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>search One Punch Man Challenge
>nothing but fat and scrawny weebs failing
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both sad and pathetic
he didnt make it to day 3 or what ?
I hate anime as well, but at least they tried...
I'm not the kind of guy who gives a medal just for taking part but nowadays working out is so rare.
i didnt bother to watch his last vid but the comments imply that he 'takes a break'
>I hate anime
paying for gym so you can do push ups on their floor. niceeeeee
I wonder what you end up like if you really do this for a year tho. probably just a skeleton after all that cardio
>but Veeky Forums is le animu website
The fuck outta here, you weeaboo fags have /b/een mocked since day fucking one
Well you would make gains for about a month, until you adapted to the workload, and then gains would end because no progressive overload.
No I'm not getting out.
If people like watching anime then good for them, but cartoons and video games should be left to kids younger than 14 years old. And even below that age I'd much rather see them doing something more productive like sports, art or whatever.
Mob psycho 100 is better desu
Holy shit did you just reference /b/
Are you an edgy 14 year old
i doubt you would even make gains that first month since muscles dont have time to rest plus cardio is destroying them. Oh boy poor weaboos
Cardio doesn't destroy gains
Holy fuck you can't be this stupid
Lmao, where do you think you are m8?
Running 5 miles a day is only challenging because of how slow you'd be going. You'd also be running the same shit every day. Gotta mix up the running. Sprints and long runs nigga.
>100 pushups
>100 situps
100's to 2000 push ups a day will get you somewhere, but situps are straight up not good for ya. Should be doing 4 for the core drills and CD1
>100 squats. Bodyweight? at what speed? You should at least fireman carry a friend for squats
Maybe reddit is more to your tastes?
>Uses 'kys' and calls someone else a kid
Dat epic anterior/posterior imbalance
I didn't expect you to have any serious argument, enjoy wasting your time with your cartoons.
>People have hobbies i don't approve of? Fuck those guys!
Bruh, seriously?
please dont be this stupid. it's RUNNING 10 km. little cardio doesnt destroy gains 10 km running does
>staring at a screen displaying senseless garbage
That's one shitty hobby lol
>I really don't like that thing, so its garbage!
Purely subjective. Also,
>Staring at a screen displaying senseless garbage
Nigga, you are literally doing that right now.
What is the one punch man challenge?
Thats maybe a bit offtopic.
How hard can you fuck up your body if you train every day for 1 hour? Or is that normal? My It studies are kinda over (first year) and now i have a bit more than a month free time. Want to get as much as possible out in that month.
Depends on how hard you train. If you go all out for that one hour every day, eventually you will need a day or two off to recuperate
Also, if you are lifting weights, you need atleast a day off inbetween same muscle groups
And if i dont do these day off?
I kinda want to make a thread cause i am about to start lifting also want to share my Gear have in my cellar with some pictures but i am afraid people just say "read the sticky fag"
oh hey it's the guy that doesn't even lift
Same place i have been mocking weebs since 06
Animefags are probably to fat for that. Also there would be no time to watch anime.
Apart from the 10km run, that sounds really easy. The run just sounds kind of easy if you're doing it every day.
Isn't that supposed to be a joke though? Like he's the most powerful guy in the world and all he does is a little bit of exercise.
>since 06
The exercise is just what normal people think strength building is (that's why all these fat fucks start doing this as a real workout)
The point isn't that his exercise is basic, it's that he actually has discipline. Everybody he fights got their powers in some bullshit way like in a lab or through robotic parts, but he's just a regular guy who put the work in.
Also 10km every day would fuck you up in real life.
The average person can't even do one push-up with good form.
Only because there's anime on screen desu senpai
>nobody was making fun of anime loving faggots back when this website was still fun
Want to know how i know you are new?
>Also 10km every day would fuck you up in real life.
Less than 7 miles per day?
Maybe it would fuck YOU up, but tell that to High School cross country runners lmao fatass
>Also 10km every day would fuck you up in real life.
Not if you are that guy on stan lee's superhumans who only produces a fraction of the normal lactic acid amount.
Running that much is bad for your bones/joints
>muh high school athletes do it
Yeah and high school football players can get permanent brain damage from being hit in the head repeatedly.
Just because high schoolers do it, do sent mean it's safe
Im a big fan of the push/pull routine
I do back/chest one day, then tri's/bi's another day, then shoulders and shoulder mobility and legs the next. You can combine them, just make sure you take a day to rest a group you just worked out
Not what I was implying at all, you sound insecure
Summer fag
Those runners that take rest? The entire point of the workout is that you don't rest because discipline. Which, in reality, would destroy you.
Says the people who have no gains.
No tell us all about how you, a natural with less then 2 months of training under your belt, personally lost all of your gains by running 10km a day.
Please enlighten us.
>Just because high schoolers do it, do sent mean it's safe
>do sent lmao
Just because you can't do it doesn't mean its not safe for everyone
wow a not garbage post from sol, cool
How long do you spend with training on a day?
Wouldn't you develop imbalances doing nothing for upper but pushups everyday? Or am I overthinking?
You're under running
Enjoy your stress fractures
For weightlifting I usually do 2 hours, but recently i shortened it to 1.30. Depends on my mood if i go an extra 30
I mean if you run on grass or sand it's better than concrete, mountain path trail running is GOAT. Watch out for them ankle sprains tho
I kinda make it hard for myself to figure out how what and how long to train. I will make a thread tomorrow and ill show what i have in my basement. Lets hope the people dont only reply "read sticky"
I wonder if they'll quit when they go bald
>Not doing your best and waiting for augmented limbs to replace your weak old ones
>2016 A.D
40 years we gon be Deus Ex
these retards who never make it past week 3 of SS literally think that the "cardio kills gainz" meme is real.
The entire chinese olympic weightlifting team starts their daily training session with 30 minutes of running.
Fat asses gonna fat ass.
You do know Veeky Forums didn't exist back in '06 right, you're obviously a child you daft little twat.
The thing was not producing less but getting rid of it too fast for it to build up afaik.
Fucker can run all day, imagine his cutting phase.
>That form for such easy exercises
Is it possible to be a worse human than a weeb pajeet?
Hope he killed himself
>I'd much rather see them doing something more productive like sports, art or whatever.
You it's not mutually exclusive, right?
>normies think this is some ludicrous workout
The 10km is challenging, but the bodyweight stuff is fucking easy after a few months training. Especially if you aren't doing them all at once
stop using the word weeb
>that push up form
>that autistic fidgeting during sit ups
I can't take it
That IS supposed to be the joke. The whole OPM idea is to make fun of the shonen genre.
The tournament arc is funny too, I'm getting Dragon Ball and Naruto Chuunin exam flashbacks
kill urself u weeb
10k every single day will wreck you desu. I run 6.5km 4 days a week. Anymore amd my tendons get destroyed and cortisol build up is very real. Plus I couldn't do a proper leg day if I had to run 10k the next day
"No" he said decisively "I'm not getting out."
He mustered me shortly over his reading glasses, folded his newspaper and continued:
"If people like watching anime then good for them, but cartoons and video games should be left to kids younger than 14 years old. And even below that age I'd much rather see them doing something more productive like sports, art or whatever." He paused and laid his hand on the confiscated stack of my manga magazines.
"So, you gonna be okay without these, son?"
"Yes dad."
I had to hold back the tears.
"I glad you agree."
I left, fighting with the tears, but i realised, he could take my mangas away, but the stories and good times i shared with all my drawn friends will always be in my heart, and he couldn't take that away from me.
god this is so gay, you should be ashamed of yourself for spending the time to type this.
>fighting with the tears
never change
Such a narrow perspective is just a symptom of your own immaturity, frankly. There are many examples of animation and video game masterpieces that speak to the heights of humanity.
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
-C.S. Lewis