Looking for honest opinions.
26 yo virgin - had opportunities but always passed because I was ashamed of my body.
Was overweight as a child, normal weight for awhile and then ate to 260 lbs. Current weight is 205 lbs.
Running SS for the past month and a half with C25k on off days. Eating 2000 calories with 35/35/30 macro split.
feeling pretty hopeless atm, not sure what to do
Looking for honest opinions
I read the sticky, should have been more specific but can I ever have a decent looking body or have I ruined it for good? Pretty depressed about it
All in due time, kiddo.
Keep doing SS. Are your lifts going up or are you stalling? Post more stats.
As for C25k that's the best program for you if you're building up stamina, strength and trying to be more consistent with your runs. Again, too early to see results in your body.
You're retaining a lot of fat in the love handles and gut so you may see some loose skin.
Change your macro split. 40/30/30.
Jelly of your obliques brah
>can I ever have a decent looking body or have I ruined it for good?
Only one way to find out, breh.
His obliques are jelly too, by the look of them
Remember, killing yourself is a good quick way to losing weight
Just do this:
>drink a protein shake every day
>workout 5 times a week
>browse Veeky Forums
>clean up diet only eat chicken, rice, and broccoli
>stop fapping
>take zinc and vitamin d3
>try to forget about her but constantly think about her. Feel inadequate about every aspect of your life. Begin to hate yourself and use that self hatred to fuel workouts.
Pretty much Veeky Forums in a nutshell
>but can I ever have a decent looking body or have I ruined it for good? Pretty depressed about it
You can't "ruin" your body you fuck
Just fucking lift and lose weight. commit to something for once, just do it. Get it done
Set a goal and DO IT.
>I'm going to lift for 6-8 months and do cardio on off days(or whatever), I will cut for the first few months then slowly bulk
Bang, done. Stick to it and do it
Top fucking Kek.
Sad but true
I think he was speaking more aesthetically, like my body will never be aesthetic because I was a fat shit that stretched out my skin so even after losing the weight it's all loose and floppy and covered in stretch marks.
>That last line
Eh.... That stuff is minimal, especially if you do it gradually and apply coca butter or whatever the fuck it's called.
Either way, wrong way to look at it. You'll look better than you do now, that's all that matters.
Setting yourself up for failrue by thinking "Man i have loose skin so why even lift anymore? i'll never look good why even bother being at a healthy weight or getting stronger, fuck this shit" is bad
Loose weight, add shit tons of muscle doing full body workouts 3-4 times a week, train weaknesses on the 5th 6th day if you wanna train that many days in a row.
And after you've lost weight, go have surgery to remove any loose skin. and you will look good. Be patient
Lifts going up, but slowly. Squat 185, Bench 105, Deadlift 155, Press 85
>advising to drink protein shakes without counting macros
>advising a diet of just three things
>muh feels XD tfw no gf XDD
Kys if this is not bait
I suppose I'll look better than I do now, but I'll still be disgusting won't I? Maybe that's the wrong way of looking at it, but it's how I feel nonetheless
Dude you trashed your body for 26 years. Obviously you're not going to fix it in 0.115 years. Keep doing what you're doing. It's going to take a few years but you'll make it.
>I suppose I'll look better than I do now, but I'll still be disgusting won't I?
Depends how fat you were, depends on how quickly you lost weight and dependso n your age and genetics.
It's very individual. Either way i guarantee you'll look better, feel better and be better than if you don't do shit.
Progress is progress, sport. As long as you're not stalling out you're moving forward.
Don't expect instant gratification. I'm a year in now and still got love handles, still not 1/2/3/4 (though close) and I'm just starting C25K.
Takes time.
>Lifts going up, but slowly. Squat 185, Bench 105, Deadlift 155, Press 85
I squat 170, bench 120, deadlift 220, press 65lbs. How is your squat and press so much better than mine? Half repping or something?
>counting macros
Spotted the dyel
Not sure. My chest is really weak, but I think I could deadlift more just worried about adding weight without making sure my form is correct
if you act like a coward, you'll get nowhere in life and lifts
I dont want to turn this into a thread where i whine, especially since its all my fault. It's just that I don't feel particularly better despite dropping 50 lbs and im concerned that I'll never reach a point where I feel comfortable with my body
Dooo it.
Deadlift form is definitely easy as fuck, just keep a neutral spine and don't do it obvious retard things like hitching the weight up or something and you can't harm yourself
>It's just that I don't feel particularly better despite dropping 50 lbs and im concerned that I'll never reach a point where I feel comfortable with my body
Bad attitude bro, work on that.
Think about your progress, and the alternative. Yeah loose skins and stretchmarks sucks (I've been about ~230lbs 5'11 at my heaviest, iktfb). But would you rather still have a fat fucking cut and terrible health?
>try to forget about her but constantly think about her. Feel inadequate about every aspect of your life. Begin to hate yourself and use that self hatred to fuel workouts.
I guess you're right. Probably I could have a totally normal body and still hate it due to low confidence or w/e. Just sucks to know that I've wasted the best years of my life
wrap cling wrap around your waist and do cardio everyday at the gym along with weight lifting. cling wrap is a much cleaner alternative to a sweat belt. you can do it user i believe in you!
>Just sucks to know that I've wasted the best years of my life
Most people know that feel.
You know how much it sucks to waste your life. So make sure to not waste any more of it and live it to the fullest and make most of it.
has to be a troll, a funny one though
Dude, no. Your best years are still in front of you. Would you rather peak early or peak late?
trips of truth never lie faggot. when i was at the gym i saw a guy wrapping it around his stomach, i asked him what was that for and he told me its just like a sweat belt but cleaner cause once your done you just throw it out unlike a sweat belt which you have to clean and stinks. i'v been using it and it really does help out. i lost 7lbs of water weight thanks too it.
give it a try, it really does work
>had opportunities but always passed
all virgins say this shit
At 26 I feel pretty fucking old. Assuming I get into shape I'll be 28 and all the 28 yo girls i know are pretty haggard. so im not sure how to answer this
How are we ever supposed to know what your body's potential is? Yeah you're stretched the fuck out in the stomach and shit but skin eventually tightens back up if you're young enough. If you go down this path, I would aim to be as big as you are now, only redistributed to make use of the room your skin provides now. Get some roids and blow the fuck up my nigger
i wouldnt be opposed to roids although i think im far too much of a pussy to take them without guidance from a doctor
I'm 29 bro and I'm just entering the glory years. All the bitches you wanted to bang are having biological clock crises and there is pussy for days. You can also pull some decent strange with girls in their early 20's with daddy issues.
The gates to the land of everlasting poon are opening wide for you brah. Go take what's yours and irrigate some ass.
oh hey that's me except I workout 6 times a week instead of 5, assuming we count cardio
Hahaha that last bullet is funny user hahahahaha funny guy over here