Does Veeky Forums like elliot? He seens like hes the real deal.... unlike all those other natties
Does Veeky Forums like elliot? He seens like hes the real deal.... unlike all those other natties
he's mentally ill
Last time I saw anything from him, he was ranting about women, I think he got divorced(??) Didn't take it too well, I guess.
What the hell is going on with his ethnicity? He's just like a vague shade of brown with no discernible features.
he's confirmed he was on gear before. I can't remember where and I don't have source, it's out there somewhere though. He's also not especially impressive with his lifts.
He was fine until a year ago.
Once he started with that edgy 'King' bullshit i unsubbed.
I completely avoid his videos now.
Shit is cringe as fuck.
He says so in one of his ''shit people ask Eliot'' episodes. It was back like 10 years ago when he competed in strongman.
He went insane and startes spazzing on a massage table
Colour doesn't define your ethnicity.
The old yo elliott vids were pretty sweet, but he started getting too weird
epilepsy isn't a mental issue
I stopped watching him a long time ago, he reminds me of Colonel Kurtz, but he seems like he tries too hard to be that way.
Kek, I loved that video. The asian dude was like "just pretend everything's normal".
someone post that gif of him breathing like a retard
some kind of high-yella mulatto, like the hodge twins
I believe he's Samoan on his father's side. Some Pacific Island. Not sure on his mother's.
He's like the Rand Paul of lifting. Most of what he says is on point but then there's that random nugget of crazy.
>when you're about to sneeze but can't get it out
He's retarded.
fucking kek!
He was kinda OK when he first started.
He progressively got worse, and I stopped paying attention to anything related to him years ago.
By the accounts in this thread it seems he's conoletely fallen off the deep end.
Yea, I feel sorry for any retard who buys his so-called "book". Congrats Elliot, you are now a faggoty self-help author. Fucking fag actually thinks hes a philosopher or some shit.
He's a fitness coach that is getting deep into spiritual modern shamanism and jungian archetype ways of thinking.
If youre not someone who believes in any religion, youll think he has far fetched ideas.
years ago i watched a lot of his videos
the really short ones, where he just answered a question
then the infamous bio energetic bs dropped
then he started talking about stupid stuff like 'looking people into the eyes' and that type of phsycological stupid crap that people use to validate themselves in front of others
and it was over for me
all that stupid bs just points out all your insecurities
it is the equivalent of meme diets but for social interaction
>meme diets
>pick up artists
>social hacks
the cancer of society
I like his video on front squats
other than that i find him rather kooky
i used to like him when he started. he genuinely spoke from his knowledge and experience. and it was sincere and real.
but then his fan base broadened and he tried to then force an image for the masses and instead came off cringy and repulsed his core followers.
i havent checked him out recently tho
I used to like his videos but then he started getting more autistic and started shilling his cringy #KINGSHIT book.
I liek
how it feels to breathe into your balls
He went full retard.
It's funny because if you actually listen to what he says, it's all complete garbage with no real meaning
I have yet to see anyone point out a video of him. Remember. Don't be fool by his satire.
What the fuck
>other natties
he roided for a while, even put up a video about it
I like a lot of his old stuff, when he talked about becoming the strongest version of yourself.
Now it seems he's very interessted in things and how people see him.
he's crazy
same, I remember watching some 30min video of his about "bio energetics" years ago. Complete pseudo-science.
not to mention he gives a vibe that he's unhappy/depressed af and what we see is just a persona.
lmao what a fucking retard
Are you some fucking beta that can't look someone in the eyes? Fuck man. You are a clown
i am the type of person who does not need to look everyone in the eyes until they look to other place just to proof my manhood
you are the clown calling someone 'a beta', the same stupid 'social behaviour' crap that i am talking about in my post
elliot, the 'look in the eyes guy', the king of alphas... just look at his wife
all these stupid behaviour and social tagging just proof that you are not happy in your shoes
he's genuinley retarded
Just approach any person on the street and ask for simple directions. See if they look you in the eye.
Look at an person on youtube. See if they are looking at there desk or straight into the camera as to be looking at you in the eyes. You are not doing it for dominance.
Its a social norm. I beat you can't even be thrown into a toom of strangers with you being the only one in the corner of the room who hasn't said anything in over an hour.
That's a lot of projection elliott fanboy.
He was amazing until he stopped making videos like a year or 2 ago and when he came back he was like "I've done nothing but yoga for 8 months" and at that point he went from bioenergtics and eastern spirituality to straight up jumping off the new-age deep end, he has a messiah complex too
you need to understand the difference between looking at someone in the eyes, as any other normal interaction, and going into a place, and trying to become the 'alfa' of the gym, by shouting, ocuppying more space than needed, hoarding the equipment, and gazing everyone in the eyes without saying a word as a way of validation
that is what i was trying to point out
your validation is your own worth, not the others
i dont need to show anyone what i'm worth by confrontation
it is an stupid behaviour, that people like elliot preaches, thinking it is 'alpha'
the same goes with his vids about male/female behaviour, agression and that type of primal crap
the interviews that he did on his channel, with fitness celebritties show the level of autism that this guys can get to
rich piana is a good example of that attitude
the literally need to feel bigger/ripped than others, not for themselves, but for whoever they get into
He was alright until his youtube hiatus, just an idiosyncratic, kooky kind of fellow, breathing into his balls. But now, by all accounts, he has truly gone off his head. My question is: What the fuck happened to him in the intervening period?
lol ur not a real man ur just a shell of a man I bet u sit in the corner and don't talk bitch
What the fuck, i mean i guess. Whatever makes you happy elliot.
No he seems pretty happy about his YT money and his cult followers.
I would love to know what the asian guy was thinking. he probably feared for his life.
Pics of his wife?
My favourite youtube fitness guy. I hate youtube fitness in general but there is something about the way he talks in older videos that is kinda cool.
No idea about his new videos
shoo elliott shoo
I stopped taking him seriously when he straight up told his viewers to stop eating fruit because muh pesticides.
i bet youre drinking tap water, reverse osmosis masterrace!
I tried buying one of those but I couldn't figure out how to install it.
Breddy much this.
His content pre-"sellout" was awesome and had a unique perspective. He wasn't right about everything, but it was from the heart and would give you some important concepts to digest.
Happy about the money. It's not fulfilling to know that the only people following you are fools and suckers
i knew something was wrong with him this is the explanation hory shit
He's fucking CRAZY
and that's one of the many great things about him
His channel was enjoyable to watch, too bad now he sold out and the shit he post is pure shit
>His content pre-"sellout".....
he's not really a sell out, he's just evolved
weirdly tho, i actually think his time with "tyler durden", that PUA guy, was what made him go a bit mad. i think he kinda realized that some people live without any moral compass, and instead of being disgusted by that, he embraced it
>Rich men caught dumpster diving phenomenon
I put quotes around it because I can't think of a proper word. He definitely changed, and for the worse. The madman has a huge Messiah complex and just spouts bullshit
I like him because he said I don't have to be a good boy all the time
gives mostly good advice but some of his videos are retarded enough to nullify all the rest
I've only been going to the gym for almost a year, and I found this guy's videos about 6 months back.. He seemed cool, fun, no bullshit sorta guy in his yo elliot vids.. Then I started watching his more recent vids and went straight off him.. Use to just be him and a camera but now all fancy editing and no substance.
If I had to guess what happened? He saw all these other youtubers getting rich and efamous based off slimy tactics and he decided he wanted more cash and efame than his being real vids could ever get him
>> i think he kinda realized that some people live without any moral compass, and instead of being disgusted by that, he embraced it
Fucking kek
has some weird complex tbqh
>Only drinks water he's run through some machine
>Drinks it from a fucking glass jar
Sometimes I really think he's just trolling us.
Plastic water bottles contain xenoestrogen so it would be wiser to drink from a glass jar than a plastic water bottle.
"I drink water from a glass because it tastes like water. It's clean, it goes down."
He's fucking mental
I can understand that, but take into account that he doesn't drink tap water. It has to go through the machine.
Whenever he goes on vacation he has to stock up on glass jars.
really don't understand why he doesn't just get a steel water bottle like I did
>implying it's not true
Just fucking look around next time you're outside dude
Go to an OBGYN and ask them about xenoestrogens.
I promise you will be very scared.
More than a year ago, but yeah.