Are they worth it? Will they help?

Are they worth it? Will they help?

I've been isolated for like 3 years living on my own. A friendless NEET, I don't know what to do

No they are shit , go outside meet new people
Also sage

No pill can act as a magic bullet, unfortunately. Im in the same position bro, the truth is most people are polite, but the moment you suggest going for a drink or anything social, it triggers their defences.

People, especially women, categorise everyone in their life, if you dont fall into a certain place they're quite reluctant to want to spend time with you.

Im pretty ugly as well, I always knew but whenever ive been out in public with another person im amazed and jealous how women will actually look at them in the street. Very very few women will look at me, It does make me jealous but I cant force people to like me so keep lifting

Been on and off them. Last time I took anything was June of 2015. I feel great without them. Don't let anyone pressure you into them unless you really really know you should try them. In all honesty, they had some weird side effects.

Yes, it works

he will need the pills to do it retard

I agree. See them as a last resort, if you have some deppression symptoms taking cold showers and exercising may help with that.
But you really need to fix what is wrong with the way you live, making friends for instance.

It may not be easy at first but it's like lifting you get better at it, ask yourself what do you like to do (or would like to do) and then check meetups on the internet or visit clubs or some shit.

Set an hour everyday to look for a job, it worked for me

You can do it user :)

>go outside and meet people
what does that even mean how do you do this do you just walk around awkwardly for hours what the actual fuck

get a job

Antidepressant's aren't magic pills, but they help you get the ball rolling. The fact that you are fed up and sick of your current situation is a good start.

Go see a doctor and talk about your options when it comes to medication and therapy.

I was depressed, had a lot of negative self-talk constantly going on in my head, suicidal idealization, an general sense of feeling like shit. I went and saw my GP and he got me on some antidepressants. It wasn't like it changed my life as soon as I took the first pill, after awhile I started to think more clearly bit by bit. I coupled this with some CBT to try and change the way I thought about myself and my situation. Overall right now my life is still kinda shit and I am not 100% happy where I am in life but I can at least deal with stuff instead of feeling like I am just gonna shutdown.

You guys are putting the cart before the horse. Antidepressents are a tool to help you be able to manage going out and doing that stuff.

It isn't as if you need to be on pills for the rest of your life. Take them and help yourself get out of whatever depressed rut your in, then later when things have improved and you have some coping skills developed go off of them and see how you are.


I strongly advise against anti depressants unless your depression is EXTREMELY severe. I got prescribed an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer when I was 12. Within a week, I simply stopped feeling. They turned me extremely introverted and sapped my motivation and ambition more than my depressive episodes would. I felt like a zombie in a field of people. I took myself of the medication soon after starting but I feel like I never went back to normal (although this feeling was probably just puberty). Now I'm still depressed most days, and I it sucks, but I just bear though it. I have goals that I want to work towards whether or not I'm happy on the path to achieving them. I never have suicidal feelings for more than a couple days so that's also bearable. Every once in a while I have manic episodes, which usually only hurt my wallet. Though the ups and downs are pretty negative, it still beats the void that antidepressants made me feel

Dunno if they help and they are definitely not a requirement in order to recover: I spent 5 years as a friendless, anxious and awkward NEET.

One day I simply had enough and signed up for classes again and got a gym membership. In hindsight I'm pretty surprised of it, considering what a wreck I was at the time.

Whether you hop on the pills or not, I really hope and think that you'll make it because, despite being a cliché, it really does get better. Godspeed to you.

>Been on lexapro, zoloft, brintellex, and prozac

Here's the deal OP.

First off, all of them take about 2-4 weeks to even start working and most have weird side effects before your body adjusts to them.

Second, they don't do what you expect them to. I always hoped I'd find one that simply made me happier, but all of them simply just dull out ALL emotion, good and bad. Sure you aren't thinking about dying all the time, but you stop laughing, enjoying things, I call it the autopilot effect. especially with lexapro- that shit zombified me hardcore.

Next, WEIGHT GAIN. a fuckton. almost every ssri will do this to you. Also common is dick issues.

Also, they all start losing their effectiveness after the 3/4 month point. Maybe longer if you're lucky, but the diminishing returns are real.

Lastly, expect to have a good 1-3 weeks of extreme depression upon withdrawal.

I'm off everything now and realized I just fell for the pharma jew in a desperate search for happiness. I should have done something better, because depression comes from a plethora of fixable things and pills alone won't cause positive change in your life.

Best of luck OP.

Yeah, they do help. Thanks to antidepressants I was able to reach my goals.

I can only speak from my own experience of taking these. But they helped a lot. It helped my social anxiety enough to get myself out of the house and into the gym. I'm on 10mg Lexapro which is supposed to be a fairly small dose if I remember correctly.

IMO it's worth a shot and if it doesn't help atleast you tried it.

>he will need pills to casually talk to people
Then he's better off killing himself. And I'm not joking on this one.

Well that's just unproductive advice. Although that would be expected of a tripfap.

hey, move back to your parents'.

fix your life slowly from there.

Take responsibility instead of looking for a easy way out, it never works for anyone. If you think im making baseless assupmtions read what you wrote and think about it for a few minutes.

What fucking advice do you even expect?
It's literally
>get off your ass
>get out of your basement
>go to a pub
>meet people
If you can't do any of those on your own and you need pills that fuck with your hormones, then you're in for a very fucking painful lifestyle and you're better off killing yourself.

you go to a bar alone? please tell me what a typical night of that is like

Your talking out of your ass dude

The way you write about dealing with depression is very indicative of someone who has NOT dealt with what it is like to have depression.

hurr man up dude dont be a pussy and just do it!!!!!

your type of advice really isn't helpful to someone who actually has depression.

thank you for sharing.
Started 20mg of citolopram a month back.
I haven't noticed the anhedonia because I'm just glad to not be thinking about suicide all the time.
If I start to notice that I still have to be appreciative that they helped me back on my feet.
Also I'm not getting any but it takes longer to cum from jerking the gherkin so that's a +++ for any future sexy times :))))))))))))))

Besides fitness what routines helped you wean off them?

you just gotta wean off them. take 10mgs for a week instead of going from 20 to 0

>the moment you suggest going for a drink or anything social, it triggers their defences.
i know couple people who are like this and they´re so busy on protecting themselves from a fun lifestyle and "embarrassments" that nothing happens in their lives and they keep getting progressively more and more cringy since they miss out on the alpha stuff.

IMO if you skipped drinking you´re not above in categories, you´re below. saying someone is ugly isnt an excuse to not go since the point is to have social fun with friends instead of making out

you shouldnt get jealous you should get angry and lift until you look like a fucking hulk

oh but I mean what habits did you develop w/ antidepressants that helped you wean off them.

I'm starting to exercise regularly, still eating poorly, sleeping a little longer.
But it's only been a few weeks and I'm worried that the initial rush of energy will fade and I'll be back at step 1

Where, oh where did I say I go to a pub alone? I actually have buddies to go out with. However, a bar is the easiest place to find someone to talk to - people aren't sober, people don't have sticks up their asses. It's literally the easiest place to approach anybody without any regret.

Wow, you got me. I never had depression, simply because I'm not a bitch.
Man up, chin up, go out, have fun.
If you expect someone to tend your fee-fees, then go to tumblr.

stop being a bitch. get more sunlight. stop hiding in your mothers basement. get more excercise. go hiking. get some friends. go to the bar. meet people. fuck bitches. get a real job. or an education. get money. get /fit.

get a life OP. problem solved.