Cool shit that Veeky Forums can do

Ok guys besides lifting heavy and the ability of not having a gf, what cool shit can you do?
No, it's not a full flag yet and yes, I do legs

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Can do pic related

My climbing buddy can do 3 onehanded pullups

that always drops jaws and soaks panties

how do you even practice for this?

All my female friends laugh at guys doing calisthenics, they say they look like monkeys

Landwhales, I'm sure. Why would a sexy girl who values fitness in a man laugh at a man performing acts of fitness?

>looking like monkeys
> a bad thing

Wait untill you go all monkey on her pussy, see what happens

Nope, good looking females, they like people who lift but consider calisthenics laughable and childish

Living in a world with peope who are un-ironically like this lmao
What kind of female friends do you even have, I get the meme about crossfit but calisthenics?

>Why would a sexy girl who values fitness in a man laugh at a man performing acts of fitness?

>implying you have female friends

who gives a shit, they probably don't appreciate the amount of effort it takes to do something like that

Same. Monkeys and tryhards is what my friends say.
Found the dyel monkeys. Dance for me monkeys.


>dyel monkeys
here, I don't do calisthenics, only lift. I still think it takes effort to do those things.

You don't know how to greentext do you summerfriend?

That's what most people think about people who do calisthenics. It's either people want to show off their little gains or people who do some acrobatic monkey tricks to 'impress' females

tryhard monkeys on suicide watch lmao

I can do a muscle up at 210lbs bw if thats any good.
Actually I managed two in a row a couple days ago.
I can also deadlift over 500lbs.

I don't know of many people who aren't roided to the tits who can do both of those things.

>I can also deadlift over 500lbs.
I can DL 502lbs.
What now, bitch?

The fuck, that's not even hard.

Can you do a muscle up too?
That was more my point.

Well women are fucking retarded. They don't know shit.

I can spin pens pretty damn well.

Was my main hobby from 8th grade to 10th grade then it just became a habit. Put so much time into this useless hobby that has no professional application.

It's been 6 years now since I was in 8th grade. I still do it all the time (in class, while studying, while just chilling on the Internet, etc). It's complete muscle memory now. I can put full focus into something else while spinning a writing utensil in one hand.

Normies find it interesting for a couple minutes. I just do it by habit.

is there a proper grip when doing human flags? i see some people do over-under and others just do normally

I've been trying this shit since primary school
How the fuck do you do it

God, I fucking love calisthenics. I'll probably have to do them exclusively if my college's gym is too shitty, which is fine by me.

I can do the flag, though probably not as long now that I'm out of practice. Handstand pushups are also fun, as well as just climbing random crap with ease.

Man, just thinking about it makes me wanna do calisthenics again. Anybody tried to combine them with their lifting?

what the fuck that's neat

i can only do the double sonic thing and the basic spin over your thumb

Lots and lots and lots of practice my dude

8th grade through 10th grade I did this shit almost the entire day, every day. There's a whole online community and you'd be surprised how intricate it can get. There's a FUCK TON of stuff you can do with simply a pen between your fingers

Or else you will fuck up really bad your wrists

Nice job OP. Heres me doing muscle ups on rings.

I can also do a human flag with a straddle, pistol squats with a 40 pound barbell but those videos are on my instagram.

Well I can do over 80 dips in a row and push ups on my thumbs. Is it something?

How much do you weigh?

Now hovering from 165-170

Cool. 'mirin those muscle ups.

I dunno much about stuff, are rings harder to do muscle ups on than a bar?

Ring muscle-ups are more strenght
Bar muscle-ups are more technique

They are as in they require a bit more strength and technique but for me they feel way better than bar muscle ups especially for my joints. I never do bar muscle ups now and whenever i do i get elbow pain. With rings i can do several sets and move on with my workout.

I play the cello

Thanks. I've been trying to do muscle-ups on a bar for a while now and I'm very close. Managed a few with a big leg kick, but yeah I've experienced the elbow pain you speak of when I try more than a few in one session.
My gym has some rings sat in a corner but they aren't hung up on anything. I may have to ask them to put them up.

Same here, brah. Pen spinning for me is pretty much unconscious at this point (17 years in), and sometimes normies will go "whoa, that's cool" and I'll have no clue what they're talking about until they explicitly mention the pen

I'm pretty great at whistling

Salsa dancing.

Planks, and harder variations. Just ab workouts.

I love the cello, I'd like to learn it in the future.

Bar muscle ups are all about gaining momentum. If you're not good at that you need to use brute force so you get elbow pain like both of us do.

They're both fine if you aren't a pussy

Also link below is when I was still uploading to YouTube, albeit less often.

Filming this stuff was such a hassle, holy shit. That's one of the reasons I don't put huge time and effort into it anymore (another reason being that it's just not worth it) and just do it casually (and subconsciously).

I know that feel brah. It's like a split second of "what the fuck is this person talking about" before you realize they're talking about the pen

never too late. I started playing with 25


Does it matter? I can DL more than you.

Yeah but a 502lb deadlift isn't impressive.

Being able to both deadlift 500lbs and do a muscle up is impressive, as it shows a pretty great range of skill and strength that doing only one of those feats is nowhere close to.

post a video of you doing it then

I still deadlift more than you
I can deadlift your 430lbs lardass easily too

prove it

I cant cause its stupidly easy. Why would you need a video?

one arm pull-ups are not stupidly easy...

did you misread is as 3 pullups?

>that ladder set up though
Still pretty cool though. I feel like my shoulder could get fucked from that.

This guy gets it.

As for me, I have gotten into slacklining. It is bretty gud and normies seem to love it.

Found the pulluplet
I did 1 arm pull ups my second month in the gym. Maybe try not being a fucking pussy next time, pussy.

Guys please, like, guys stop please
Guys stop guys please guys please stop please
Guys? Please

Kek ive had the set up for months. Still havent broken my neck.
Only problem is i cant do front/back levers and a few other moves because the space is a bit tight.

I can touch the goal cross bar in football with my head. Im 170 cm. Shit is amazing to my team mates. Still not satisfied. Aerial ability is out of this world for someone at my height. Play full back and people always underestimate my heading ability.

fuck you m8 i did no handed pull-ups in my first week at the gym and I don't even have eyes.

I can use a pair of scissors with my toes

Same, but I wish I couldn't because my buddies always ask me to do it when we drink and I'm worried it's hard on the knees

Your mum did a no handed squat on my dick for a set of failure lmao btfo

I can do a front flip if I get a running start

fuck off im going home youre not playing with my hoverboard anymore.

Have we truly reached peak fitness shaming where bitches even make fun of ripped dudes doing calisthenics??What's next?Making fun of football players??
Am just gonna assume you're either baiting or your "female friends" are disgusting bitches that I wouldn't touch with a 30 foot pole.....

>oh they're picking on me they must be ugly fatties!

i can do a shitty version of it but my shins and knees get destroyed each time i do it for prolonged periods.

man the shin splints are horrible

>"I can muscle up and do a pretty nice deadlift!"
>"Hey that's pretty cool! I assume you can muscle up too?"

I can flex my pecs even though I'm a fatass
It's pathetic and gross

Did you grab your wrist with your off hand? Cuz that's not a OAPU

Fuck no. I was doing real 1 arm pull ups with full ROM in my second month of lifting. Im sorry that you're a pussy ass bitch.

I can partially dislocate my arms from my shoulders. Shoulder hypermobility isn't super common.

I can also press in my chest and rib cage a few inches.

nice to meet you mr.skellington

Which is easier: bar or ring muscle ups?

For me its ring because like i said i can easily use strength for it(theres still a technique to it)
But for a lot of people who are good at gaining momentum bars are easier. Bar is just more technical.

Teach me senpai
Can do this stuff plus the roll it across your arms over your shoulders like wilt from foster's home from imaginary friends could do.

There's a lot you can do with my pen in between your fingers ;)

I can hold a flag for a few seconds when I'm more cut, but generally people eat it up when I overhead press/squat them for reps at parties lol

Veeky Forums related?

>I can carry a pony keg on each shoulder
>can clean and carry and pony keg
>can deadlift and carry a regular keg like nothing

Not all that impressive but the normies seem to think it's cool.

why not do both breh? them free standing HSPU

Also i can throw pretty good spin kicks even though i havent trained in a while


My girlfriend loves when I do them. She said if I lifted weights and tried sculpting my body perfectly she'd find me a boyfriend and leave.

I agree. Shit is gay.

Nope. There are several tutorials on how to do them on youtube. Planks and stuff are a must know how before you even begin training them but they are not a progression towards them.

Also his form is pretty bad being honest.

>Also his form is pretty bad being honest.
>OP: No, it's not a full flag yet
Trips of shame to you

Look at how wide his hands are it clearly indicates a lack of strength in the movement.

Which in return is making his body rotate.

He needs to go down some progressions he will never get a flag with that shit form.

So trips of truth bud.

i can extract plasmid dna from a cell culture

all that pipetting for dem thumb gains

Well gee, if you put it that way, I sound like a complete faggot moron.

It's the best instrument, with a huge 4+ octave range, the tone closely matches our natural voice range, doesn't sound like shit in solo pieces (bass, viola, most brass and wind instruments)

Yeah but...nobody cares.

Good job on that flag, OP. Remember to take care of your joints and progress safely.

All I can do at the moment is an L-sit. Joints are too mobile so they're prone to injury. Gotta strengthen all the support first before I do anything cool.

i play the trumpet pretty good

He didn't fly so good.

OP Here bros

Thanks man, nice MU tho

Squating people is fun af, can relate with my chicken legs (For real lmao)

Show me your flag then senpai

Thanks man, doing my best towards the full flag and taking full care or them

hate myself

Yeah let me just hit up my buddy at 11 at night and ask if he will come with me to the park to take pictures of my flag to impress some guy on the internet.

I'm giving advice you don't got to take it but if you went down some progressions it will greatly help ya in the long run.