>Be me, got out of 3 year old relationship, both parents died this year and she wasn't supportive at all so i ditched her. >She was my first gf ever(28 years old) and i spent nearly all my time with her or working out(much to her dismay) , alienated nearly all my friends >Now i'm in a dry spell and i literally do nothing all day but go to work and work out, count calories and sleep hours autistically etc >Be pretty shredded as a result >Naturally i expect 4 and 5/10 women to flock to me, in fact i expect to work a bit to bang a 6 which is better than my previous gf >My friend tells me that my ex was way too pretty for me and i have to aim even lower to get experience >I tell him that's a no go because i don't work out all day to bang a landwhale, i want to bang normal looking women( i never aimed nor will aim for anything above a 7 because i'm autistic as shit) >He tells me that he was horrible with women like me and in fact all the guys i see banging women left and right are dyel chubby fuckers with low income, and the fact they get laid a lot with nice women is because they have fucked hundreds of hogs beforehand
What do you think? Is he right? Does your game improve if you fuck hogs? I can't bring myself to do it. In fact lately i don't even have sexual urges, i don't even fap because i'm too tired from working out all day. If i fap i'll fap to something disgusting like piss porn .
Landon Ward
>tfw no girlfriend >tfw no friends
Landon Brooks
Just fuck them all
Parker Baker
I also didn't have friends when i was younger, what i did was study on subjects normies talk about like cars and sports and pretend i was interested in them, and of course work out to become stronger than them, there is no way you won't have friends if you are strong as fuck.
Now women on the other hand, i can't help you with that.
Austin Sanchez
It's actually somewhat true. Nobody needs to know you bang a few 2's. Women are territorial creatures, they produce pheromones during sex that don't wash off all too easy. That mixed with your own pheromones makes a crazy aphrodisiac cocktail of chemicals in the brain saying you are "desirable". Since women are primal creatures like men, they dont understand why they find you attractive.
This is why when you are single, women pay little attention to you. But when you have a GF the women are more likely to check you out and be attracted to you. This is all due to their nature to want a male that has already proven he is desirable by some. Also it means he is more likely to produce offspring.
Remember: we are animals alike, natural pheromones beat out, aesthetics, genetics, logic in our minds.
Mason Thompson
Humans don't operate on pherormones you huge autist
Jace Wright
I have also banged prostitutes a lot and i advise you lot against it, it's a complete waste of money and i could never even get it up fully because i knew that the bitch wasn't into me at all and was just riding me to get it done with. Just don't. You have to have extremely low intelligence to enjoy fucking prostitutes, i'm talking nigger -tier IQ
Ethan Wright
The biggest problem is modern society teaching women that they are entitled to 8-9 guy even if they are 4 -5 themselves and thus they can reject anyone they want all day and still get laid. They should be grateful anyone is hitting on them(hell a guy that gets hit on by a girl is probably ecstatic for days after) , but they believe they are entitled to super alpha chad.
James Brown
Nah man you can skip the 'experience' part if you know your shit. But considering you are autismal and probably don't know how to 'get' women then you should aim lower and work your way up. A lot of times below average and average girls are really fun to be around, so don't miss out if you can
Aiden James
>He tells me that he was horrible with women like me and in fact all the guys i see banging women left and right are dyel chubby fuckers with low income, and the fact they get laid a lot with nice women is because they have fucked hundreds of hogs beforehand Lol what a load of shit, hes clearly trolling you to waste your time on ugly chicks.