Be honest now user, how often do you work your core?
Me : "muh squats does core, muh deadlifts does core, cardio does core". So I don't often do isolating core workout.
Yes I know I will never make it.
Be honest now user, how often do you work your core?
Me : "muh squats does core, muh deadlifts does core, cardio does core". So I don't often do isolating core workout.
Yes I know I will never make it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I do squats
and dl
and then I do some ab work
by that I mean I go down, I do some 5 reps out of planned 50
say OMG THIS IS OS FUCKING BORING and stop and think to myself that squats and deads will have to be enough
Never. Push press is all you need
doing squats and deadlifts gets you core strenght but it won't give u a sixpack - i'm investing 45 min per workout since 2 months now + dieting
M8 I'll do like one set of the intended 4 weighted planks and like you, fuck this this is dull.
I do a few hollow body holds after each workout. I've noticed better core activation in squats, ohp and cleans.
Plus, they help with low back tightness and anterior pelvic tilt.
Should be daily, but I'm lazy
and I agree with the OP post, tons of people suck at bracing or have weak abs after buying the 'you don't need core work' meme. Esp in weightlifting, where you should do abs and lower back every day
I mean how can some people have ab work as their only exercise and maybe throw in some push-ups is beyond me
Once a week, takes like 5-10 minutes.
100 situps, 100 crunches, 50 abdominal twist each side, 50 leg raises, and sometimes planking. Do I notice much of a difference?
Not really except afterwords I tend to hold my core tighter for a day or so and seem to be have a bit easier time holding posture.
Pic is at a relatively high bodyfat (~16.5 ish)
No squat
No deadlift
No ab isolations
Push press and ohp and weighted chin up only.
Started doing abs before cardio on cardio day. Seems to be working out.
Still cutting down to as low as I can before I start a slow bulk.
This seems a more manageable time/ approach to take.
There is.
Got ab DOMS for 6 days straight from the first training session i did push press (only like 2 sets)
Longest time i ever had DOMS ever. Also was the last time i got ab DOMS
you're kidding me right, you're using DOMS as a measure of effectiveness? lel
You don't need much for ab workouts, if you overdue it you get roid gut where your stomach sticks out farther than your pecs.
You workout your core with nearly every physical movement also.
Just take a little time once a week to do some strictly ab related exercises. I mean i'm already at the gym, might as well.
The only thing I wish I had was more defined abs, but I doubt I'll ever be below 10% body fat again in my life.
I get some nice dimples on the sides from obliques and abdominal twist.
If you're interested I had an insane ab workout from BJJ days. Makes your core a tree trunk.
No, i am using high abdominal visibility despite my fatness as a measure of efficacy.
But have you ever had 6 days of DOMS from one exercise?
The fact my abs got that much DOMS means they were severely undertrained.
The fact i have not got DOMS since indicates they are no longer undertrained
>he doesnt strengthen his transverse abdominis woth his shitty crunches and meme isolations
Post body
sorry but this is bullshit
for example, let's say you squat >4pl8 twice a week at low reps (e.g. 3x3). This person is clearly not undertraining their legs.
But if they switch to 5x10 at 100kg once, they're going to get severe DOMS despite doing far lower intensity and frequency. DOMS is just a result of not having done that particular training approach in a while. It has nothing to do with effectiveness of training. Push press giving you DOMS just means that you hadn't done anything that put your core through that specific training method.
Every day at the gym, the last thing I do before cardio is some sort of ab thing, either one set of AMRAP decline crunches, or planking on one of those big inflatable balls for as long as I can hold it.
I'm still a fatty on a perma-cut, but if I stand in the light just so, I can barely make out an outline of abs. Not the individual "cans" of the six pack, but just the outer V lines.
>squat 3pl8 3x3 and you get DOMS from 5x10 2pl8
I dont think so.
Either way, push press is all i do for abs, and i have high ab visibility at a high bf%.
explain how push press isnt sufficient for abs
Counting DL and squats, I work core every workout. I isolate on chest and shoulder days.
because it's like saying deadlifts are sufficient for back development, it may be true for you but it's not for a vast majority of other lifters
post pic or BS
Bathroom scale says i am 17% but i suspect i am slightly lower
>muh jennetix are why i am a weak failure
Kys tripfag.
Keep pretending deadlifts and push press arent MILES beyong bodyweight crunches and 70lb lat pulldowns
i have an ab wheel, every other day ill do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps, built me a great serratus but im too lazy to cut so my lower abs shall remain veiled at all times.
also no one will ever see me without my shirt on so i dont even know why i bother
Fucking this. Although I do squats and dl my core is on fire when im doing ohp/push press.
>tfw friend complains about not losing weight cause he does "300" crunches a day.
m8 I have no idea what you're talking about
although I laughed that is your 'proof'
Doea your friend tripfag as "caladan"?
I didnt claim to be aesthetic
I didnt claim to be low bodyfat
I claimed ab isolations are useless.
Show me your ab visibility at 16-17%
>not doing loaded carries as part of your core training
I don't know why you're hung up on appearance as an indication of core strength, it means nothing
here's an olympic athlete doing a useless exercise
>no squat
>no deadlift
>no ab isolation
We'll clearly, the picture is proof enough
Oly athletes do tons of exercises mortal men have no business doing.
If you can ohp 165lbx5 you have a stronk core.
Doing crunches won't help
Everyday cuz I'm not a faggot
>If you can ohp 165lbx5 you have a stronk core.
Let's see you do a back lever then.
i mean, i do planks every so often.
I try to do something for it every day, usually outside the gym though. Love dat core tightness
Started learning dragon flags, it's actually quite fun and pretty good core move.
I isolate core twice a week, and brace it during other lifts.