I really want thicc legs like pic related, I am however a 5ft6 manlet.
Can I achieve this without looking ridiculous?
I really want thicc legs like pic related, I am however a 5ft6 manlet.
Can I achieve this without looking ridiculous?
Do women teally like huge divks? My benis is only 5inches when ervet. It is pretty thick though
You cant
no, woman actually prefire tiny dicks, they find them more aesthethic.
protip: fuck off dicklet
if anything, it's easier for manlets to put on mass.
t. manlet
Yeah, sure, but I am asking If I can pull off thicc legs without looking like an idiot.
If your proportional you will look fine. Also manlet, can't wait for thicc joocy legs
I have actually been told my height is not too much of a problem because of my proportions which Is interesting.
>yfw when you realise a women took this