>at a party
>make eye contact with a girl
>go to her and just kiss her
>get her number
>she doesn't show much interest
>initiate talks all the time
>realize it wasn't about her and that I didn't even like her that much
>i was just happy about someone liking me for once in my life and was afraid to lose it

Post the moment you realized you were no longer the loser of the past.

>basing your self-worth off girls
>making it

Pick one. Choose wisely.

So you managed to get her number and she turned out to not be interested once she realised how boring you were, and that is making it?

Kinda, he did get the number and had an alpha moment. Next he will learn to embrace that alpha moment

Baby steps. Before I didn't even get numbers.

>i was just happy about someone liking me
>doesn't show much interest
She didn't like you though.

she liked me enough at the party which is more than I had before

These "mirin" threads are a fucking joke. It's all shit like:
>f-female c-cashier smiled at me :)
>65 year old woman complimented my arms!
>a girl asked me for a lighter haha i didnt have one but it shows she trusted me and was interested maybe giving an indication she liked m-

LMFAO at gymcels. These are things that happen to EVERYONE.

I'm 5'9", fat as FUCK, I have a face even a mother couldn't love and as and guess what? Cashiers REGULARLY "smile" at me, I OFTEN get asked for lighters or directions and NONE OF IT MEANS SHIT!!! Fucking LMAO. Face it, attraction is determined by GENETIC factors. If you don't have height, face and frame, you're FUCKED.

She was drunk, wasn't she?

You know what's a joke? YOUR ONE REP MAX

she wasnt.

Pretty interesting take on the ffh meme.

This is a pasta that's probably older than that meme.

then she was a whore

come to think of it, why would you even go up to her and just kissed her? are you a closeted rapist?

learn to human interaction

Confirms she was drunk.
OP has watched too many movies.

I get the impression she was too scared to say no

Why crop the image?

going up to a girl you don't know and have only made brief eye contact with and just kissing her is so fucking weird imo


Show me what you like.

Probably deformed 'high-test' landwhales

Because Asians are shit.

terrible knees

>fat as FUCK
>attraction by generic factors


Dude why are you so mad? Veeky Forums is really delusional. It seems like half the board is alpha male studs and the other half are socially awkward virgins

Non-virgins need to get out.


Came here to say this.
>I kissed a girl at a party now she's my gf!
OP not even trying to hate because good work getting the number but try not to come off too clingy.

Yeah let's have a board full of fucking beta virgin faggots that make sad feel threads and complain about chads. Try getting out of your room one of these days and maybe you could spark a convo with a 3/10, if you're lucky


Thought this board was about fitness. Not spoonfeeding betas tips/reading material info to lose their virginity or an open discussion of the benefits from not masturbating.

My girlfriend is a qt Korean and I'm quite offended friend.

on a somewhat related topic

how the fuck do you go to parties if you are finished school?

im not settling down anytime soon but everyone else seems to be doing just that. and I dont want to.

>be me
>be 14
>At camp
>see hot middle eastern girl
>notice she laughs at all my jokes
>ask for number at the end of the day
>go home ask for nudes
>she sends them
>fuck her in a movie theater on Saturday



This happened to me about 3 months ago

>be me
>new haircut
>visit aunts
>cousin (15) exclaims "pecs" and feels my chest for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been working out
>flex arm "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my arm as we walk along the street with her friend later that day
>touches my abs at dinner


>be on bus at 8am on a sunday
>getting off work (call center graveyard shift)
>bus is empty
>only me and a qtgrill facing me a few seats away
>neither of us breaks eye contact
>say fuck it the worst she can do is push me away or slap me
>2 stops before mine I get up, walk over to her and kiss her
>make out for about 1 minute without saying anything
>she says something
>couldnt hear because i had earbuds in
>she gets up and gets off the bus
>get home, get in bed
>think about it all day

>started going to the gym and sticking to my diet for a few months
>noticeably bigger (if slightly)
>match with a 7/10 on tinder
>go to the movies with her
>after the movie take her home and we fuck in my car
>get her snapchat and number
>probably won't text her. Not really that interesting of a person
>tfw just pumped and dumped

I've finally done it

underage b&n

This sounds like a good short film

>implying sex means shit in this day and age
>implying every retard can't get sex nowadays


>implying you are making it unless you have several girls who are hooked emotionally to you
>implying you are making it unless you have several girls who would do anything for you

you beta faggots are retarded. thinking it's all about sex when it's actually about power. pathetic as fuck

>tfw everytime I visit my gf's family, her sister always finds an excuse to touch me
>tfw sister always touches my abs or my arms

weird as FUCK. would someone here actually tell their girlfriend about stuff like that?

Clearly none of u gentlemens are italian gourmands

Found love
Still a spoopy skeleton

I signed up for community college and classes start in 2 weeks.
btw it's for computer programming and I suck at math.

I'm royally fucked but im sick of being a neet. 3 of my classes are online and one is on campus.
got a script for vyvanse so im banking on that to help me

Are you stupid?

>go out
>make small talk with people
>I'm a chubby shit so nobody really engages

>get fit after two years
>go out to a bar
>people try to make small talk with me
>offer to buy me drinks
>comment on muh natty physique
Feels nice.

>Babbies first quarter/semester
>Online classes at community college so you can bullshit and cheat all you want
>Freaking out and taking drugs for trigonometry and C++

Why are you posting in this thread again?


>making it
I have news user


>tfw your problem isn't your frame or even your face
>tfw you have no game whatsoever

>go to a party last night
>meet a lot of people
>a lot of casual convo
>but end up with a dry dick at the end of the night because you can't flirt for crap

It's literally the final frontier. Help me.

>going to a movie on a first date
Terrible idea. You're supposed to interact and communicate on a first date. Not sit in a dark room quietly with a stranger.

Go play mini golf or something

Watch rsd videos. You have nothing to lose by doing so

Hope you like herpes

They banged, seems like it went fine.

it's tinder... literally made to skip the bullshit


j-jokes on her, i already had herpes

>tfw things were simpler when you were a fat ugly piece of shit loser that everyone hated

>now women desire you and people want your company but you never forget the years of solitude where they wouldnt have given you the time of day

has anyone experienced this

No. It sounds like you're hung up on the past and can't accept the reality that people are only interested in people who have something going for them. It's as if you're bitter because you feel like you deserved friendship and attention when you were a fat ugly loser even though you literally offered NOTHING of value.

Already poeted this in another thread but what the hell
>been working out for over 2 years now so pretty good gains
>went to a job interview yesterday
>walk into the boss' office, a couple of the higher ups were in there as well
>asks me standard job related shit, when out of the blue he asks "do you play hockey?"
>kinda surprised but just chuckle and say "heh, no sir, I go to the gym"
>one of the higher ups flexes his arm and mentions my triceps, saying those must be some exercises I'm doing (his upper arm was barely the size of my forearm, kek)
>the other higher up jokingly calls me protein man
>was kind of awkward as I honestly wasn't expecting to be mired there, but it was all just good fun
Boss mires are best mires

Truly a weak society when young men base self fullfilment on getting a piece of pussy.

>Tfw I got a crush on a girl 2 years ago
>Tfw I got friendzoned becouse I was a fat fuck
>Tfw started gym 1 year ago and turned to a demi god
>Tfw she saw me yesterday after 9 months
>Tfw she gave me a blown job in my car In front of hers parent house
