connor Hughes
pretty much same as me
Brandon Young
wrist is 7 and 1/4
Bench 195x6
Nathaniel Sanchez
my wrists are 6 inches I guess, maybe 6.5 but that's pushing it I have benched 120 kg but I can def do more you're just being a bitch
Dominic Garcia
6.5" wrists 135x25+ 245x5 270x1
and im a manlet breh
Brayden Ortiz
Your bench to deadlift ratio is awful
Samuel Lopez
my DL is over 450 and im your height/weight exactly
Brody Rodriguez
real men bench press more than they can squat and deadlift combined
Adrian Rivera
7in, 225lbx5
Jason Reyes
6" wrists here. I've done 245lbs for a single and 185 for 10