Alright losers we all know you're doing it

Alright losers we all know you're doing it

How much >cardio is in your routine now that Pokemon Go is out

I walk ~3km during work so I do another 2km around the park when I get home, gotta hatch them eggs.

>Also, post PokeGainz

Kill yourself manchild.

Unless you get control of your life and get anime / video games out of your daily habits, you're going to end up a failure.

Please, stop being such a fucking loser. It breaks my heart to see all these misguided men.


>Found a hobby that keeps me active
>Friends also play so we're all being active and social
>Free to play, not even pouring money into it
>"Fucking manchild kill yourself grow up"

Hate me because I'm ~230 pounds at >20%bf, not because I found something I enjoy doing that keeps me semi-active and around friends on off days.

At least I'm actively working towards making it, you guys are too busy trying to belittle others on a Vietnamese Felt Art forum. Get out of your computer chair before your fat melds to the seat.

what is wrong with "adults"


Been having some fun with this app. Makes my daily runs a lot more interesting.

Pokemon Go is an irl gainz goblin

lol dude this board is just gonna shit on you, don't mention vidya

pokemon go is instagram for autistic people

video games have literally destroyed our society

they sure have

>i go to anime boards to tell people to not play video games

you cringelords remind me of 14 year old girls that try so hard to act grown up

Veeky Forums has the biggest superiority complex on avg out of all boards. i'll deal with it though cuz i can still find some decent info and motivation for lifting here

>Just wanted to share fun hobbies with Veeky Forums
>Seems Veeky Forums enough, at least you're off your ass and moving around, not like Overwatch or League of Lardass

Back to lurking I guess

It's an easy way to meet girls

Gaming isn't inherently bad, but most of the people who identifies as a 'gamer' are literally the scum of the earth .

I've seen so many normal looking adults out doing this. Also some kids and loser types, but a lloott of adults.

It's on the phone.

Thus socially acceptable.

Get fucked grandpa.

>I go to fitness forums to talk about a children's game from the 90's.
>Not only that, but I incorporate said game into daily life, as I have never learnt how to grow into a fully functional adult.

Seriously reevaluate your life choices.

the GPS tracker is shit. I ran 8 miles today just to get it to trigger once on the 5km incubation. I think the fucking thing was shorting me because I wasn't walking like a fatass.


no sjws are scum of earth, real gamurs never say what they are, they just look it most of the time

I don't approve of video games in an adult life, but this board is just as toxic as a video game.

To ban video games from your life, but still come here to argue with people about THEIR life choices is failure in itself. If you're truly an 'adult' shouldn't you be reading books or furthering yourself in someway right now? Shouldn't you be working on your career?

Writing off something that wastes time, regardless of what it is, while doing something else that wastes time and preaching about it is a horrible thing to do.

Reevaluate your life. Stop preaching garbage and worrying about what other people are doing. Go live your life.

And no i'm not an adult, but I will be after one more semester and am more than ready to take the steps to get into that life.


Insecurity alert

What evidence do you have to support your claim?

Anyone who calls walking around, playing Pokemon Go "Cardio" has a BMI double their age.

>Mfw 27 hours on overwatch
>19 as

So you're trash? Oh okay.



Fuck dude, literally everyone is playing this shit. It's crazy.

>tfw I live next to a pokespot so I get unlimited pokeballs/eggs + random pokemon sometimes without leaving my room

>video games have literally destroyed our society

No, what destroyed out society is:

>Mass immigration
>Political correctness
>Women being given the right to vote
>The globalization agenda
>Social justice warriors
>Suppression of masculine creativity in public schools while praise is given to feminine creativity
>The Jewish owned media
>The rise of atheism and a rejection of religion (Thus breeding
>Birth control filling the water supply with estrogen
>Property value skyrocketing, while wages increase at a snails pace in comparison
>An increased reliance on automation, thus eliminating jobs that were once essential
>Outrageous health care costs. Premiums are massive and getting sick without insurance may as well be a death sentence
>Affirmative action
>8 years of Obama
>Not being able to physically punish your children anymore
>Common core
>The extinction of the physical bully that beat the shit out of pussys to make them toughen up and fight back, only to be replaced by cowardly cyber bullies that engage in psychological warfare instead

The list just keeps going on and on. We live in a society where men are punished for being men, yet are still expected to do it.

So unless video games are "Literally" responsible for ALL of that shit, then no. Video games haven't done shit.
Oh, and wanting to act like an adult is an inherently childish behavior.

>extinction of the physical bully
Shouldn't that be a good thing?
>makes them toughen up.
This is rarely the case

Lmao At This cliché /Pol/ tard ramblings

>lmao! I have no retort but here, look at me laugh at you! :^)

I caught a meowth in the squat rack today

I got the 10km achievement tonight. There was literally a kid riding his bicycle around the park trying to hatch his eggs

>cop pulls up to park i'm at
>in a small group of 10 people
>figure we're all going to get kicked out
>'hey you guys catch anything good'
>cop shoots the shit with us for an hour catching shit with a lure

This game has made me start conversations with so many people I don't even remember half

>catching in the squat rack

sorry to burst your bubble but fucking everyone plays pokemon go.
It's even popular with chads, very popular in fact.

Even for walking it's shit. I just walked 3 miles and it barely even registered it as 1 km.

>expected nothing but autists and manchildren to play this game
>go out and only see chads playing it

keep the app open bro, dont turn your screen off or anything

I was watching the screen the whole time

App needs to be open and all kinds of shit. It's a pain in the ass right now.

This Shit isn't even coherent

>tap pokeball
>power saver mode
>flip screen upside down
>slip into pocket

You still get alerts when shit pops up around you but it saves your battery life, i chuck game audio on super loud because i always miss the vibration alerts.

Ive found its much more reliable when tracking my movements this way but that might just be me.

I make 10k a month, you?


This would be okay except for Veeky Forums putting so much emphasis on being alpha and real men and whatnot. And then they unironically go chase fictional anime characters with their phones.

power saver doesn't work for shit dude, while it's in my pocket it always searches for wifi or some other shit

aight this game was p fun collecting pokes until 3 days later when all the gyms in my area have been possessed by some yellow faggot with 1000+ cp on all his pokes. god damn some people take this game too seriously.

so far ran into
>2 mexican 14 year olds on their bikes
>stubby white numale with his purple haired gf
>nerdcore white dude with ugly azn gf

big surprise, these fags all picked yellow. I did meet some cool black dudes at my gym who were like "bro u team red? aight hold down this gym with us homie!"

this desu. i mean yeah sometimes theres a family with their kids and some times its teens, but for the most part just some swol dudes running around the park laughing like school girls.

ITT: post your pokemon go gainz

>engaging with an app that encourages ableism and fat shaming

Not everyone can walk 20km!

Noobs. I spoof my GPS so I don't waste my time walking.


>tfw iphone 4

killing myself that i'm missing out desu lads

Same fag

>the jews

How old are you, 12?

no thx not gonna let skynet track me down

Mods, ban this underage fucker
