
Current physique mid shred, bring it brehs

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mirin hard.

years lifting/ routine?

Lifting on and off for 5 years now, taking it seriously during months at the time then slacking off. Right now im just cruising on muscle memory and cardio. Doing mostly just bench and different kinds of chin ups and crunches.

When im serious its usually its a 3 day split with focus on push/pull movements plus lots of sprinting. Then i grow pretty big

You suffering from short biceps?

Never really thought about it, but yeah something like that. I don't ever isolate my arms though, because my forearms get so ridiculous

Good chest.

I've since doubled the portion of everything except the chicken and bread, and added a banana to each meal.

5'11 178lbs, currently looking like a dorito

I suffer from it too but you have long ass forearms so it looks allright. have you got before and after picks of your biceps?

Great delts dude, i think some heavy benchpress progression and solid flies could really elevate that physique. I had a small chest gap like that, although not in that particular shape, but as it filled up and gained volume it came out looking great.

Diet on point, putting my own to shame


6'3 205 18y/o

please work your traps user, still looking juicy though

I have just started SS, should I bulk or cut? Obviously I have no muscle on me just fat so idk what to do

I'm the guy above you

I started off skinnyfat like you and just cut to skelly mode and bulked up. Maybe not the best idea but it got me out of the skinnyfat mode

thanks. traps don't pop out when flaring the lats. still aren't my strong point though.

Just eat at a slight surplus and lift hard

Not sure if it helps, but this is a pic from when i was 16

advice on how to get chad mode anybody?


I think I will do a small surplus and see where I go

what are your lifts?

You need to do BASE exercises!! Do benchpress hypertrophy, do your chin ups and heavy rows, and sprint and squat and shoulder press heavy/OHP. Become strong while gaining mass on a protein rich diet. There is no "cut" when you are out of shape, just start working out the basics, lifting bars up and down and pulling your own weight up and pushing shit


mirin hard bro, I'm the guy below you

Yeah your arms are fine. For guys like us with short biceps our forearms are just as important as upper arms other wise arms look stupid. Look at Jon jones when he is flexing his biceps, the gaps really shows if you have short biceps.


Wish i worked out more frequent and consistently throughout the year, but im happy with my size. I like the Greg O' Gallager style


bench: 255 x 1
squat: 365 x 1
don't deadlift but db row: 130lb x 8

thanks bro

Arms are kind of overrated though, don't you think? I think its all about the small waist, broad shoulders and good quads. That way clothes taper to a great look. You can wear dark shirts and nice fitting jeans and still look Veeky Forums as fuck as your arms are not bulging out of your t-shirts/shirt, but you still look athletic because of the frame.

U look like you have some muscle but it's not very apparent because you're fat

any advice for a younger dude like me? I'm tryin to get a physique like you where should I go from here?


How do you look so big, yet manage to be so fucking weak? I weigh about 3 more pounds than you, same height, and I bench about 25 more pounds and squat about 60 more pounds.

100% agree but long biceps are still a big plus. Just look at good old captain americans biceps.

Same, but he is kinda on gear soo......

5'9 175
4 years lifting
Lifts are 1/2/3/4 at the very least

your back looks weird, mirin size

>mfw I have to stop lifting for 2-3 months because inflamed forward rotator cuff
>mfw I have to do calisthenics now

Yeah, that looks good. I wouldn't let it put you down though

because i don't train specifically for strength tough guy, I could be stronger now, those are my 1rm from last year. i never go under 6 reps anymore

now you just them delts famamlam, and then you'll be there

You sure? He looks natty to me.

if you think he's on gear and can't achieve his body natty just go ahead and quit lifting now

Just keep doing what youre doing dude, that is going to look completely sick when you get cut. You look like me during last winter when i was at high bf (Im OP)

OP im mirin hard bro goal physique right there.

I'm thoughts and any advice on where to go from here?

mirin hard, plz post legs and more dorito shots

height/weight? fuccboi status. eat more

another clark kent m'fer

mirin manlet

Better to be tall and wide shoulders then long biceps. What I wonder is, is how much does a persons reach determine the muscle belly length, or at least the appearance of length. Do guy with t-rex arms only appear to have longer biceps or do they actually have longer biceps. Too lazy research this shit.

>those delts

What's your ohp?


standing BB: 135 x 1
seated DB: 75 x 8
i honestly have seen the most growth recently from lots of lateral raises.

how do you standing bb only 5lb 1rep than me

Op here, im 184 Cm and 82 kg. I do enjoy food, but i rarely eat unhealthy. I also love cardio and walks so that keeps me slim

There probably is some sort of genetic phenotype with regards to how the arms and the muscle bellies develop

im not even joking when i say the past year ive literally been training only for a pump. hardly any progressive overload. size wise ive grown but strength eh. im doing a strength based routine since 3 weeks ago.

oh that would make sense, I am just getting done with a 6 month strength routine, about to jump back on a size routine

books.google.no/books?id=1qUSDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA79&lpg=PA79&dq=arm length phenotype&source=bl&ots=SwfiYaHUXV&sig=06jakg0evPp7hjLlOpjfjqanUOc&hl=no&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP77u3_4XOAhXHDiwKHXX5DbMQ6AEIaDAJ#v=onepage&q=arm length phenotype&f=false

tfw crustacean master race genetics
tfw reaching for food has never been easier
tfw short bicepsbellies lay the foundation for more flexible arm movements

5'5 Manlet of manlets
132 lbs
18 years old


He might be but his body is achievable natty.

Miring. I'm same height and weight, but I think you're a lot leaner than I am.

preddy gud op

> 180 at 6ft, that fuccboi frame
hard time believing that, but if you say so

you look great, but you just have this fragile look to you

haven't lifted in 2 weeks due to gym going bust, then went on holiday eating/drinking whatever, how fucked am I

full body from 1 year 3 months ago, i need to take more progress pics lol

So then what are your legs like? Because I used to squat 2pl8 for 25-30 reps and those fuckers just wouldn't grow until I started doing heavy 5x5.

>that bulge
I'm not even homo, mirin whole package user

Fuck these bodies are so good.
Mine is barely 5.5/10

you should get pounded by

my legs are alittle bigger than right here eh ive always trained for hypertrophy not strength. who knows maybe this strength based routine I'm doing now will blow me up hopefully


>tfw trying to understand gravity

Currently cutting. Down from 210 to 193. How low should i go?

can't really tell without a good ab pic

You have some extra lat mass, pls give me some ;~;

Here is the ab situstion. Im flexed with hands over head. Think I may drop to about 185, scared to go to much lower.

Pecs won't grow and even if they do, I have such a shit chest gap. Lats also won't grow

I have been eating what I thought was big for the past 2 months but apparently not big enough. I will start weighing food and counting calories next week

6'0" 170lbs

4 years ago. I don't take pics much anymore. I was 5'10" 163 lbs. I've added 20+ lbs, and am still about the same bf%. Just fucked up mid delts now due to a work-related RC tear.

Tryna get to 10% for the fall semester

what work
also looking titty fuckable

4day split. Usually isolation. Did German volume every 5th week. Abs 3/week. Strength every 7th week. If I needed to cut, I'd hit chest/back supersets 1week as an extra day. I was only at about 43'' chest then. Sitting 46-47" relaxed now.

tfw child birthing hips

You're my goal, mirin hard no homo

End of my first full bulk/cut cycle, 163 lbs 6'

>first meal at half three in the afternoon
NEET detected

hello swanny

took it this morning flat af, dem cutting feels

P-p-please be gentle. Trying to get *beach body ready*

5'1, 107lbs. Frustratingly low BMR.

you are beach body ready you dumb bitch

what wrong with your feet?

work chest, doubt u could even bench 2 pl8 for 5 reps

should put your computer on a hard surface, it will overheat

muhh dick

3 month progress.

5'6 130lbs to 5'6 150lbs

Collapsed arches :-( I was meant to get surgery to fix it when I was a little kid, but my mum said no because it was pretty invasive. Which is fair enough desu, nobody wants a toddler in crutches.

i have that, i had special soles molded for my feet

Yeah, I got those but I don't wear them really. I could only fit them in my doc martens. Cant put them in anything with a heel. What shoes did you put them in?

trainers, those slip on shoes with a flat soles

so is my shoulder hip ratio ok

dyel faggot whens chest day

you're worrying about the stoopidest thing i have ever heard, just get bigger son and it'll be fine, hips like thor not captain america