would he have attracted girls if he was fit
Would he have attracted girls if he was fit
No because he was pathetic anyway. Lifting would have made him a fit loser. Nothing more.
I'm not reading that because I've already read his manifesto once.
But he did lift, for a week or two. He said he didnt see results so he stopped.
No, because he was a tiny manlet manlet and weird who would stare people down in class if they liked they were having a good time and then drop the class because he couldn't take it. He went to highly superficial colleges and only wanted some bimbo sorority blonde and never would've settled for less. And of course, they'd never want him.
i mean it is sort of unfair that they're having a good time and elliot isn't
I bet he also described himself as a nice guy
wish he tripped here and became Veeky Forums his manifesto was hilarious, it's a good thing he's dead though I believe he had several personality disorders which cannot ever be cured
>im right about everything and everyone else in the world is wrong
>blames 50% of the world's population for his own severe autism
Yeah that the sad thing his looks are about 7 or 8 out of 10, if he wasnt so hopelessly autistic he would be swimming in pussy
Having read his manifesto he NEVER talked to a girl, he kind of just walked around populated areas hoping women will gravitate towards him and become his gf. Then he gets upset when this doesnt happen
why should men have to approach women, this is 2016
Well if the autist is right about anything it's that women do get to choose who to fuck. Men are the sellers and women are the buyers.
But to get a sale you need a good sales pitch and that involves communicating to your buyers in some way, and you would eventually find buyers who have disposable income.
you mean women are the sellers and men are the buyers, also that was essentially his whole manifesto, mental masturbation
he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't good enough for the highly superficial sluts he was after
>you will never be sitting in Elliot's room, hearing his sister moaning in the room next door
i wonder how she reacted to his writings on her getting railed by chad, must have been fucked up
I think he would've, not because it would've made him more attractive, but because he'd gain some confidence
Agreed, but it's why men still have to approach women, even in 2016
No because he's a dyel manlet.
Holy shit I had to ctrl+F just to read that part.
>the slob doesn’t even have a car, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I drive
a BMW and get no attention from any girls whatsoever
Page num or quote to ctrl f?
The green text is a direct quote but i found it by searching "moan"
He had an account on a body building forum
Thats hilarious.
and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door
i think it's extremely sad, nigger needed a hooker he was turbo incel
He could have been saved if he had a bunch of friends or any support circle of any kind where there was constant banter and wingmanship for each other. The camaraderie of a couple of close friends hitting the gym or whatever would have likely saved him. Laughter is fucking medicine and he needed it.
Autism and narcissism aside, all he needed was a social circle.
This is /pol/ and /r9k/ in an image.
Why didn't he just join them? But I agree. It's not entirely his fault.
that sentence structure makes me think he masturbating to the thought of fucking his sister after he heard her moans desu
how does her sister even continue living after this shit, she will probably get a name change
Most women couldn't last a month as an incel male. They'd suicide. Prostitution would be legal worldwide and virgin shaming would cease if women were put in the shoes of an incel male for even a month. They couldn't handle it.
I saw results after 2 weeks. Dumb faggot must've been doing a split
I'm a kissless virgin at 21, one more year to go until Supreme gentleman status. At least I'll be strong
Supreme Gentleman comes before Wizard?
22 year old KHHV for supreme gentlemen status
30 year old KHHV for wizard
40+ and you've ascended
You know the saying, never stick your dick in the crazy?
Works the other way 'round too.
that's why burgerland needs to legalize prostitution
i mean it sort of is
we're all human, we all want sex the same
why should some people be granted it and others not
What needs to happen for this to occur?
No because ultimately as a straight man what you're ultimately looking to buy is access to her vagina, and in a biological sense, 9 months of womb occupancy.
That the female ultimately selects the male is a behavioural practice that is in near universality across all species.
nvm I just woke up and misread your post. I'm retarded.
Bruh are you trying to argue that no woman on the planet has ever gone one month without sex.
I went 5 years straight without sex and very limited contact with either male or female when I was a literal basement NEET. It actually wasn't that difficult, maybe you're just weak :^)
the shitty type.
How many times does this have to be said: women can tell detect personalities like "nice guys" 5 miles away. Women admitted he was extremely attractive, yet didn't like him because he had the creeper vibe that was obvious to everyone.
i'm talking about never having had sex before, being a virgin incel
What makes him so supreme?
he said in one of his vlogs "why don't girls like me, I'm the supreme gentleman"
4 u.
>not knowing why he was supreme
Who the fuck said life is fair?
it isn't, but people need to make an effort to make life fairer. This means reaching out to loners like elliot
>mixed race
>beta pouty lips
>false sense of entitlement
No, he was destined to fail.
>Attracting girls without FACE, FRAME or HEIGHT
Elliot invented all of his problems. He was a child of a millionaire movie producer who could have had anyone he wanted if he hadn't been such a jealous, uptight, holier than thou piece of shit. And his obsession with sex is straight up retarded: Sex isn't even that big of a deal.
We have a responsibility to make the world fairer, but that responsibility should extend to people who have REAL problems. Society should be focusing on how to help, for instance, homeless people instead of recognizing the plight of a socially inept manbaby who migrated between his parents mansions whenever he wanted.
End of rant.
>Sex isn't even that big of a deal.
it kind of is for a lot of males when you're at that age and you're still a virgin
male inceldom is a problem you fucking idiot
If I hit my own hand with a hammer, it's a problem too. But just like being an incel, if I hit my own hand with a hammer, it's my own fucking fault.
Elliot wouldn't do anything to better himself, wouldn't lower his standards in terms of being with "slutty" women, and believed he was better than everyone. These are things he did to himself. I've got no sympathy for him.
no, it's not their fault they aren't an 8+/10 male supermodel multi-millionaire
lol imo he has a good face, he was just a total creep and thats the obvious reason why people cut him off from their lives
autist who didn't understand how to world worked and complained about shit he couldn't fix instead of dealing with it like everyone else does
I love that you've used ad hominem twice now. Really shows that you're open to meaningful discourse.
You're right, not all men have the resources Rodger was born with. But anyone can better themselves. If you're completely opposed to that idea, 1) I don't really know why you're on the fitness board, and 2) you could always lower your standards. There's plenty of fatties out there who will gobble your dick right up.
Nah. He was just fuckin weird and crazy.
>lower your standards
ie: settle for someone you're not remotely attracted to in any way, shape or form. A 'standard' is a bare minimum
Sage detected.
Well, yes, if he had gotten a nice body.
However, he would have to shut his fucking mouth some more. He was way too full of himself which was probably the biggest turn-off.
So that's a no to improving yourself? Everyone else should lower their standards to accommodate male incels, but male incels don't have to make any effort because clearly they're doing everything right?
why are you making the assumption all male incels are ugly, i'm saying females should take one for humanity and fuck socially inept losers like elliot
And I'm saying socially inept losers should fuck fatties and get over it. Or better themselves by acting like a normal person, socializing with the people around them (Elliot socialized, kind of, but according to his manifesto believed that he was superior to everyone), making friends, becoming a happy confident adult, etc.
Also where did I say all male incels are ugly?
And just to clarify, male incels shouldn't have to lower their standards because a standard is a bare minimum, but women should have to lower their standards and fuck men who make them cringe? Because, again, self improvement is out the window? And women somehow owe us their bodies?
he was rich, if they denied him, I woulda just started saying $50/$100 for sex easy.
>Also where did I say all male incels are ugly
you implied it by saying everyone else should lower their standards to accomodate them
also fuck you why should they have to resort to fucking a subhuman slob of a female if they themselves are decent looking
There's more reasons not to fuck someone than just their looks.
Elliot wasn't ugly. He just had a personality that prostitutes would turn down.
I was actually referring to, in this case, a woman's social standards. Women don't want to date men who behave like creeps. Women don't want to fuck men who behave like creeps.
And I'll ask again, male incels shouldn't have to lower their standards because a standard is a bare minimum, but women should lower their standards and fuck men who make them cringe? Because, again, self improvement is out the window? And women somehow owe us their bodies?
I wish more men were like you, legit, you really get it.
Thanks, friend. :-)
Lost it soon after turning 22. You can make it.
He had the money, prostitution.
He did attract girls but he wanted the blonde Stacy like in American Beauty.
Americans have this weird preference for some reason. Big titted fridge mode midgets with stumpy legs = hot babes (who proceed to act like they are hot shit)
I thought he was quite good looking, no homo, he didn't get any girls because of how autistic he was. That being said, if you guys have enough free time, listen to his audiobook on youtube, it is fucking comedy gold to hear that level of autism.
He would have never made it with girls because he was way too autistic, there is only so far a pretty face can get you. even if he had gains he wouldn't have got them because of his ridiculously high standards, and the fact that he sperged out when he saw other couples
Maybe this argument will help you understand. Choosing who you do and do not fuck is a basic human right. If all of a sudden every woman you found attractive had a responsibility to fuck you then why wouldn't it work the other way?
Since super models have to fuck you, you have to fuck every woman on my 600lb life who takes a liking to you. Every time the booty warrior wanted a taste of your black cherry you would have to give it up.
The world is filled with women who make bad decisions. So if universally he was always turned down (and I don't think he ever actually tried talking to any women he just expected women to walk up and offer him use of their vaginas) and/or avoided then clearly the problem was with him.
Women are allowed to choose who to fuck and not fuck for the same reasons you are. There is no series of possessions or good deeds that mean a woman owes you pussy. If you believe there is, that is some straight up "nice guy", neckbeard, creepy shit and you have some stuff you need to work out.
Yep 7-8/10 and was rich. He didn't even need to lift.
basically, you get it. the crowd here seems to be in the 16-23 range. That's when I struggled with women the most. Once I got over the women owe me phase. I found my relationships improved, and oddly, enough my sex life too. It just took a little bit of maturing on my part.
>ie: settle for someone you're not remotely attracted to in any way, shape or form. A 'standard' is a bare minimum
and a few seconds ago:
> it isn't, but people need to make an effort to make life fairer. This means reaching out to loners like elliot
go ahead, reach out to this lonely fattie
Yeah, I'm in my 30's now. The revelation as a sophomore in college that no one owes me sex because if that were true I would owe people sex was a huge revelation that allowed me to relax and actually not be an asshole around women. 20's were pretty good. Now looking for that real real though and not having much luck. But I'll get there.
29 here. I have one going on. A part of me just doesn't want to have to take care of someone right now. She is sorta the stay at home mom type.
Same here, feels bad
>There's plenty of fatties out there who will gobble your dick right up.
Even fat women nowadays have unrealistically high standards, they don't want an autist near them.
For a woman to feel the same loneliness that an incel male feels, she needs to have a serious disability, like being obese (not fat, obese) or deformed or retarded.
You're a twisted degenerate incapable of understanding anything about anyone. Probably just end it now, senpai.
>mfw do a quick fb search of Georgia Rodger and she's still with Samuel
Awww. He's not that bad of a guy I'd bet. And they're really cute together
No because he is filthy product of race mixing and no amount of lifting would have changed that
No because he was a manlet with no chin
And he was fucking nuts
Girls don't like mental illness
Reminder that Elliot never approached a girl. Not once. If you approach one girl, this won't be you.
I wonder if they read his manifesto.
Why should women approach men? What do men have to offer?
It is fair, because he chose to be a reject and not a normal person. If he weren't so fucking weird, he would have never ended up the way he did.
His social circle was puahate
Also he did have friends but he was a total sperg and alienated them all by acting weird as fuck all the time. Read his manifesto if you care