Is crossfit really a meme?

is crossfit really a meme?

even if they dont do stupid shit?

but doing stupid shit is integral to crossfit

> comedian on coco
> I recently joined a club for people that peaked in highschool
> its called crossfit

Yes. Look at the guy on the right, he's going to look like that until he stops doing crossfit and does an actual routine. I have this chubby Facebook friend (a girl) who fell for the CF meme. She's been doing this shit like 6 days a week on one of their programs for 3 years now and looks the exact same as she did before she started.

This. There's nothing wrong with circuit trainning, but crossfit is in essence doing a circuit of stupid shit.

I used to have my doubts bout crossfit but then I checked it out and I have to say I really like it. I feel like I'm fitter than before and I work out muscles I didn't pay much attention to before. also it's nice to always have someone who's watching your form.
I like it and those pictures of people lifting on yoga balls and other stupid stuff do not display reality.

>I fell like I'm fitter
>watching your FORM
Thanks for the laughing crossshit

is "is crossfit a meme?" a meme?

crossfit is a fucking retarded commercial meme trying to reinvent the wheel for dat dere $£€
however the concepts of circuit training and cross training are great themselves.
more fun than traditionnal bodybuilding / powerlifting / weightlifting
doing it within a group will help you push your boundaries much further than you think they were (especially in terms of endurance), for example my deadlift max is 145kg, and yet i did 26 reps with 100kg in a competition organized by a supplement shop a couple weeks ago (were i met Pete Rubish btw, he's chill as fuck)
but you're also more prone to injuries when doing this kind of shit because obviously you have to go fast, you get no rest and you don't have much time to listen to your body and watch your form

I heard military beardasses like it.

Circuits aren't integral to crossfit you shit
Kek then why does every sponsored crossfit athlete look better than you ever will
If you actually pay outrageous prices at a shitty box then yes it's retarded
Yes, SF, Rangers and seals specifically because crosstraining is ideal for military fitness. Get big af and have the endurance you move you and heavy shit over long distances and for long periods of time.

Spotted the crossfitter.

Name any fitness goal. There will be a better way to accomplish this goal UNLESS your goal is to be really good at crossfit.
Endurance? Better ways to accomplish this goal.
Cardiovascular Health? Better ways to accomplish this goal.
Strength? Better ways to accomplish this goal.
Success at an actual sport? Better ways to accomplish this goal.
Aesthetics? Better ways to accomplish this goal.
Wellbeing (Not breaking your spine)? Better ways to accomplish this goal.


I like the concept of being good at many things, not just lifting. I like how they include gymnastic/calisthenics moves with weightlifting and cardio. Theres a reason so many athletes do crossfit. It just goes to shit with poor form and retarded competition.

The training is good, doing it with them is retarded. Like literally they time your workouts and put it on a blackboard. Olympic weightlifting and timed competition does not mix well


Besides the abominations that are kipping pull ups and kipping muscle ups, they don't have any calisthenics/gymnastics movements.
Calisthenics wants to stay as far away from kipping as possible due to the goal of reaching the strength to do things with perfect form, while gymnastics only use kipping motions as transitions and they do them with such beautiful form that they almost seem like completely different moves.

Crossfit basically has two types of people.
The people who joined in the 2000's who had already done some other sport seriously and were looking to step/mix up their game. These cunts are great, good form, good discipline and well defined goals i.e. "I do a light metcon after my powerlifting session to aid with ROM and make sure my heart can handle my lifts".

Then you have the shitsmears that joined after 2010. These cunts are all soccermums (even the "dudes") who've never exercised before, have no clue what they're doing and just saw your picture and said "I could look like that".

TLDR: Newfags go home REEEEEEEEE


what about all of them at once though familia?

Well that is easier than actually lifting the weight.

>using the weights against themselves to trick it.

on tuesday there was a guy doing a crossfite routine at the gym. I was doing shoulders so I asked to try it out with him. It's called DT, and it's a superset of light deadlifts, then hang cleans, then military presses.

It's 10 sets without rest and I gotta say, it was fantastic, tired me out completely, and had my shoulders hurting the next day. Very much a change from my usual heavy lifting shoulder day. I looked into it and I like the idea of workouts of the day, and of the dynamic aspect and community element that really make people have fun and keep them coming back. It makes a lot of people happy, and healthy, so , good for them.

As for the form issues, if they have a good instructor that shouldnt happen, because poor lifts arent counted.

There's one thing though. the pullups. I dont know wtf is that.

Gotta confuse the weig....ah fuck it

I like the idea of "be big but be able to push your body around" but CrossFit is so unoptimized and stupidly made.

On a semi related note, I went rock climbing indoors a couple of days ago and it's insanely fun and >functional. If CrossFit was more rock climbing/sprinting/obstacle race rather than meme shit it would have some merit.
