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Health #380
Fitness Girls
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Is it possible to be intelligent and lift?
Hey user, I've been seeing you at the gym a lot lately
THICC is a meme
How do I talk to the qt I see everyday at gym without looking like a creep to the others there?
Where do I find a gf that will go to the gym with me please respond
Feels Thread
How do I build a chest with daily bodyweigt exercise? Give me top three exercises
Veeky Forums humor
Emotions aren't reality
People still unironically eat carbohydrates
Is Tempz natty?
Oats and Brown Sugar
How to reach Patrick Bateman mode both physically and mentally?
Tfw too intelligent to lift
What does Veeky Forums think of peanut butter sandwiches?
Really makes you think
Oh, you're below 7 inches? Haha...It's fine
How does I into Jason Bourne mode?
Daily reminder : if you think lifting will get you girls and find you love then you are wasting your time
Hamstring tendon behind knee pops out whenever I squat
What motivates you, Veeky Forums?
QTDDTOT Pupper edition
Sara just confirmed
What exactly is an alpha male and how do I become one?
How many of these a day are you guys on?
What is some good running music?
How often does Veeky Forums have red meat? My doctor advised against having it more than once a week
Coffee addiction thread. Are you using it for pre workout or to wake up in the morning?
Pushup thread
Gf wears slut blue dress to casino on her Vegas trip
And on the fifth year, jezyzz rose again
User, how are you gonna participate in the couples yoga class if you can't even touch your toes...
TFW parents are considering kicking me out
I finally hit 2pl bench and what is this
How do you stop the anger
Quitting 4chin for life gains
Want to diet and daily exercise to get in shape but i live below the poverty line
Tfw new superman doesn't even lift
Fph/fps: yo-yo dieting edition
Tfw find sex dirty and like im giving something of myself and not being alpha as fuck
Symmetric strength motivation?
What mode is this?
Routine Check
Food for getting Veeky Forums
Last week I fucked this girl without a condom I know, I'm retarded. Turns out she gets around pretty well
Never got noob gains because I didn't eat enough when I lifted
How you holding up, Veeky Forums? What do you need to get off your chest?
Americans are fucking repulsive...They have no low
Why is Chloe the Queen of /fit?
What routine would you give Hillary Clinton to make her Veeky Forums acceptable?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How do I get Dio's body?
Is this statement true?
Hey /fit, 5'9, 130lbs female here
That skinny group of guys who come in for a month or so and talk about a fit lifestyle like professionals and then you...
What are your top 5 upper body workouts?
Ask the receptionist out to a local lake next week
What's your guilty pleasure for eating
What keeps you motivated to stay in shape?
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Feelings for another girl
Hey guys. Just wanted to let you guys know to be careful about taking steroids...
Let me tell you why doing cardio is retarted if you want to grow/maintain LBM...
How 2 pick up cashier girls
Will nofap benefit someone who greases the pole 3 times a day or is it really just a meme
What's the most no homo thing you've done Veeky Forums?
The heart is a muscle
Hair loss: minoxidil
Hot Bank Teller
How come this guy looks DYEL but is able to lift 1/2/3/4?
What exercises should I focus on
/fraud/ steroids generally
Take 15g of creatine, get big!
How do I get a better ass? Mine looks like a deflated souffle. Also general female body workouts
Tfw I've accidentally Pavlovian conditioned my ass so I need a shit everytime I go running
You don't need a belt until you can lift 5 plate
Reminder that nobody cares how much you can deadlift if you can't do 20 strict form pull ups you are weak
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Dog food
Is liking T H I C C chicks really a sign of having high test?
How long should it take to hit 1234 with perfect diet and commited to a good routine?
but counting calories is too hard
How tf do I fix my body?
How much milk is too much?
Are tattoos the ultimate indication of retardation?
Its BS that i cant post topless flexing pics like guys can
Anyone here a personal trainer? Surely you have some good stories
How do you make rice tasty?
Why do protein powders taste so shit?
Tfw chest pump
Would Veeky Forums call rocky marciano a dyel manlet to his face?
Do you need to be Veeky Forums to pickup girls?
I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately...
Be honest, you lift for girls don't you user?
Who's at fault here?
Veeky Forums staples of other regions?
I don't think i'm capable of loving someone
What cardio do you plebs do?
/mg/ - Motivation General
Why does Veeky Forums hate planet fitness? I get that if you're serious about mad gains then it's underwhelming...
How do I stop getting poo stains in my underwear?
Tfw you just ate a 1,010 calorie burger in 10~20 minutes
Give me pictures of hot girls from your gym
Cutting help
Upping the D
Flared Ribs & Co
Opinions on anabolics...
What's the best way to make chicken breadt tasty?
Wide hips(men)?What do???
How do I into Ronaldo mode?
This site is fulled with fat fucks and sometimes it's hard to identify them, as they're behind monitors...
That guy who yawns in between sets
What is it like being attractive to girls?
Daily Fridgemode girl thread
Is Kefir the holy elixir of Veeky Forumsness?
What's there left to do after 1/2/3/4 ?
/plg/ - Powerlifting general
Itt: your least favorite lifts/exercises and why
Who made you want to start lifting? These two brothers made me want to do it...
Post Fictional Goals
Running is 100% mental!
Mfw gf won't wear heels because she doesn't wanna be taller than me
Who else here oldfag? Turning 29 soon, hairline fucked
Hi Veeky Forums
Tfw dad died of prostate cancer three weeks ago and i stopped lifting and spent the entire time binge drinking and...
What are some tips to get a girl to like you?
Are there any lesbians here i need advice
Is The Wall real? Do men really have the upper hand when they enter their 30s?
Veeky Forums
What protein to use
So Veeky Forums I'm gonna start a small gym, and my plan is that it can be booked for completely private use...
Ideals Thread
Are they worth it? Will they help?
How tight should I wear my clothes?
That feeling after you do a test shot
Veeky Forums humor thread
He thinks being Veeky Forums will get you laid more than being Veeky Forums
What's your sleep position of choice, Veeky Forums?
Next to basketball is MMA the most anti-manlet sport?
Is Veeky Forums hairy? I have a lot of body hair and I'm contemplating getting rid of it
Thinking about going on the keto diet
How's the cut going user?
So depressed that not even lifting isn't easing the pain
I have insanely small wrists and hands. Is there any hope for natty big arms, if training time isn't a bother?
Why do people on fit always brag about banging milfs on tinder? Congrats bro...
Veeky Forums meals to pre-make for the week?
Preworkout thread
Lunk Alarm
What does Veeky Forums do between sets?
At work
This guy asks you to spot him while he squats and then invites you to the steam room afterwards
Is Alan Thrall the most based natty Youtuber?
Where does Veeky Forums live?
Is it possible to die from lack of sleep / insomnia / very little sleep?
Quitting Veeky Forums for life gains
/fht/ fat hate thread /FPS/ fat people stories
Tfw no gf
Can we please have a converter on Veeky Forums for people from the United States of America and Myanmar?
Is it Alpha of you to date/be with a tall girl?
I hear a lot about people who wake up early to exercise or run
Pendlay Rows
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
Short Veeky Forums survey here, just curious about a few things
How did you get over fast food?
Routine inspection thread
What's the personality type of people that actually make it and get aesthetic af?
Tfw when I only ate 337 calories today
Good Mire Thread
/Fraud/ General
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why is being vegan so expensive?
Planet Fitness
Say I'm buying used Veeky Forums gear for a home gym, what should I get?
How many ounces of water does Veeky Forums drink per day?
Post calories
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Holy shit I just had a revelation guys...
Post your Gym bag
Will someone even reach half of what he did?
How to tell if a normie is gonna "make it" when it comes to weightloss/fitness?
Do you count the bar?
How do I stop the fucking plebs and degenerates from talking to me at the gym?
Ask someone opening up a supplement shop anything
That guy who will make any excuse to not squat
How has genetics fucked you from having an aesthetic body?
Lazy cook
Daily reminder that this is what women really want
2 Month in here...
Why would you want to be bigger than this, it's literally what every girl wants
Jared leto's been an on again off again vegan for most of his life and he has a huge ass dick
You are in the club and this guy patronizes your gf's ass, what do you do?
Yo Eliiot
Have you guys ever been in a street fight (I have been training kickbox for 4 years), what are your experiences
Have you been to the gym yet today?
Why aren't you part of the 6'0 masterrace yet Veeky Forums?
>tfw shaved calluses
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Tan Thread - How many pounds of muscle would you swap for a great tan?
How do I get into Oliver Queen mode?
Should I do steroids Veeky Forums?
Is David Laid one of us?
You come to this gym user?
Goal body thread
Catching hate at the gym?
Holy shit the meme is true
Alcohol pre-workout
What's the worst thing you've ever done for gains?
Is Anyone Here Below 10% Bodyfart?
So I can't do a pullup. Is it better to do the jump and hold (as long as possible) or jump and slowly go down?
/SHG/ - Sexual Health General
Why do people say that Zyzz workout is bad?
Just a reminder that manlets will never make it in life
Is crossfit really a meme?
Hey Veeky Forumsizens, so I just stumbled upon this video and checked the website...
Anyone try using caffeine for weight loss?
Is it possible to get a big back without deadlifts?
/cbt/ current body thread
Do normies like high test girls?
Be honest now user, how often do you work your core?
Newcomer on getting Strong
Why are so many of you afraid of cardio? Its essential if your an athlete...
Gf cancelled seeing me again tonight even though she's already out in town
Pregnancy scares
Why do people keep a high bodyfat when building muscle and strength?
Is Coffee Bad?
Did you just touch my girl faggot? put your fucking hands up
Veeky Forums clothes thread
To what God did you dedicate your workout to on this day? Mine is pic related
That guy who yawns in between sets
You know what, fuck this guy
How the fuck do you make out and kiss a girl?
Is this Veeky Forums approved?
Hi Veeky Forums this is my first time in here because i need your help...
/Symmetrical Strength/ Thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do I have any potential?
Who is she Veeky Forums? Why aren't you with her?
Tfw fell for the "don't squat bro, do leg press and leg curls" meme
/hightest/ and /fitgirls/
Can't afford a gym membership, but I can get a 30lb dumbbell...
Things dyels say
Im sorry to inform you anons but if you are not turned on by this you are most certanly gay
What constructive things have you done today, Veeky Forums?
Hey, Veeky Forums, are you stronger than all of the women at your gym? If not, why?
Cutting General
Getting up from toilet the day after leg day
Get high with my gf
Fridgemode Girls Thread
I have failed
What are you eating?
Alright Veeky Forums, I'm a skinnyfat chick with no muscle whatsoever. But, I want to work out and build muscle...
Can we please keep a fat hate thread going? I don't have much to dump but it keeps me motivated
I'm considering getting one or two scars on my face to enhance my masculinity
He made it
I've only been doing NoFap for a week and I've already had a dream that some hot girl in my school was touching my body...
Hey Veeky Forums. Just found out ex gf who I was trying to get back has someone she is seeing on the side...
Unexpected benefits from being Veeky Forums
Which pill do you swallow, Veeky Forums?
Tfw no gf
Mfw I reach for the 4th scoop but the bag is empty
Veeky Forums, how do I keep myself motivated to lift when all our heroes have left us?
Anyone else on /fit struggling to swallow the age pill?
Hey Veeky Forums so tell me, why should I pick rice over beans?
Pic of you that you like
Have a cold
Is he natty?
Been bodybuildying for about 2 years now and im thinking about taking gear now since i have a connection for it i just...
Is the zyzz workout good for rapid gains?
One month into begginer routine
100g pysillium husk, 30ml water mixed into a paste
Should I stop losing weight and start gaining muscle? I have only lost weight so far...
Appetite Suppressant?
How many dicks has the average an American girls sucked after college?
At what age did your penis stop growing?
Fit, what exercises should I do to get bigger forearms?
Things I would do to trappy:
Exercices to avoid?
What do you have to do to get with a girl like this Veeky Forums?
Holy fuck im going to have a heart attack
Fuck all of you faggots
How do you pronounce HAES?
What does fit drive
I'm eating 4 eggs/day (yolk included)
/fraud/ general
YouTube channels
How much did you jack off when you were an early teen (10-15) and how much do you jack off now...
5'9", 149 pounds. guessing 20-22% body fat?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
You know those facebook/instagram videos of dudes training those insane jumps?
/owg/ olympic weightlifting general
Is it normal to fall in love with the receptionist at the gym?
Cmon user, have a bite!
Daily reminder that some fat, ugly, manlet with a gaming channel is fucking this 7/10 aryan qt
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
How do I become a Chad?
In which position do you guys sleep?
Weeb shit
Been working out for a couple months to lose weight
Hey Veeky Forums, it me again...
Muscle or technique?
So what do we think of Soylent, Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums approved haircuts
Leg extensions
An article on Rich and Sara's breakup
Best and healthiest food from here? Would love to avoid, but just got a job where driving around all day is required...
Looks like Scooby has finally replied
Anyone cheated and got away with it?
Redpill me on bodyweight exercises
How the fuck do people drink protein powder mixed with water? It's THE WORST thing I've ever tasted...
Toughest sport in high school/college
Calum's cycle
/cbt/ - current body thread
Veeky Forums think this looks good
Opinions Veeky Forums?
Hillsborough County Jail
I suppose I can ask this here because you guys aren't beta
Do women check out dudes butts like men check out there's? Curious for reasons
Now that I've red-pilled my mind, I need to red-pill my body
Of course I go to the gym silly bois ;)
Hey user, we've been seeing you here at the gym a lot lately
Tried to do 10 pushups just now
I really want thicc legs like pic related, I am however a 5ft6 manlet
How the fuck does anyone eat 2500+ calories a day without resorting to junkfood?
How does this make you feel, Veeky Forums
Why my nipples are located in wrong place?
Walk into gym
Going to the gym tomorrow for the very first time...
Hey Veeky Forums! I just watched "The Machinist," and I absolutely loved it...
Roiding before 2/3/4/5
2000 calories per cup
Have you worked out today to honor Mars, the God of War and Peace?
Do you deadlift on back or leg days? I don't understand how people can deadlift on any other day but leg day...
Been lurking here for months but going to a gym for a first time ever, any last minute tips?
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Stretchmarks thread
Skinny fat or completely fucked? I'm bottom heavy as a guy, all of my fat has been cut from my upper body first...
Which exercise do you enjoy more? The squat or the deadlift?
Since most guys on this board fall for the SS meme, how did you fix the Rippetoe body?
Fastest way to drop fat?
How do you deal with the fact that your gf will become ugly over time?
College Fitness
Favorite pre workout supp?
What ever happened to Veeky Forumss lord and saviour scoobs?
Am I the only one on this board who needs to smoke before lifting?
Does someone have a backup of Trappy's sticky?
/routine/ general
Tinder help Thread and 1 rep squat maxes
Hey Veeky Forumsfags. Who do you think would win in an armwrestling match, Ronda Rousey or Serena Williams?
Wat do?
Running shoes
Tfw 5,5 inches
What muscles make you look at someone and be able to tell if they even lift?
How does it feel to have women be attracted to you?
Motivating friends and family
Things you'll never hear a fitizen say
Has anyone here had bad social anxiety and got over it?
His money and fame is what is attractive not his body
Things dyels say
The genetically gifted fuck faces on Veeky Forums that gain muscle without ever getting fat and are more muscular than...
How long do you bros spend at the gym?
/fraud/ general
Is this gyno or just fat?
Not using tinder to abuse fatties
No fap hoax
Just get back from date
Okay fit. I'm with a girl who wants to fuck like 3x a day and go on dates...
How do I just pass out? I want to knock myself out for about 5-6 hours and be dead fucking asleep
Why are you depressed, Veeky Forums?
Macros ver. 2
Why are Adidas Adipower the best weightlifting shoe?
Was a virgin at the start of the year
What do rich people do all day
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Sup Veeky Forums
Does veganism work?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Hey guise
Ex getting hotter by the day
Can one of you cunts tell me how to cook muh chicken breast right...
That guy that doesn't shower using the gym showers
Just be confident, bro
Bulking is too hard
What do you think of tattoos?
How are you not Chad Thundercock yet?
I've been making gains and starting to get attn from chics...
Am I odd for not giving a fuck about being naked in the locker room?
Hey guy, I was betrayed and sold by someone I really looked up to
TFW I will never have a cute gf that we can move into an apartment together and split rent
Short Guys
a girl smiled at you today
You just got sent back in time, to the Roman empire, at its highest
Doing SS, stalling at 60kg squat
Does your dad lift, Veeky Forums?
Acceptable hi-test bum
Veeky Forums approved anime
Number of reps/sets
God-tier fitness books
So Veeky Forums as a skinny fat should I bulk or cut first ?
People here are chewing gum for masseter muscle jaw gains
Eternal /fat hate/ thread
Wake up
Whats my bodyfat%, do I bulk or cut
/run/ - Running General
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
I got my hormone levels back from the doctor...
Running "help"
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
Are crossfit girls natty
Today was Boogie's birthday, he is 42 years of age now. He is going to die tonight in his sleep...
Well Veeky Forums? What's yours?
Hey fit what is a fun and actually useful martial arts/ self defense discipline?
Fat female here
Milk or Water
Alright Veeky Forums...
Push up thread for The Glory of Zyzz
What keeps you from killing yourself Veeky Forums?
Tfw roll of shame for bench press
I honestly hope you aren't lifting for girls
Any of you ever still think about that one dude who did your girl dirty?
Employedfags of Veeky Forums, which do you prefer?
Dyels, crossfitters, snap city, etc. thread
Get first GF
Why are eggs so fucking gross?
I usually lurk so this is my first time posting something on Veeky Forums
Shy Bladder
So Veeky Forums I just got a new tattoo on Friday, how long until I can lift again? Also tattoo care general
What are some good exercises that help with fucking?
Veeky Forums music thread
Yfw I only train 3x a week
Doing SS, stalling at 60kg squat
Veeky Forums approved movies
Let's be serious for once
Post women with perfect bodies
Veeky Forums
What's ronaldo's bodyfat?
Normies at the gym
5 pissenter
Red Pill Me On NoPorn Veeky Forums
Fictional Goal Body thread
Roiding before 2/3/4/5
FPS; I never used to believe
Go to gym to work out
That guy who yawns in between sets
Where does Veeky Forums fall on the kinsey scale?
ITT : Funny things that happened in the gym
Who /labor job/ here?
What was this guy's catchphrase again?
Veeky Forums, everybody
Macros thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Thinking this guy is natty
Have you offered your workout today as a sacrifice to please Mars, you plebs?
Creatine is a meme supplement?
Talk to me about viagra brehs
Ask someone who just got banned from his gym
Who here is in the 300lb bench club? How long did it take you to get there...
What did Veeky Forums do?
Is it possible to make gains if you're an alcoholic Veeky Forums?
When your mum mires you
Footballer physique
Give me a philosophical reason to start lifting
Can you get social gains like you do with physical gains?
When is it too late to start getting Veeky Forums?
So whos the king of Veeky Forums?
enter gym
Betas vs. betas
Why do women take things men do well and ruin it?
The genetic lottery
Mentioned in a thread a few days ago I've been pretty heavy on DNP a few months ago and got a lot of good questions...
Crossfit Cringe Thread
ITT: Routine advice general
Ideals Thread
I just got facial reconstruction surgery for $55,000 AMA
Weed and breathing
Best type of workout for fat loss at home?
What's your bf/gf like Veeky Forums?
What kind of girls does Veeky Forums lift for?
Can you get big legs without heavy squats or deadlifts ?
Deadlift 220 for one rep
Functional Strength
First law of thermodynamics
Tfw lower back hurts after deadlifts and I'm positive my spine is neutral so I'm unsure if I'm snapping my shit up or...
How can i get motivated back into working out?
So with this information, what's the optimal rep-set amount?
You guys remember to brush and floss your teeth, right?
Are macros ratios bullshit or not? Seeing conflicting info about it online
Need to get a bike, considering a Motobecane...
Does PUA shit work in any capacity?
Self-improvement Gains
How do I achieve this body and how long would it take?
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Tfw no gf
Is there a way to lose weight but without any gains?
Bigger Fitness Fraud
Does anyone know a good allergen free protein powder? also, I've been seeing this guy...
How to get huge arms like a marine?
Getting a hot ass at home
Does Veeky Forums like elliot? He seens like hes the real deal.... unlike all those other natties
So, when does lifting cure my crippling depression?
Fuck me up
Self improvement general /sig/
Alpha / Dominant Music Thread
Tfw lifting wont make me happy and I'm still suffering from crippling loneliness
Veeky Forums approved eating establishments, I'll start:
How are you feeling tonight, Veeky Forums?
/cgl/ is bullying us again ;_;
How do I grow out my forearms, Veeky Forums? It's apparently a thing girls like
Hey Veeky Forums
Amerifats only
Can you do a muscle up?
There's a muslim guy in my Gym who plays jihadist music in his phone
Cleaning your Pineal gland
/Fraud/ General
/cutting/ general
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Assuming prob is causing my ED, how do you stop? I love the thought of jerking off and cumming...
How do I score a loyal qt that isn't going to cuck me and hasn't had a dozen dicks?
Tinder Experiences
Overhead press form
At what age should men move out by for maximum life gains?
Sup Veeky Forums I want to hop on an EC stack but i can't find bronkaid anywhere around me...
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Is there any serious reason why someone would lift if they're under 5'7?
You guys told me that liftingng would get me a pure gf. You're fucking liars. I'm now a 21 year old KHV
When did you realize this food is pretty much Whey in terms of percentage of protein?
What's the best thing to improve mid-distance running? (1.5 - 2 miles)
Do you think Pokémon go actually will help people, specially fat one, to get moving and lose weight?
Why aren't you vegan?
Veeky Forums Why are most men not macho?
/lfa/ - lifting for America general
Veeky Forums triggers
Home gym mustard rice
So i wanna ask this cute girl out
Looking for honest opinions
When did you realize that you could become aesthetic and how did you deal with it?
Finally, no more purple
Current back thread
Post Your Routines! And TIPS
Goal body thread
Hello Veeky Forums, r9k crossboarder here
Everytime I eat pussy I get this white bump under my tongue it's like a canker sore any idea why?
How can people who know about nutrition eat junk food?
So I'm on episode 6 of season 3 and holy shit how does her trainer do it? He has the patience of a saint...
My shaker was filled with some whey left-overs for a few days. It stank fucking disgusting when I finally opened it...
How come people in africa and guerilla fighters look so fucking strong yet are poor probably barely eat any food and...
Lift in redneck gym in Tenesse
Is there any better breakfast than a whey/oat protein shake?
Why cant I just train everyday to build muscles?
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Is there any real disadvantage to DB benching instead of BB benching...
So how wide is your FRAME, Veeky Forums?
I think im starting to understand non lifting normie faggots and why someone who looks dyel for Veeky Forums standards...
/PLG/ powerlifting general
What does Veeky Forums think of KinoBody?
F2f thread
Fit girls thread
This guy asks you for a squat spot and calls you cute
Go on Youtube
What's wrong with my physique? am i going to make it?
So Veeky Forums. How does it make you feel that these high school football players can kick your ass at weight lifting?
Why are you drinking that protein stuff user?
Time goes by quick as fuck, blink and ure 40 years old working a 7 to 5 job to pay rent
Look what i got Veeky Forums
Can Indian Lifting get me white gf?
Too much of a pussy to go to the gym
Health advice?
Okay Veeky Forums no ridicule...
What would you guys estimate his weight at 6'1 and how long it took him to train to where he is now?
I still don't understand why you guys look up to Arnie. I litterally have no respect for anyone who uses steroids
Am I overweight?
Is it true that women only care about money? I don't give one shit about how much money my gf has
Guys red pill me on fat burner pills. I'm not gonna do DNP but I'm looking for the best supplements to aid fat loss...
Sup Veeky Forums, what are the absolute best things I can do for myself/my health to ensure my longevity?
NoFap Thread
Tfw got drunk with gf last night
/plg/ - powerlifting general
ITT we post our gym's rules
/plg/ powerlifting general
How to achieve this body? Diet and workout
Arched back is cheating
Is this heart rate measurement / cardio in your right "zone/heart rate" / a meme or is it legit enough to buy something...
What's the things that made the biggest difference to your training?
What do you guys think of tyler1?
So fucking tired all the time, low test?
How do I build joocy gloots? Please post examples of joocy gloots and give advice
Veeky Forums sins
Veeky Forums feels
Train hard
Is this achievable through diet / other means or is it purely genetics?
Lifting playlist
What do you bros think is wierder?
This fat fuck has a wife, why don't you even have a gf?
Does anyone else feel like they're wasting time on this terrible, pessimistic website?
Annoying people at the gym
I'm sick of powersongs that are just metal blasting at full fucking volume or some electronic bullshit
DOMS General
Fat People Stories - MBFFL
Daily reminder i can kick every single one of your asses
So is there absolutely no way of practically increasing the size of you cock? 4.5 x 4...
Does anyone get that weird yellow slime in their shit when they lose weight...
Skinnyfat NEETfag here
Tfw i can eat whatever the fuck I want and still lose weight thanks to based intermittent fasting
How do you react when someone trashes bodybuilding
Explain yourselves
Is this guy impossible to rekt? He destroys everyone who tries to argue with him. The man's logic is flawless
Dumbbell Workouts
Will lifting help me become more attractive?
Started lifting when do i become alpha I would like to know the extact date and time i started yesterday at 4:23pm GMT
Veeky Forums, how did you get out of depression?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
What to do if your parents are gains goblins?
Double Cheeseburger General
Tfw going to the gym to punch out pajeets when they leave
Will taking modafinil fuck up my health?
How about that white bois even black women take your white bitches
Is this achivable natty?
Guys, is it possible to make it when having VERY long legs? I'm 6'4 and very skinny...
Fresh Sweet Potatoes have been certified by the America Heart Association (AHA) to be low in saturated fat and...
Do you guys trim your eyebrows? How do you do it...
Which body part is the sexiest on a woman ?
Overhead Press
How's my shitty progress? I'm better off than where I was, but I still look like shit. Tfw filling in 6'5 skelly frame
The average natty "bodybuilder" after training intensely for 1.5 years naturally
Do SS they said
He's not putting weed in his scoops
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Tfw no matter how fit you get you will never have riley grind your dick inside her
How do I give up snacks Veeky Forums?
How do I get testosterone in eastern europe? Can I order from the internet?
What are some high-effort Veeky Forums recipes...
Why aren't you eating duck breasts instead of chicken breasts?
What does Veeky Forums think of tattoos?
What are the most legit supplements Veeky Forums?
I can cruise on 250mg test a week for ~$250/yr
/pl/ - powerlifting general
So I've been lifting for about a year now, and I'm about to try pre workout for the first time. What should I expect?
That's our boy Hemingway
Let's Play A Game
Tfw smoking 50 cigs and drinking 2l of coffee every day
Why do I hate this fucking cunt Veeky Forums? Everytime I see him I want to punch his smug fucking face
Out of curiosity, how realistic are Marvel movies irl Veeky Forums...
Arm/stats thread
What time do you go to the gym?
Fit humor thread
Cool shit that Veeky Forums can do
Any tips for avoiding loose skin while losing a lot of weight? Lose it slower? Supplements? Or am I just fucked?
Stats Thread
What's your excuse Veeky Forums?
Overhand or mixed grip for deadlifts?
We're sorry
Fit girl thread
Is having strong body odor something that is alpha male?
Feels General
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Good morning, Veeky Forums
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Veeky Forums women?
What are your 5 rep ranges for these compound lifts?
What do you lift for?
He doesn't eat 300g of peanut butter each day
The hardships of being swole
Anyone miss the Zyzz era...
The Point?
ITT: Estimate body fat %
This is why I lift
/BWG/ - Bodyweight General
Someone please tell me the whole story of what the fuck happened to trappy
Tell me one good reason to lift when attraction is 100% about face?
New shoe thread
750g chickenfilet a day. Will I make it, or die hating chicken?
Weight loss breakfast
Started cutting
Fat girls
Veeky Forums - Fit Ideals Thread
What should I do to thicken?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Who else is incorporating pokemon go into their routine?
Fitness Dick in My Wife
23 and thinking of starting smoking
That feel when you realize YOU were the DYEL pajeet everyone always makes fun of
Any smokers here?
Now that the dust has settled
How much do I need to lift to look like this after cutting? Assume that I have a similar frame
Gym pajeets thread
Oh my.god
What do I do when I think I'm in love with my gf? I can't deadlift enough plates for this
Veeky Forums pick up lines
After squatting heavy and eating dinner, I took a big shit and blood came out. Am I going to die? What should I do?
Anyone have weak pee stream...
Would he have attracted girls if he was fit
Absolute worst things you can eat
Is lifting compatible with smoking?
Why have some of you began PPL/Bro-split?
So assuming you can do both Pendlay Rows and Power Cleans with good form...
Powerlifter boy at the gym
Veeky Forums Confessions
Alright I can't believe I'm asking this but Im asking for help from the chan
How do you guys here who are complete losers (like having no friends, no girlfriend, bad parental relationship, virgin...
Anyone else alone on Friday night
It's good to have a king on this board that surprises you every day. For example...
Which is better?
W-w-were all gonna make it right lads
Help me/fit/
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Had blood in my poop twice in the past month. both times was red, not black
Someone asks me about lifting/nutrition or how I work out
Tfw I have wristlets
What brand/flavor protein powder do you use?
Thin parents pass on 'skinny genes' to their children
~20/25% body fat
Do you think id get in trouble if i wore this to the gym here in London?
First new female client comes into the corporate gym where I work
Um WTF!!
No wonder yuropoors are weak...
Not skipping leg day
Who else here is lifting to find an American gf to marry for a green card?
Should i take my butt plug after squating, or leave it in for the rest of my workout?
Who/What do you think of when you lift?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Every fucking Friday man
How many calories would you guess are in one of these smaller slices?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games