
Mods mad as fuck we are aesthetic
Previous thread deleted

mods deleted threads because MG got btfo

>roiding for this

pretty sure we were just pushing it with the CHAD/dicksucking op image

holy shit this is the worst roided physique i've ever seen

So many haters. Trying to get these threads banned again.
What do you guys like to put in your shakes? I do 16oz water, 3 ice cubes, 1 tablespoon Chia seeds, 1/2 cup oats and 2 proteins.

Dumb shits. The OP had some drawing of a trap sucking JMs cock.

Wew mods confirmed natty

4 scoops of mutant mass with chocolate milk
Two scoops of real food if I'm bulking

Do I put syringe with testeroiders into shaker then add blender ball? I'm new to bench pressing and I met a Herbalife trainer who's gonna make me into chiseled marble mode like Dwayne the Rock Johnson

post yfw when someone tells you they are a "janitor" on an anonymous frog racing image board

You damn trolls. I was being serious.

I missed the thread nukes. What happened?

seriously. oof.

I'm not the real deal unfortunately. I'd happily pay to be one though desu.

Skimmed milk and whey/casein

Greek yogurt, granola or oats, protein powder, banana, and milk


>because I typed it and the thread got kill

>Please never stop posting
Don't worry bby, I won't

Only just gone 12 months now

Actually I only look down on retards doing retarded shit
Plus I admit to having once been one of those retards, unlike all the people who pretend they never believed broscience or did dumb shit in the gym
Since it's a bit difficult for you to see, notice how my back pic actually looks decent? Notice how even people who don't like me said "yeah okay it's not shit"? That's cuz someone else took the pic, I suck at taking pics and every other pic I've ever posted has been one I took myself.
You can get as butthurt as you like duder, but I've gone from shitty dadbod/skelly to actually looking like I lift in 12 months.
>I don't give a fuck what you think because im proud as fuck of what I've done

we lost one thread when it was already at autosage because of the OP image we've been using a lot recently with the drawing of girl sucking a giant dick

that's it

lmao niggers i told you. Keep it fit related or ill report again

>Always git some kind of similarity vibe with you canary, just haven't placed it
In4 I'm taking coach's girl.

On a serious note. We're both rational to the point where there's (apparently) no emotion nor morals involved.

Important difference is yours is due to nature. Mine is due to nurture.

But I'm sure that philosophically speaking the way we see the world is extremely similar.

Some anons reported it for different reasons and I guess it went through

Insert just about any fedora tipping pic

Cartoons are offensive

>Only just gone 12 months now
What mistakes did you make to look like that on gear?
I'm about to hop on and would love to avoid looking like you

>I've gone from shitty dadbod/skelly to actually looking like I lift in 12 months
>at 5'6"
Most do that without roids, and without getting all chest-puffed while lifting thinking everyone in the gym is both a hater and mirin' your 3pl8 deadlift.

is this the "before" roids or "after" roids photo?


Who is alb?

Wish I could report you for snitching

Upped to 20mg VAR daily today. Wish me not feminine penis senpai

This is 2016 Justin Trudeau doesn't give in to terrorists

>taking coach's girl

Jesus fraud I'm not that easy

Your rationalization of our like mindedness makes sense. Nice to have that curiosity neatly organized away

Oh. So like:
>Tfw no gf
>Fat people hate
>High test
>Bad feels
>Throat gonorrhea
Like that are currently in the catalog?

How do I not look like this after my first cycle

Mods. Ban this nigger .

Yeah I'm sure everyone lifts for 12 months and looks good enough to be accused of roids almost daily

It's from about a month ago now

It's a secret
Or do you just mean you don't know he's a trip?

Aren't you pinning test as well tho?

Announcing reports is against the rules

you won't even come close to looking like that after you first cycle desu

>natty expectations

Since it sounds like you use a blender, definitely try the chia seeds.

That's fit culture related
Steroids aren't fitness related

don't roid until you have lifted naturally for 3 years without skipping a workout

>accused of roids almost daily
maybe due to the acne bruh


I've tried them before, wasn't really fan honestly

>enough to be accused of roids almost daily
There we go again with the delusions

.......you must be joking, countless athletes and bodybuilders take steroids.

As did zyzz, tinytrip,ennui , frank yang etc........

Manlet please teach me how you transformed. Please what's your email.

I laughed pretty hard at that

If you miss a single workout the 3 years resets

It's probably because my FB pic is actually a decent pic of me (with a shirt on) so every cunt online gets mad and says "fuck you, you're on roids anyway cunt"

as much as you want to shit on mg for not knowing what he's doing, not getting good enough results for his retarded blasts, somehow still not being lean on tren, etc... he definitely does look like he lifts by real life standards

Mate, how are you so incredibly delusional. It's stunning.

Look up the definition of fitness you dork
Bodybuilders are not fit or athletes

Well I'm trying to find someone who can privately give me advice on my first cycle.


AHAHAHAHA. The faggot who lives with his mommy and shrank even worse than that crack head chem once he got off the gear. I remember when Veeky Forums thought he was all that until he was doxxed.

Nice example faggot.


A wog who died of a heart attack in his 20's

You seem to have curiously overlooked the fact that some of the most famous posters on this board take steroids and that countless athletes take steroids and that no matter what you believe Bodybuilding is a fundamental part of fit.

yeah....... i never said they were paragons of humanity, just that they were extremely well known

Ennui got doxxed? Enlighten me, what happened? I remember him somewhat

Sure. Even say he looks like someone who ran test due to his back.

But the compounds and drugs he's run with where he's at is ridiculous.

I'll give you my phone number
Just give me your home address so I can post it to you

I'm not

This kid messaged me yesterday after he got mad at something I said in a mutual friends FB post
His very first message was about wanting to fight me, so I casually trolled him.

You want Alb
Plus make sure you take note of the stuff bimbo and brick say, particularly brick when it comes to roids

>that acne

fucking disgusting dude. for being on roids you look like pure shit. consider it a failure

Stop feeding the troll

Well yeah

Most of you are degenerates so I can see why they are paraded as heroes.

Maybe he's just trolling the troll?


>associating with bogans

Can u email me at xyrmzy at Gmail dot com

lmao estp got banned

Is that Chem? Is he still alive?

>throat gonorrhea

My sides

Don't think I even look at fit outside fraud anymore

>aren't you pinning test as well though?

Only like 20mg/week which is nothing compared to what I've done before

I'll simmer down if I start noticing sides

My city is ONLY bogans
It can't be helped

I'm not the man you're looking for
Not early knowledgable enough to be of help

You sure tho?

I hope so, Chem was a good dude

No way did she?!

What stds have you had

Chem is alive.

Just took 400 dnp. Taking 400 more in 5 hours. 4-600/day after that with suicide diet.

>mfw I'm natty and also a Manlet and look 10x better than this guy and don't have disgusting ass chest acne

>roiding for this

It's Mass Kek

How many guys do you think your ex has fucked since you split ?

Shockingly I'm clean and always have been

Mad man

Literally every std known to man, along with a few more

post pics

>all these claims with no pic proof

2 including me and her current bf

>grow a dick
>woops better go to 10mg pw :^)

Hopefully he just doesn't get on some crazy shit again

Why be this rude?

Trips. Kek.

I actually know how many.

>mad man

Ikr? I should take all of it at once. 5000% metabolism ftw.

Anyone heard of c75? Whatever happened to that?

In case of my death im releasing the nudes.

In case of getting back with her, you're getting newnudes.

Cant handle that sad dyel depressed me is having more sex than him and my ex combined.


If only it were that simple I could finally pee freely where ever I pleased

I have a future wife, only reason I was still fucking her was to spite her bf and because of tren

Have you been with many black guys?

4-Methylene-2-octyl-5-oxotetrahydrofuran-3-carboxylic acid?

no i hate niggers

What's it mean if you are on tren and your dick can still get hard easily, but you don't really have a sex drive and don't really get pleasure from it?

This obviously doesn't happen on just test BTW. I'm on caber too so I doubt it's prolactin, and estro is in control easily, since I am only on 250 test.

>Cant handle that sad dyel depressed me is having more sex than him and my ex combined.
Oh you

Would you be a man if you could?

this happened to me on just test actually

banged two girls in two days. did not nut once, both times like two hours each.

was so confused

Never really found any I'm attracted to

They're a minority here too

>would you be a man if you could

I'd probably try it but I'd rather git ravaged by coach kek

Besides I like that girls get make up and hair and all this crap to customize people's initial perspective of you

Well the weird thing is for me orgasms are actually intense as fuck, it is just like my dick has extremely diminished feeling and I have no desire for sexual stuff

C p freely.


Was it ever tested on humans? 15% weight lost in 2 weeks in rats.

No hunger signals from the brain to the body.

Seems too good to be true.

Mods are butt-hurt! Call the wah-mbulence

Low estrogen.

your guys fault, I was forced to report

Implying you can't get ravaged by cock as a dude kek

Implying you can

Shit idk how bimbo does it

Don't get me wrong anal is great and all but I don't know that I like it THAT much kek

You're probably right, I'm currently taking 12.5mg asin every injection day or e3.5d. Probably way overkill for a cruise dose of test.

How do I find alb guys. Please I'm on my first cycle and I need some help.

Dem dere chia seeds is goat.


Depends if it's a feminine penis