When did you realize that pic related is the only way to reach your strength and size goals most effectively?

When did you realize that pic related is the only way to reach your strength and size goals most effectively?

when did you realize that roids are not "cheating", because there are no rules in the game of life, only things that produce desired results and things that don't.

I don't wanna accelerate hair loss.

Have fun dieing of a stroke or heart attack.

>Have fun dieing of a stroke or heart attack.


>when did you realize that roids are not "cheating", because there are no rules in the game of life, only things that produce desired results and things that don't.
It's cheating if I say so. It's my life and I get to set the rules and standards which I hold myself or other people to.

Go get your fast reckless results, but I'll still think you're a piece of shit.

If I wanted easy I'd have stayed with your mum, son.

>It's cheating if I say so. It's my life and I get to set the rules and standards which I hold myself or other people to.

So what if you made the claim that Whey Protein and counting calories are cheating because it gets you to your desired goals more effectively, would that be correct?

>Go get your fast reckless results, but I'll still think you're a piece of shit.

What if a skinnyfat Vegan came up to you and told you that he thinks you're a piece of shit for eating meat and lifting weights because it's vain and dumb? Would you care about his opinion?

Heart disease is caused by consuming animal products. Roids are made from yams.

I only have one life, why would I care what other people say? You only get to speak from your own knowledge and experience so what I say is cheating IS CHEATING from my world view. Doesn't mean it's cheating for others. Not sure what you're trying to argue.

My subjective truth is the only truth I as a person can use. Trying to find some ultimate objective all-compassing truth is pointless, because we're still individuals shaped differently.

Basically, my truth is the only truth for me. Until I alter it based on new experiences.

>I only have one life, why would I care what other people say?
Yeah so how is it cheating to roid?

There's things that get results, and things that don't. There's no rules in life.

>so what I say is cheating IS CHEATING from my world view. Doesn't mean it's cheating for others. Not sure what you're trying to argue.

I'm saying that how can it be cheating if no one ever agreed to not do something, and then did it anyway? I don't remember signing a piece of paper when i started lifting that said "I hereby declare that I will never ever use anabolic steroids for the purpose of bodybuilding".

>I'm saying that how can it be cheating if no one ever agreed to not do something, and then did it anyway?
It's cheating for me, and no amount of rationalising it for you will change my world view. I will always see you as a filthy cheater because you don't conform with my rules.

You cannot change this, and no amount of down voting will change that because in the end the only opinion that matters to me, is mine.

Ok and I think you're a cheater and a faggot for not roiding.

What does that change and why does it matter?

Literally the only fucking reason I stopped after one cycle. It was fucking magical, but I love my thick, luxurious, jet black locks.

Nothing, life is a meaningless accident. We're all going to die and the universe will forget about you.

>We're all going to die and the universe will forget about you.

Yes of course it is, that's why it's best to achieve your goals as quickly and most efficiently as possible.

In this case, roiding is the best way to do so. We're all going top die as you say, so why not roid hard and live up your life?

Have fun getting hearth attack in your 30-s

citation needed

I'm over 35 years old and I've done cardiograms every 2 years, healthy as can be m8.

Dude relax. Look how chill and zen this motherfucker you're replying to is. Be like him. He understands his way is his way and is no superior to yours, but somehow that activated your gluteal nociception

Well not tren
Low dose cruising on test on the other hand

>Low dose cruising on test on the other hand

That goes without saying, obviously.

Every single man over the age of 22 on this planet, even if they don't lift should be taking TRT-dosages of test, even if it's not pharma.

No one cares about what vegans think though

>the roid rage is real

That's my point.

There's only results in this world, no cheating.

Do you want big muscles and to be strong? Then if you're taking the correct path, you are big and strong.

Do you want big muscles and to be strong but you are NOT big and strong? Then you have been on the wrong path and doing the wrong things. There's no other option, it's binary

>Not cruising on tren

when did you realize that when people embark down a certain path or adopt a new belief, they begin to proselytize that position in order to reinforce the merit of their choice in their own minds?

Never because I'm assuming that people on Veeky Forums have a goal of lean muscle mass.

What exactly produces the most efficient path to that goal? you guessed it.

my goal is long term health and happiness without having to repeatedly stick needles in my ass and know in the back of my mind I'm dependant on substances to feed my vanity.

you decided to juice, congratulations, but there's no need to start preaching to fit to validate your beliefs.

>Look how cool and zen this motherfucker is
You've got your tongue so far up this guy's asshole, I bet you can taste his boogers

>even if its not pharma
Hmm well i wouldnt advocate mass use of ug grade gear. Ideally youd get pharma grade, its not even expensive

>having muscles because of hormones produced independently from you is not only ok but admirable, but having muscles because of your conscious decision, your effort and money put into it is somehow bad, even if you're not hurting yourself, and even though we're living in times when almost nothing that we use is natural
common sense not even once

Shaving every morning is far more annoying than pinning once a week desu

>Hmm well i wouldnt advocate mass use of ug grade gear. Ideally youd get pharma grade, its not even expensive

Ideally, but UGL gear isn't that bad either honestly.

Just pin 250mg every week even if you don't lift, you'll feel great and look great.

Anabolics = hypertension. This is not a secret. Grilling someone for academic citations in MPS format they can't provide doesn't make it not true.

Results are admirable.

Doesn't matter how you get them. There's no cheating it life man.

Some guy might take be popping caffeine pills, adderall and modafinil all day long to get through College with a 4.0 GPA and 4 internships for each year of college under his belt.

You MIGHT say he's cheating, he's not doing it natty. But who gives a fuck? Is there such a thing as cheating? He did it, he got the results.

hairloss is caused by dht, fyi. 19nor steroids doesnt convert to dht

>why are you guys arguing and criticizing my steroid use?
>in a thread where you are being criticized for not taking anabolic steroids?

There is no criticism.

Anabolic steroids produce results. If those desired results are what you're after then you are not training in the most efficient manner possible.

The only criticism is claiming AAS do not get you to your goals effectively, which I don't think anyone can dispute

What's the best age to start roiding?

I'm 21 now started working out when I was 18, I had a few breaks here and then but this time I'm going all in.

I heard at 24 or something your tests starts to drop so its best to roid then?

>What's the best age to start roiding?

Whenever you feel comfy(and are over 20).

The later you start the safer it is obviously but you're missing out on a lot of enjoyment.

Personally I'd get my test levels checked if I were you, if I had low testosterone then I'd hop on the next week. If I was reasonable to high natty testosterone I would wait a few years.

Best time to start roiding is when you become an advanced lifter
Making sure you are committed to the gym

The number of people I've seen hop on without any knowledge and quit lifting is alarming

Bruh I think I fucking know how to lift some fucking weights and inject some shit.

There is no reason to stall then.

Research sources on r/sst and buy it this week. Start next week.

Solely because I feel like if I took roid no matter what the outcome was, I would feel like I no longer earned the body I had. Naturally, no matter what I have, it's what I deserve and I intend to make it great. If I took roids, no matter how great I look, I'll always know I wasn't the reason I look that way, and I'd be more disappointed than with a lesser body I earned myself.

If you wanna roid to the gills, it's your own call and I won't judge you for it. But my opinion is reserved for myself

>Naturally, no matter what I have, it's what I deserve and I intend to make it great. If I took roids, no matter how great I look, I'll always know I wasn't the reason I look that way, and I'd be more disappointed than with a lesser body I earned myself.

So why don't you feel this way when you eat meat, take vitamins, take whey or creatine?

>"I didn't hunt down this animal and cook it myself on an open fire, I had to buy it from a store!"
>"I didn't get 5 grams of creatine a day from natural food sources by hunting down over 10 small animals a day and consuming them, this was produced in a lab!"

stupid argument

The amount of people I've seen who lift and quit lifting is alarming.

Pls be true

It's funny. People won't call that fraud but they call tren fraud. Humans are walking hypocrisy and have been since the beginning of time. People don't do it now because it's against the law.

We know you're roiding and most of the time we laugh at you. You won't do anything because if you do its off to pound me in the ass prison for you where you'll have to be around real testosterone. The tren wears off.

Do you need it...no but humans have free will after all.

Question is for you is getting arrested worth it?

Also Adderall is so 10 years ago. Science has moved FAR past that coke analog

I don't actually agree with the argument for roiding personally, but you're a fucking retard when it comes to this discussion

If goku thought the way you did DragonBall would have ended when he was a little boy. If naruto thought the way you did it would have ended when he was a little boy.

Believe in yourself man seriously.

You've made up your mind. You are not going to get married, you're not planning to have kids and you don't mind being on exogenous hormone for the rest of your life.

Jab away.

You realize there are countless Raiders with tons of kids right. The statement pretty much shows that you have no idea how biology works. This is a discussion about the merit of anabolic hormones for someone reaching their fitness goals.

No one stays on them the rest of their lives except the bodybuilding morons

Underrated post
Have a (YOUUUU)
And crank dat soulja boi sir

You want us to encourage you?
Go ahead, pin.
Be reasonable, check your blood before every cycle ( or evewry 3 months if you cruise ), keep your blood pressure in check.

In case you are baiting stay small forever.

Dear liftfren. You also realize there's a tiny chance of him being sterile for running a single cycle right?

Oh, the merits. Yes, you're only 25 once. Get it now. Don't wait.

Not worth the response if you think taking exogenous hormones results in sterility. Sounds like you need to get out more and see the roiders with 5 or 6 children

thanks, but no thanks. I like my brain.

>Intentionally injecting yourself with somewhat risky products only to conform to deluded physical standards, score sloots, or other vain pursuit

At least, pro /semi pro athletes, strongmans , or even fitness YouTubers, semi pro crossfiters or actors like Bale, theiy all have a fucking good reason to pin, it directly impact on their success and revenue...

But me? Why should I fucking pin? I only lift for health and not being a lazy fat slob. while gains are nice, they impacted only minimally my game which was pretty good before. Pro tip non crazy hot girls take the natty socially apt ottermode twink over the roided autist manlet amateur bodybuilder 100% of the time

If you want to take a low risk drug for vain pursuit and sex, take molly not roids, at least you have a good time

this whole topic is you embarrassing yourself

i dont plan on HRT until im 50, after a family and can die comfortably

people already accuse me of roids, and im natty

have fun juggling those side effects

if you do seriously think that taking molly is less damaging than steroids, then you are deluded. There's shitloads of studies documenting the neurotoxic effects of MDMA.

Steroids are legal to posses in my country

Argument invalid.

You're right
I don't take that shit for exactly this reason, I was only being provocative

But my point is the same.

Roids are to the modern male what boobjobs is to women, and the morons doing this are exactly their female couterpart, basically whores, modding their bodies for sex and society. Their reasoning is the same, (muh results! muh hookups! muh sexual sucess! muh work promotions!) their delusions are the same, and they both don't even realise how trashy and insecure they reveal themselves doing this.

I'll take the qt fit small boob girl over the skinnyfat smoking cow with fake tits 100% of the time, just as the qt girl take the fit ottermode guy over the ridiculous roided amateur bodybuiler who doesn't live off his body

that might be the case for some people, but life is rarely this black and white.

I am a transhumanist, which means that I'll readily take any kind of support to improve results. I'm with OP when he says that in life, there isn't such a thing as "cheating".

While I don't regularly drink coffee due to its effects on the body, I occasionally use amphetamine to help me study. I have never roided, but I'm considering it as soon as my natural gains aren't as steep anymore. But that doesn't make me trash. There's a way to use steroids without a big chance of any side effects at all. Of course, something can always go wrong, but that's also true for lifting as such. Taking steroids properly takes time, research, money, in short - dedication. Because if you lack that dedication, you'll fuck up. Many people are scared of putting needles in the body, they don't know where to get good gear from, they don't want to read what gear they need, they don't want to come up with a proper cycle and PCT, they're afraid they don't have the willpower to go back to natty training after a cycle and so on and so on.

Roiding isn't cheating because it also takes dedication, albeit one that is different from that of normal workout discipline.

It's not cheating but I'm not gonna have my whole life revolve around lifting so I'd rather not, at least not until I turn 30.

It was kind of obvious from the start desu always wanted to be big.
Just gonna wait a few years (probably 7 since im 18) since i was told to not start using this early by many sources.

Who are you even cheating if you dont compete in a tested sport?

>if i wanted easy
You will actually have to work much harder to maximize possible results on roids since your recovery is improved vastly.

if you think that TRT dosages of test will make you look like a bodybuilder you're dead wrong


50 is a little late to become a girl, user

And all boob implants aren't huge gross oversize shit, they are small implants too, that won't make you look like a crackwhore pornstar... but still, it's a boobjob, done for shit reasons by emotionally immature women

Same for Steroids, if you're not an athlete, an actor, a semi pro fitness professional, why fucking bother

And if you think people can't tell the difference, well you're half right, normies won't, but any guy who was into sports or who lifted seriously can.

I spot the middle age guys who roid way before I overhear them talking about their cycle or asking about "supplements" the obvious dealer of the gym

ITT, rationalisation, rationalisation, rationalisation

Also lmao at the double thinking of fitfags who can't shut up about obesity being unhealthy, but suddently claiming roids are not...
way to go fit

>When did you realize that pic related is the only way to reach your strength and size goals most effectively?

>when did you realize that roids are not "cheating", because there are no rules in the game of life, only things that produce desired results and things that don't.

Because the evidence shows obesity is undoubtedly unhealthy and unattractive while roiding in moderation is fine

So you are denying that roids are most effective to reach your lifting goals?

Care to explain why?

I agree with you, roiding takes effort, knowledge, dedication

But you didn't address my main point: why fucking roid? if you aren't a professional entertainer such as athlete, actor, celebrity or even work in a circus?? What's the fucking point??
With lifting property natty you're already in the 1% anyway

To look amazing and feel great idiot

>lifting natty
>looking like you lift

pick one

Nigga what.

Just like a stripper with new boobs would say, asked the same question

But at least you're honest, it's about looks only, you don't sugarcoat it with stupid shit (lifting goals, "strength", better social status, yadda yadda)

I realized this when I figured out that as a man I have to be 110% of myself to be considered "normal" while women just have to exist and have unlimited options via social media. Then I said "ok, that's a dating scene, professional field must be different and more traditional", but when I applied for my first job that same social media fueled woman was in HR and was judging me 90% based on my looks and number of likes she would have for dating me if I climb enough hierarchy stairs and 10% based on my knowledge of the field.

You adapt to unfair world by cheating or you die a lonely honest man.

You did a shitty brosplit 5 days a week before you took that anavar, didn't you
Lmao those roiders, all the same everywhere

Why over the age of 22? does test levels start to fall? I'm 19 will my test start to lower?

Good for the stripper.

Why would I care? Strippers are fine people I like looking at them.

Looking good - social status and strength is obviously part of it.

I want people to stare at me and say "wow"

Elliot pls don't shoot up my college

Ur HPTA stops developing around 25

Test falls hard at 30-35 onward, can start earlier or be low as it is though

Are you a woman?

People disproportionately caring about looking "good", in my short experience were actually looking trashy and were not very bright

I may seem overly cynical but after you graduate you'll see it yourself. And you'll have accept it and search for various shortcuts in order to keep up with world.

I only use test blends and I get the look I want with no sides. Tren is very powerful and effective but it's kinda overrated, it's not magic.

You dumb fuck. The risk of shutdown is there whenever you go on a cycle.

How dangerous is it to do a low dose cycle of test. If I plan on juicing I'm only going to do 1 cycle, or is it dumb to roid unless you blast and cruise for the rest of your life?

>And you'll have accept it and search for various shortcuts in order to keep up with world.

That's life bro.

Adapt or cry and shoot up a school and then yourself. No way around it

>ren is very powerful and effective but it's kinda overrated, it's not magic.

It pretty much is magic. Gaining hella mass and strength while losing bodyfat even at low doses?

Don't mind if i do

>How dangerous is it to do a low dose cycle of test

No dangerous at all, in fact it's risk-free

Is there a way to deal with the plummeting levels of test when I cycle off?
Also, do you have a routine for a low dose cycle of test?

>Also, do you have a routine for a low dose cycle of test?

Standard is 15 weeks of 500mg test-e/wk, first 5 weeks of 50mg dbol(optional desu though). Take your AI during cycle and nolva after cycle

>Is there a way to deal with the plummeting levels of test when I cycle off?


I just can't wait till my 3rd cycle cause that's going to be when I start tren, I'm on test/deca/dbol shits cash

> getting butt blasted about someone's personal opinion, even after stating that they do not hold everyone to same opinion and allows others

You are the one adding the hunting bullshit. I just want to hit the limit on what my body can achieve with the parameters I've set for it. Those parameters do not include steroids. They may be broader than others, like someone who only eats what he catches, but that only means I should have a higher end goal than them. Just like how someone who decided to use steroids should have a goal to be bigger than what they can be naturally.

My argument is that your parameters that you set are your own, and each can decide what they are. Mine do not include steroids and thus I would feel like cheating if I broke them.

Thanks. Is there more where I can read this?
If that is the recommended dose for test, what sort of AI is needed for one cycle?

Has anyone started roiding bc of natty gains being limited by height?

Being 6'6 is been hard to get bigger, since noob gains are gone...

Pseudo-intellect the post

Kys weeb scum

Is this any good?
Week 1-12 Testosterone- Enanthate or Testosterone-Cypionate: 250mg-500mg per week
Week 13-15 you will take nothing and let the testosterone begin to clear out
Week 16-10 5mg Estradiol Cypionate 2x a Week
HCG dose of 250iu E.4d

OP is degenerate SCUM who does not belong on Veeky Forums and who deserves to be PERMABANNED.

small balls a side effect or is that a meme?

also men with naturally high levels of test will always be better

Small balls is true, but who cares? What do you honestly need big balls for?

>What do you honestly need big balls for?

srsly though?

Dick is important but why balls?