Other one got derailed by shitposting faggots.
Fridgemode girls ITT
Pic related, I always cum to pics of Brooke wells, the queen of Veeky Forums
Other one got derailed by shitposting faggots.
Fridgemode girls ITT
Pic related, I always cum to pics of Brooke wells, the queen of Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>the queen of Veeky Forums
You mean king?
Do not want.
This tipe of girl used to repulse me, but now I'm mildly turned on by them. Idk if it's because fit is turning me gay or because i can appreciate the hard work and sacrifice it must take them to reach those levels
the real japanese queen of Veeky Forums desu
idk who this is but she is my fit-inspo
Kill yourselves faggot
Are these girls stronger than the average male? I dont think so.
Than the average untrained male? By far.
Trained males ofc blow them the fuck out but that's normal
considering that "average" is getting worse and worse, sure
my gf is fridge mode
how do i convice her to do something other than cardio and abs. She rarely does push ups but thats it Also a routine for her?
Send her to me and I'll give her a good dicking and fill her up with semen. You can eat the cum like the cuck you are and consume some real protein for once in your life because you don't even lift
Is it gay to be turned on by muscular girls?
>is it gay to like girls
Jesus Christ Veeky Forums you can't make this shit up
those are some buff dudes mirin functional strength
>Is it gay to like girls with masculine features
Kind of.
>masculine features are set in stone universally
>do not disagree with me or you're a faget lol
>she will never use those legs to assist your thrust
I always get depressed at these threads, knowing I'll never have a buff fridgemode waifu like that
Join a crossfit gym. They are everywhere. These girls don't lift at Gold's like the average Veeky Forums pleb.
they're expensive :(
anyway hurt my left elbow so I'm sure those exercises would just make it worst
I'm mirin.
>crossfit gym open next town
>i live in bumbfuck italy and there are not many well equipped gyms around here so i decide to check it out
>equipment looks good
>ask if i can came to train alone
>they say no, they only do courses
>whynot.jpg, let's try it
>females chat all workout and may as well be doing zumba
>the so called coach is a dyel who barely clean and jerk 80kg
>the wods look literally retarded, 0 weight
At least they weren't doing crippingly dangerous shit but fuck. I considered staying just foe ego boost but they literally wouldnt let me use more weight than those prescribed in the wods (that they were getting online)
death by snu snu
is it gay to be turned on by feminine men?
Does CrossFit do any kind of ped testing? Good Lord
they do but afaik they have their own agency (not usada/wada) and its pretty easy to avoid or they only test at comps...
this thread is nice inspo
t. shit-tier waist proportions