/plg/ - Powerlifting general


Screaming Filip edition.

Get out of his way.

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Please post in mine
I put a lot of effort into it ;-;

Crossfit and friendship


who'd you give your wraps to?

Anyone wonder if we're using pecs for the wrong reason? Ever wonder if,instead of being used to push things away, they're for bear hugs?

The new owner wasn't given them. They were acquired by him.

>>lost my wraps
Good riddance, you've experienced enough of """"equipped"""" lifting already.

Cani habe a form check pls



Scooby said he finds flie movements are more effective than pressing movements for chest

>tfw people keep laughing when I tell them I want to compete
103/70/159kg are my 1rm at 79kg, I'm still a "junior" and I've been training for a year
is there hope or should i start collecting rocks?