Is Anyone Here Below 10% Bodyfart?

how hard was it to get that low? How hard is it to maintain. Currently cutting and looking for motivation. Pic unrelated.

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That girl tanned way too much.

yeah if she was just bronzed out she would be perfection

>10% Bodyfart

That chick has an ugly face but she has a nice body and exotic eye colour.

Would not bang

Running regularly, I eat McDonald's after every workout so diet isn't necessary.

literally no one values your opinion

6.8 here. Stayed low entire life. Try lean bulk instead of bulking and cutting. Just eat around maintenance and do HIIT.

I don't know what my bf% is, it was around 14-15% before I started Keto and I lost a lot of bellyfat.

You're 12% bf at the lowest, friend.

OP is angry we ignored his stupid question.

I'm also not that big, though. Cardio comes at the cost of size.

OP asked about 10% bodyfat though.

I assumed I was around there, my b

I was 8% at 20.
It was in retrospect near impossible.
I ran every morning, I lifted three times a week, I barely ate except at breakfast. I would eat a shit ton at breakfast.
Water nearly 24/7 always had to piss.
I would do sprints on even tue/thur would run an extra mile in the afternoon mon/wed/fri.
Would swim on saturdays, sundays I would do a full stretching yoga regiment that lasted almost 2 hours.
Stats were pretty shit, I had an ok squat, but no upper body strength at the time.
I don't think I could do all of that again.

How did you feel day to day?

Please post pics if you can so we can confirm

I'm probably between 9-11%. I've been training roughly 4 years (since 16). At first i ate everything in sight and now i just training heavy and eating whenever i'm hungry.

am I 10% lads? I thought I was like 14, but now I don't know

you are above 10

I'm 27 now user, i'm nowhere near that body anymore. I had a back/knee injury. I'm just now recovering from the weight gain of recovery lifestyle (had to lay around for months).
215 down to 171ish as of now.
If you still want a picture I'll send one to your email, but I still have a long way to go to being in my prime weight again (180lb 10% is my current goal).

I felt horrible most days, I didn't smoke or drink I was a straight edge faggot who religiously followed nutritional stuff, which is why I eventually became a nutritionist (currently not practicing from a healthcare standpoint, I just work part time). I digress, I was just miserable.
I would sometimes have headaches and fatigue (comparable to a diabetic) where I would have to carry around snacks on my persons to spike my blood sugar up. As I said I pissed constantly and would wake up regularly throughout the night. Really the only positive was that my sex drive was insatiable and because of my high fish/fruit diet I had crazy strong erections.
I'm only 6', but at the time could wear a mans medium and it still be baggy, that's how skinny I was.
At 21 I started lifting, body fat obviously went up (and I felt better) however I never once was able to get my body fat below 10% from that point. I stayed around 12% for about a year and than got lazy and hovered at 15% for the next few years before my acl tore and I started having back pain.


>10% Bodyfart?

Check out Christian Guzman's Summer Shredding. He gets at around 6-7 % bodyfat for his competition. Not sure if he natty or not though.


......... no you're not under 10% bf. Probably 12-14%

Getting there isn't hard with dedication to the diet.
Maintaining at such low BF naturally is much more difficult. I usually sit around 14-15 when I'm gaining strength and weight.

I did it almost by accident.
I started taking yohimbine and synepherine as a part of a pre-workout mix and just kind of got skinny over time.
I exercise about 2-2.5 hours a day, preferably before eating anything, and I eat pretty clean for breakfast and don't stress about dinner.
I've measured my bodyfat two ways: an impedance scale, with results usually 7-8%, and a cheap caliper, with results ~5-6%.
I'm 6'2'', 29 years, the heaviest I ever weighed was just under 200, the lightest 158 a couple years ago.
Currently I'm 168, down from 178 at the start of the year. As far as I know I've been under 10% for over two years running, but I think I'm gonna try a dirtier bulk this winter.

If you're already exercising a shitload just start taking yohimbine HCL, pretty sure that's what did it for me. The best motivation for me is that every morning one of the first things I see is my abs in the mirror.

What the fuck are those fingers


isn't yohimbine like super bad for your heart though?

Dunno, I have a high tolerance for stimulants. It never makes me feel overstimulated and I take 24mg daily along with 100mg synepherine, a cup of coffee, and a guarana pill.

>high fish/fruit diet I had crazy strong erections
I'm interested in hearing more about this cause I started doing weighted dick swings recently.

I haven't been to see a doctor in years because I don't get sick often and I have no insurance so I might actually be dying.

>Cardio comes at the cost of size.
No that's just a lie you tell yourself to excuse your low lbm.

>I started doing weighted dick swings recently.
Is that where you put a weight on your dick and helicopter spin it around?

Fish is incredible for cardio based lifestyles due to the high concentration of omega 3 and a few other chains of fats that are also good due to a lifestyle based around eating plants and bugs, fruits (most fruits) are filled with highly potent fats that act as antioxidants. The fats from fruits and nuts are also medium chain fats for the most part (stored last, burned first) so as long as you watch your sugar intake from fruits. It's nearly impossible to gain weight from eating them all day.
I only ate carbs at breakfast, burning them completely off by the end of the day. It was pretty much a pseudo keto diet. The point was to force the body to use fat during the night which it did regularly as I would wake up starving (not exaggerating, stomach would rumble for hours before I woke up according to roomate).
He eventually forced me to eat a snack before bed which helped make it less agitated.

what bout me

whats my bf

aiming to get 10% bf too how far away am i lads

Are you in the Uk? I've been looking for a source of yohimbine for ages but its banned...

More of a back and forth pendulum swing cause I've got 10lb on there.

My breakfast is usually yogurt, oats, flax seeds, and honey, and a pbj sandwich, washed down with muscle milk.
I don't try too hard to eat clean for dinner but I have some quirks that make it easier.
I have a low tolerance for sweets, they're ususally disgustingly rich, and they can hurt my teeth if they touch the right parts.
I also can't stand the taste and texture of most animal fat. Like the rim around pork chops? It'll make me gag if I get a big enough wad of it in my mouth. Chicken fat is disgusting, beef fat is unpleasant. About the only fatty meat I can stomach is bacon, and I cook the dick out of it for that crunchy, almost burned, rendered look.

For OP I'd recommend not trying to motivate yourself to eat less, if possible just work out more. It's easier to want to be stronger and not eat enough than to want to be skinny and starve yourself.

Nah, Murrican. I just order that shit off Amazon. Liftmode is the place it's from, dunno if they'll get it through customs for you.

14-15? not the best angle so maybe more.

Also, people, a low bf percentage isn't always aesthetic. Unless you're competing, 11-10, 9 at minimum, is the ideal place to be. People with extremely low bf have way too many veins showing.

>that vascularity

How new are you?

So how much do you actually run?

>cardio comes at the cost of size

Someone pls meme this

Jen Selter Butt is my motivation.

I'm about 9.5% on average, sometimes 9% sometimes a little over 10%.

Assuming the electronic scales are any good - I think they are not bad, since I went up to like 11% one week when I had ice cream in the freezer.

I run, not that much by runners' standards, about 20km/week, and I do free weights 3-4 times a week.

Also I'm naturally an ectomorph, it's real easy for me to cut.

>wanting a chick that has no ass

pause her videos when she is standing straight up lol it's embarrassing

You can't be this retarded.

So I've just started lifting after literally years of doing absolutely nothing and eating shit food. Am I like 25% or something? I hope in maybe 1 year get down to something like 15%, is it possible?

>zipper abs


yes, but you'll still look bad because you have no muscle mass.

I think I'm about 13%???

Been eating fairly clean but lapse when I don't have shit prepped

I'm about to start a 100 day clean eat, planning is a big part. I like having shit measured, scales and tracking is a big thing if you want to stick to cal goals and then having a fitness plan and sticking to it.... That's what I've found anyway, also intermittent fasting seems a good way not to get hungry before bed which is when it's hardest to not eat, that and not sitting around being bored. Coffee also fills you up

I was at 8% for my last competition (powerlifting). I hated it and maintaining it with my strength sucked. I'm much happier at 15% BF, however the cut for my next competition is gonna suck

Also, trying to get to lucky number 8%

You're close to 10, maybe 11-12.

You can probably get down to 15% in 6 months if you are very strict with your cut.

So should I bulk for a few months?

Anyone want to guess body fat?

You would of felt better if you ate more, gotta watch for foods high in fats. If you ate a lot more protein you'd feel amazing.

homo confirmed

Literally just start swimming

So many liars and e-stats
9% is very very hard to maintain much less reach. The dirty secret is that pretty much all bodybuilders use dnp to burn the fat off (easy 10 to 15 lbs in 8 days)and Ec stack to kill the hunger.
Ive done both. Cardio wont cut it, i rode a bicycle taxi burning untold calories for around 6 months (literally couldnt eat enough and was doing heavy lifting 3 times a week) and didnt reach 9%, the lower stomach fat never would budge. I tried dnp for a week and a half and got to around 10% like it was nothing, fat literally melted off, i gained a few pounds back later but i will run dnp again later.
Dont listen to what people say, watch what they do. Almost all bodybuilders are constantly bulking and cutting because being lean year round is extremely tough.

best dnp bait I've seen yet

>Being above 10% bodyfart

I supp with extra beans everyday bro.

Just find a sport and do it for around an hour every weekday. I'm a swimmer, 7% body fat, 150 pounds. I'm an ectomorph and 17 if you care about any of that too.


Ban bait lmao

Not him, but blue board is not 18+

Yes it is, you stupid fucking literal retard.

0% bf checking in


My weakness for Mexican food really fucks up my bodyfart %.

Yes, it is. Enjoy your ban.

Is that from the new Wonder Woman trailer?

>all dem beans
Maximum farts

is that you tony?

You are 12 or below don't listen to these powerlifters


Nice b8

15 lbs in 8 days would be lethal amounts of dnp if you werent a nudist/antarctic researcher. I lost like 10 in 12 tho so dnp does at least work

fatass detected

Basically don't eat enough.
I was in skellyville once, and fuck that. Not worth it.

dude could get down to 15% in a few weeks if he's "strict with his cut" the fuck are you talking about.

You aren't. 13- 14 would be my guess. I'm leaner than you and I know I'm not 10%.

Yeah. Perfect example of 10%. Maybe even below.

I was born that way. Pretty easy to maintain. Last I checked though I was 8.7 but that was a while ago. I'm not neurotic about it since it's not an issue

I think I'm between 10-15%
5'7 160lbs

Yes and no. Yohimbine is a noradrenergic drug, which means it modulates noradrenaline, in this case, it increases it. Noradrenaline increases heart rate, so yohimbine does too. While on yohimbine you increase the chances of a stroke, as with every other stimulant that directly increases noradrenaline, but it doesn't actually damage your heart. Once out of the drug, your odds return to baseline. If you find it too stimulating you can always use propanolol, which is literally used as an antidote against stimulant overdose.


You should work out

>my diet is shit
>cardio kills my gains

Id focus on gaining more muscle mass man. If you go for clean as fuck now you will just be a skeleton.

Get some mass then cut.

you can do it. idk how tall you are but here's my progress. Since this picture was taken I've gone up to ~130 lbs and my muscles look a lot fuller. Definitely still look scrawny with a shirt on but when I take it off at the pool/to play soccer the mires pour in.

I know I'm obviously DYEL but for the first time in my life I don't have to think about myself as "fat" and seeing my abs in the mirror is revolutionary for my self-esteem.

I don't see why not knowing who the over-tanned whore in OP's photo is makes me a newfag.

very hard.
I am on a cut for about 2 months
cutting from 13% currently 8%
still going down to 5-6% then sloooow bulk to strength desired
cutting on a 200-300 kcal deficit and intermittent eating(once a day)... it was hard the first 2 weeks.. but overall it is easier to count calls once than 3-4 times a day
I guess if your agenda does not spread 3-4 years ahead you are not gonna withstand the cut sub 10%

Hello fellow skelly

Pretty sure I'm at 10% bodyfat right here.

Couple months would have been 9-8 % and that was through intermittent fasting for about 2 months on 1800kcal daily.

It's really not that hard to get there, but last couple months started giving in to peanut butter and eating large bulking meals again. Obviously gained weight.

Gains stayed the same or even increased through all of that without working out. Only working at massage and doing 15 minute cardio.

>anything below 10% will start to look like this when stretching yourself.
In this picture I wasn't really able to do it but almost. when I was 8-9% It would start to look like that.

pretty sure about 12%

Is he going to be ok?

>cardio comes at the cost of size
says the faggot who admits his diet is shit

stfu, newfag