Am I just autistic and they are reacting to it or do people at the gym kinda go into an in the zone type mode and don't want to talk that much?
Like I know guys at the gym and do that little mutual head nod thing and sometimes one of us will walk up to the other to talk, even had a guy I know spot me yesterday, but the whole time he seemed kinda mellow/had a neutral face
Dunno what to make of it
Mason Davis
cause we're forced to be with shitlords like you
some gyms are like that, some gyms are not.
Hunter Martin
I got a home gym specifically so that I wouldn't have to interact with plebs while working out.
Daniel Rodriguez
this never again will i have to listen to some fucker ask if he can work in
Austin Clark
there are places to be social but the gym is not necessarily one of them
Grayson Campbell
Because we are there to lift, not to waste time talking to sperglords while our muscles go cold between sets.
Lincoln Brooks
I'm not there to talk to your fag face.
Aaron Russell
You people realize that the ones that chats and ducking around in the gym are the ones with no gains or cursed with tiny tiny calves!
Owen Phillips
>kinda go into an in the zone type mode and don't want to talk that much?
Why the fuck would someone want to talk with you at the gym?
When you go to the dentist's, are you disappointed that people don't chat you up in the waiting room?
What about airports or libraries or public parks or theaters?
People are there for a purposes: to work out. Anything else is a distraction. It may be a pleasant distraction or a nuisance, but it is definitely a secondary consideration at best. Stop having bizarre expectations.
Tyler Sanchez
I've only worked out alone once in the last 6~ months and it was today, ended up spotting and talking with some people there. Why are you guys such nerds?
Jordan White
How do I get some of these guys I know to do shit outside of the gym?
I already got ones number, do I just offer to get food or something?
Jackson Lee
the question is for normies because the gym is theonly hobby to us and the only place where we can find human interaction
Bentley Edwards
Pretty sure there's a comradery based on the mutual struggle for self improvement.
Zachary Ortiz
I always take time out of my workout to talk to the people who actually lift seriously, whether they're a body builder, power lifter, oly lifter, or someone who's working super hard.
Just today I went to a gym close by my work and I was doing squats when I let a guy work in. Eventually we had 2 body builders, a few power lifters, and an oly lifter shooting the shit about commercial gyms and squatting.
Also the hottest girls are always the one's with their headphones in, and are super into their workouts, it helps to go up and talk to them about their routine or compliment their hardwork rather than giving form advice like all the other guys.
Takes a little bit to get out of zone mode for most of these guys but after a few head nods, spots, and a good conversation almost everyone turns joyful. Never talk to the groups of girl and guy bros who just do glutes/arms all day though.
Sebastian Perez
Because I was at the gym deadlifting and some geezer walks up to me telling me how to have proper form. I explain to the dude I'm coming back from a leg injury. He goes over to the squat rack and stacks on 2 pl8 and starts doing quarter reps. This is why I don't talk to people in the gym. Half the people there just stare at you mid set and then turn away when you look back at them.
Juan Cruz
no time for convo, 30-60s between sets get in, hit the weights and get the fuck out to the beach
Andrew Anderson
>people putting themselves through strenuous activities >op wondering why they aren't talking
Are you retarded op?
John Turner
I have this gym nemesis now that i've seen 3-4 times in the past two weeks or so
first encounter I saw him he was slamming weights around while I was talking with another guy that was working in to squat with me. He was throwing the bench around and looked pissed off or something. I'm not sure if he wanted to use the rack but he could of easily talked to us since I'm sure he saw me invite the other guy to work in instead of waiting. He was doing something on the smith machine close to us but I don't think it was a leg exercise, can't remember
Later in the workout I pass like 10 feet from him and gave him a nod, he looks at me like I killed his dog and ignores me.
next two times I saw him I institutionally gave him a nod because he locked eyes with me while we were passing each other. He stonefaces it and we end up just staring each other down because I'm guessing he's trying to get me to break eye contact first or get intimidated? IDK what his fuckin deal is. I want to just stop him and ask if everything is okay and please don't hurt yourself or some shit
last time I saw him I was literally 5 inches away from him passing by, once again made eye contact and I nodded and laughed because this was getting ridiculous. He quickly darted his eyes away this time instead of the stare down.
guys in good shape, kinda seems like a curlbro or something. Big shoulders/arms but I only see him on machines and in a tank top looking pissed off at the world
can't tell if hes autistic or just thinks hes better than everyone else / too good to acknowledge my presence.
Noah Carter
Mother fuckers who go to the gym to socialize have missed the point, the gym is the zen zone for most and not a cafe
Ian Parker
Man I need some good after gym socialization places any tips?
Samuel Martinez
What's the best time to go to the gym so I don't have to see these sperglords? Everytime it's young kids telling me to keep lifting because we're all gonna make it. Fuck off pls
Jaxon Russell
I hate it when some random dude is trying hard to start a conversation with me. I go there to train and get a deeper awareness of my body and not to waste my time with superficial interaction.
Henry Hughes
>He's going to leave humanity behind
Eli Walker
>How do I get some of these guys I know to do shit outside of the gym?
I don't think you should go in there with that expectation. It should arise naturally and if it doesn't, you should be ok with that. People already have friends, usually. They're not actively looking to expand their current circles. Just be yourself. Don't *try* to make friends, but be friendly, and the conversations should arise naturally.
Hunter Cruz
Im gonna rephrase that
What should I ask late teens to early 20s urban college students during summertime to do with me?
I have this guys number already, he's been cool so far, what should I offer to do with him?
Ayden Jones
suck his dick since you love him so much
Charles Cox
look niglord some of us are trying to make social gains alongside physical gains so take your autism somewhere else
Evan Rivera
You're a fucking weirdo dude.
Jose Harris
You can meet lifters in a social enviornment, beach/club/festival. Use your head nigger
Brody Jones
>take your autism somewhere else >what do I do with this guys phone number I got from the gym >I'm trying to make friends
lol pls
Brayden Williams
Normie scum detected, but for real give the guy a break isnt this where social autist go to try and not be wierd. OP in the gym whatever happens happens you cant force convos itll annoy people most of the time
Lucas Brooks
>wants to interact with people instead of being a a mute autist Ok fine, I'm thinking I'm just gonna text the guy later and offer to grab lunch at one of the local places right next to the gym
You guys are a bunch of defeatist niglords
I dont even force em I meet cool people learn each others names, good shit, the whole point of the thread was complaining that people dont wanna do anything beyond low level talk and was wondering what to do about it
Brayden Gray
>having a lunch date with your little gym homo
lol you ARE gay
Jace Young
Faggot either come up with something better or fuck off
Evan Myers
I like talking to the old farts and leather skin milfs desu I can feel the same insecurity that I have when interacting with the Young'uns in the gym. I think it's a hormonal issue. In a hypermasculine environment it can be hard to be friendly if you're not comfortable in your own skin. Very strange but also very interesting
Blake Hall
well. i generally dont talk to anyone because what is there to talk about?
i dont know anything about you, im not going to clumsily ask 'hey bro what do you do, how old are you, you got a gf' etc just to find conversation fodder. (i also adhere to my gym policy, which ill remind you im sure you initialed in the agreement when you signed up, to never speak to the women. so right there, thats an automatic... 7% or so of the entire gym population.)
if i do talk to you its going to be able lifting. and there are so so so many different approaches virtually no one does anything the same, so the convo just ends up you both tiptoeing around not insulting eachothers retarded and totally wrong way of doing it... while trying to talk about doing it.
im not antisocial though, i just think people realize theres really no real reason to talk.
Wyatt Cooper
I already spend like 2 hours at the gym without doing any talking man, I would be there forever if I cared to chat with people.
Leo Brooks
You're over thinking it. Just text him the next time you're going to the gym and ask if he wants to workout with you.
Dominic Rodriguez
I met my best friend at the gym. I also met some cool people. Not one bitch though - now workout at home.
Jaxson Gray
Now that sounds semi-gay We see each other often enough I can just roll up and ask for spotting help or whatever
Adrian Edwards
Oi fuck you m8 calves are genetic and you know it
>biggest guy at my gym >working out 15yrs >played collegiate basketball >obviously knows his shit >still has relatively small calves
Carter Campbell
I've only talked to a couple people, some girl was talking to me while I was on one of those bike things. My endurance has gone down hill since I last rode anything. Used to be a cyclist.
Blake Young
>tfw you have superior leg genetics
Lucas Baker
Your words are quite aggressive. I hope to further share discourse with you, so that I may better gauge the intensity of your emotion. Do contact me kindly at your earliest convenience.
Warm Regards, Lionel Sinclair
Zachary Thomas
I'm talking. I'm just talking to the weights.
t. Guy who screams at the bar before lifting it off the rack
Connor Carter
Behavior in the gym would be like stepping into a library or church. No messing around.
Nolan Bell
All i want to do in the gym is listen to my music and work out, this isnt a fucking meet and greet
Cooper Jackson
yes, when i am working out i am trying to work out.
it's a gym, not a bar.
you're doing it wrong.
Gabriel Moore
You're a pathetic faggot, holy shit. Maybe if you had friends and people who care about you, you wouldn't bother others at the gym.
Charles Gutierrez
hm, most people on sites like Veeky Forums have plenty of people that care about them. the problem is that they don't care about themselves and project that onto their families.
Chase White
Spoken like a true foreveralone.mp3
Adam Baker
I stare at chicks and then when they stare back I look away does that count?
Fuck all the fags who lift for like 10 minutes and then socialize for 2 hours. Theres at least 3 of them like that in my gym
Gavin Clark
Most gymgoers used to be introverts who tried to compensate for their shit social skills with big muscles. Now it has changed a bit and there are probably more extroverts at gyms but the tradition of being quiet at the gym continues.
William Wright
I come to do a workout, not to socialize. I'm still learning how to do the compound lifts correctly. I chat after I'm finished and drink my lmao1scoop.
Anthony Davis
nah fampai, just someone who realized that a.) i do have family and friends that care about me a fuckton, even when i didn't care about them and b.) my issue was that i didn't love myself.
Aiden Cooper
must suck to have social anxiety disorder
Benjamin Flores
Saying hey and goodbye is acceptable, sitting down for a chat for 10-20 minutes with someone who is trying to work out is not.
Asher Rodriguez
When im at the gym im there to workout. Sure ill have an occasional friendly exchange, or banter, but never a full blown conversation
Benjamin Wright
if you're in better shape than him he might be just be jelly and unable to mire
Matthew Wright
>imply that's not the best choice
Bentley Collins
I go to a gym with mostly older people and teens I'm bigger than >95% of the gym goers that come here I notice that especially the teens are just anxious I guess they think I'm an alpha male or something >walk in the locker room after upper body day >dat pump >bunch of dyel 16 year olds >I nod and say hi >they look away in fear
Gavin Morris
what, are you trying to date them ?
Josiah Nelson
people are there to work out not to fucking talk get over it you oversocialized effeminate piece of shit
Jeremiah Sanders
Joseph Ross
the gym is a like a work place with a very mean boss and he sees everything you are doing. Gotta stay professional so i won't get fired.
David Hall
There was this girl at my gym who used to stop people and talk to them about bullshit in her life for like 15 minutes. Used to make me so mad. Also getting friends into working out. One would sit sideways on the bench and talk to me the whole time.
Like fuck people I wear huge ass headphones take a hint and fuck off I'm here to lift, this isn't a bar. Fuck you if you try to make extended conversation in the gym that isnt gym related.
Jeremiah Morales
>in the zone YOU are supposed to be in the zone, son, not looking around hoping to find someone with a shit-eating grin pasted across their face.
Blake Roberts
>these dyels who are talking longer than using the equipment
pls go
some people are trying to get something done at the gym
Eli Watson
I usually nod/greet people who look at me in the eyes long enough. Most of them greet back, but there's some who give you the death stare for some reason. I'm not talking about just in the gym environment, btw. But yeah, those who don't greet back are usually the agressive,take-themselves-too-seriously type
Dominic Evans
What state are you in and does the guy have super short hair/baldness?
Julian Roberts
>30-60s between sets what are you lifting babby weights?
Nicholas Sanders
>hurr durr muh iron temple I agree about not socializing at the gym but don't make the gym seem anything more than a place to pick up heavy shit to make your muscles contract harder
Jack Morgan
B.E. yourself, entirely
Dominic Parker
Make sure to wait 2 days at least, you don't want to seem desperate. Remember, after the 3rd date is when you have sex.
Sebastian Price
>i also adhere to my gym policy, which ill remind you im sure you initialed in the agreement when you signed up, to never speak to the women. I refuse to believe that
Nicholas Walker
Well how do you ever get people to do shit who you are starting to become bros with but you never see each other outside of one place?
Jose Clark
I talk to them at that place and offer to get something to eat after working out. You're dense.
Jaxson Martin
>some of us are trying to make social gains >take your autism somewhere else
Holy fucking autism
Grayson Myers
The worse thing about gym is when someone asks you if you are using a piece of equipment and you tell them yes. They stand over you like a vulture waiting for you to finish so instead of finish yoyr sets and do your excersise you just do something else and come back later. These people have no fucking etiquette