What should I do to thicken?

60kg squat
60kg DL
35kg Bench Press

178cm tall

What exactly should I do to get bigger and thicker?

eat u troll nigger

Read the sticky for starters you fucking mongoloid

1,78cm """"tall"""

pretty tall for a girl m8. Also nice lifts OP, do you live in London by chance?

Btw, my hands.


No, I live in Nice, France

And not a girl either


Deathcamp survivor?
Just take it easy man, proper diet, be calm, walk, some rowing machine maybe - but eat healthy and you will recover in time

lookin good bill

>can clean and jerk lmao 1 plate
>can't deadlift one plate
Something is wrong with me

Rozenberg get back in ze shower!

I don't know how to eat. People never taught me.

How should I eat?

Moi aussi !
Tu vas à quelle salle ?
Si tu vas à Moving Express, prés de Joseph Garnier, sache qu'il y a des chances pour que je sache qui tu es. Enfin, des chances que je sache à quoi tu ressembles.

Bon, à part ça, c'est pas difficile de devenir plus imposant. Il suffit de manger plus et de se démerder pour soulever des charges un peu plus lourdes à chaque séance.

first of all, read the sticky

s t i c k y

next, google "tdee calculator", calc your calories and macros, eat 500 above maintenance, you're a skelly so you shouldn't concern yourself with every little detail regarding macros, just make sure you're getting the right amount or more.

next get on a linear progression program, these include: read the fucking sticky

you can thank me in 8 months time

Mais j'aime PAS manger putain!

Aussi je suis pas vraiment à Nice, c'était juste pour troller.

Désolé pour les attentats.

En vrai je suis à Maisons-Alfort, dans une gym commerciale qui s'appelle Magic Fitness. Une vraie merde.


Bills lookin a little older

Can you post a progress pic, or vid clip

Show us what you got man!

I got nothing dude.

I wanna see how FREAKING huge, thick, solid and tight you can get, man.

Just keep on lifting and eating big
Are you getting enough calories & broteinz?

Yes and yes. 2500kcals a day.

Salut du Québec les mecs, c'est quoi vos routines ?

Your legs are what's wrong.