Veeky Forums
Have you ever activated the lunk alarm?
Lunk Alarm
I've never trained at planet fitness before
I've never trained at planet fitness before
I thought this lunk alarm shit was fake
I thought this lunk alarm shit was fake
I've never trained at planet fitness before
I've never trained at planet fitness before
Never have i trained before at planet fitness
>planet fitness
I have never before trained at planet fitness
yes one time I walked into planet fitness wearing a court gown, powdered wig, and fake nose.
after completely crushing some 15lb flys and 10 mins of elliptical, I ran around the stair-machines banging my gavel on anything solid within five feet and sentencing everyone in the building to mediocrity
after my arbitration ended, I grunted for 30 minutes straight until I literally ran out of breath and passed out for a few seconds
the lunk alarm went off and I was finally, at long last, able to cum
I've always not trained at planet fitness before
Nah I never went to planet shitness
Have I trained at Planet Fitness before? Never.
Can we turn this into a going to law school and lifting thread?
That's capitalism in a nutshell. Creating problem related to consuming and presenting a paid solution to the problem when moderation would be the best alternative. This creates a bunch of cycles of consumption. Pushing people to consume more and more for worthless shit while there are people starving. Fuck this world and its leaders.
Capitalism is good
I think you forgot to finish your sentence there.
>Capitalism is good
to take resources from poor peoples and push them down a higher class's throat via the market system to strive in an economy mirroring the results of imperialism.
Thin privilege.
Skinny people are allowed to judge my quads. They're allowed to laugh when I grunt and sweat. I just can't help it though. These 4 plate deadlifts won't move themselves. Whenever I try to get stronger I can feel their judging gaze, and soon a loud alarm goes off and I'm kicked out of the gym. Im a person too. Imagine if instead of a lunk alarm they had a "dyel alarm". Any time you squatted less than 3 plates, benched less than two or diddled less than 4 a loud queef played over the intercom and everyone judged you.
But that will never happen. Because thin privilege is a thing. They have signs judging me, that say I'm judging them. All I wanted to do was lift and get stronger.
Capitalism has done more to alleviate poverty than literally any other system human beings have ever tried.
>tfw I got lunk alarmed out of an actual strength training gym
I wish I were fucking joking, these assblasters would advertise their shit as the opposite of Planet Fitness, saying "you can drop weights, hurr hurr hurr", but that was just advertising bullshit
Turns out they were just a bunch of bitch ass pussies who wanted to give the appearance of a true gym while being commercial sellout pieces of shit like PF.
Not the guy you were replying to, but triggered.
1. Capitalism rewards individual productivity.
2. If you're not benefiting from capitalism, see point 1
How is it taking them?
They're willingly doing this. I think you're upset with people being lazy rather than capitalism. Capitalism simply gives the people what they want.
The average American is a lazy sack of shit and thus planet fitness thrives.
if the average American wasn't lazy or dumb then planet fitness wouldn't be tje roaring success it is.
Would you prefer Venezuela?
good form, pupper
Yeah a couple times. I would do it on purpose tho. See how high I could drop a weight before they set it off or I would just tell my friends "you think I could set off the alarm" and purposefully try to set it off. It all depends on whose working at time. Some employees set the alarm off for little reasons, some don't fucking give a shit how much weight you drop.
Good form, pupper
Replace capitalism with science and you'd be right. Capitalism has only taken advantage of science.
>1. Capitalism rewards individual productivity.
Only if you have the capital to be "productive", otherwise have fun drowning in the wage-slavery. I know, both my sister and brother are rich. One's doing social media advertisement the other has a turkish factory making some type of clothing (I won't say which) and parties all day. None of them are productive, both of them are strongly rewarded.
Capitalism rewards exploitation and manipulation, nothing more.
You know Ireland could've avoided a famine very easily. They didn't only grow potatoes. British corporations were holding all the food for export while the Irish people's main backup was dying. The only reason so many people died in Ireland in the 19th century was because the British landowners wanted to keep as much bread for themselves while the Irish people lost all theirs.
Also, Americans are lazy and dumb because that's the lifestyle capitalism wants them to have. They need to only work and spend money to give meaning to their life. People who are actually satisfied with their life don't spend enough and that's not profitable.
>Capitalism rewards exploitation
Which economic system do you prefer then? Which system rewards on the basis of virtue?
Back to the strawman. We're arguing capitalism, not socialism. If you want to change subject so much I'll consider you're now convinced that capitalism is fundamentally bad just as I argued, because you're not saying anything against that.
Inb4 socialism has never been tried before
good form, pupper
here have a template for shitlording
Where are your non-capitalist paradises?
>buttmad Bernie supporters still haven't killed themselves
Just end it. Trump is going to win. And even if he doesn't, Bernie already sold his pathetic soul to shillary
You vote with your dollars.
The reason a business succeeds in a capitalist system is because people found it worthy..
So really your problem is with the public. Planet Fitness gives people what they want, it's a product of the people, not vice-versa.
People COULD have signed up to the powerlifting gym down the street, but thry chose not to, and so PF expands and collects more revenue. No stealing or coercion involved.
What system do you prefer?
I'm just asking which system you think rewards on the virtue of honesty and hardwork MORE SO than capitalism.
if you dislike capitalism so much you must have an alternstive in mind, don't you?
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
There you go with the starman again. Why don't you just kill yourself and get it over with?
What strawman? I'm just asking which economic system you prefer? That isn't a strawman
Why are you unable to answer a simple question
Are you conceding that Capitalism is the best system to have existed, despite not being perfect? I think you are
Science is not a system for organizing trade. Comparing the two is a false equivalence.
Capitalism is the proven easiest and most effective way to organize labor, trade, time, and resources.
This is your last (You). Savor it
so have you given up?
I'm glad we agree, capitalism indeed is the most efficient allocation of limited resources.
>You vote with your dollars.
>The reason a business succeeds in a capitalist system is because people -found it worthy- spent money into it..
When do you ever buy because you found a business worthy? At the grocery store, when do you look at the brand and say "hm, this is a worthy business, have my freedom votes!"
No, people don't do that. Businesses are thrown into people's faces and try to have them spend money in them, that's how businesses work. You can reward a business that you like but the biggest business will be the one that shoves itself into people's face the more. If not then why would you say that Walmart, Mcdonalds, Comcast, Pepsi, you name it are so succesful? All they do is offer everything, manipulate people through ads and try to eradicate their competition.
>So really your problem is with the public. Planet Fitness gives people what they want, it's a product of the people, not vice-versa.
Considering what I said above, Planet fitness is a company that shoved itself into a wider variety of consumer's faces and fueled that cycle of consumption that I talked about earlier to their best interest.
>What system do you prefer
I do prefer another system but it's irrelevant to the conversation and will only bring bias to it, seeing as this has already started with me saying that I'm anti-capitalist I'd rather just keep it to myself.
You're attributing to capitalism what was done by science. I'm not comparing the two.
Science is the reason why poverty has diminished under the capitalist system, not capitalism. Capitalism is the reason why it's not completely gone. It's the reason why about 40-50% of the food of a supermarket is thrown away while there is barely any food in some other third world countries.
good form, pupper
No, communism is.
Good form, pupper
Yes they do
They say a business is worthy by giving their money to it you stupid fucking retard.
When you pick a gym amidst its competition you are choosing that yiu wish for your gym to thrive because it best meets your needs in a gym ti work out In.
>Muh advertising brainwashes peopls
So are you saying people are too dumb to decide where to spend their money on their own?
Deal with it. People chose planet fitness because it does for them what they want at the right pricepoint.
If people wanted to lift then planet fitness woyld shutdown from lack of customers and powerlifting gyms would be huge billion dollar businesses. But they aren't
Unindustrialized nations start with simple manufacturing jobs, just like people did in the 1800's in current industrialized nations. While the technology has improved, it is still capitalism that allows factories to set up shop and pay workers.
Further, capitalism has two key features that make it better than any system ever tried. It works from the assumption that humans will almost always seek out their self interests. If it is my prerogative to open a factory, I can do so. If it is my prerogative to donate everything I own to charity, I can do so. No other system thrives on the fact that humans will always try to do what they want.
Secondly, outside of certain objective societal needs (roads/police/army) capitalism is excellent at providing the highest quality product at the lowest possible price. The best schools are private, the best doctors are in countries with privatized healthcare, etc.
>When do you ever buy because you found a business worthy? At the grocery store, when do you look at the brand and say "hm, this is a worthy business, have my freedom votes"
Every fucking time bro. Part of shopping is doing things like comparing price, ingredients, etc.
>No, people don't do that. Businesses are thrown into people's faces and try to have them spend money in them, that's how businesses work. You can reward a business that you like but the biggest business will be the one that shoves itself into people's face the more. If not then why would you say that Walmart, Mcdonalds, Comcast, Pepsi, you name it are so succesful? All they do is offer everything, manipulate people through ads and try to eradicate their competition.
Advertising works, for sure, but you need a good product to back it up. You can advertise as much as you want, but if it's known that the product is shit, no one will buy it.
Look at any industry. There are plenty of movies that had big advertising budgets, but flopped cause they were shit movies. Same with food. Remember New Pepsi back in the 80's(?)? Had tons of hype and advertising, but in the end it flopped and no one bought it because it tasted like shit.
>Considering what I said above, Planet fitness is a company that shoved itself into a wider variety of consumer's faces and fueled that cycle of consumption that I talked about earlier to their best interest.
And they did this how? By supplying something in demand. To the average consumer, Planet Fitness is not garbage, because it offers them a cheap gym with no intimidation. To the average person, it is a good product. As someone else said, you'd flop if you spent advertising money on a powerlifting gym, because it's not what the average person wants.
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
I was confused as to what was in the containers on the right until I realized that those were bagels not donuts, and the containers had cream cheese, jam, and butter.
good form, pupper
I've never trained at planet fitness before
(we don't even have that crap here)
Keked hard. Cheers friend
>pushing people to consume
Yeah, it's so much better to forcibly limit their choices through government intervention which prohibits competition and destroys the incentive for product innovation or improvement
Like does this retard literally think its planet fitness's fault people are fatasses OR MAYBE planet fitness is capitalizing on people's laziness by giving them a good service they want at an affordable price?
Training at Planet Fitness is something I have never done.
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
No ours is broken and the owner doesn't care so bodybuilders have taken over this $10 a month gym. Gold's next door is about to shut down.
good form, pupper
top fucking kek
We got a commie here Boyz. No matter what you say to him or what the real world has produced from Capitalism and not communism, he will still not be convinced
Good form, pupper
good form, pupper
capitalism does not reward anything. it doesnt do anything. its the abscence of manipulation, its the system that exists naturally amongst people. of course people are shit and will exploit each other. but that exploitation is much more harmful when your system arbitrarily grants greater power to some centralized group like a government
good form, pupper
not really, because I never worked out there, but I've been told to not disturb the yoga class with my deadlifts
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
good form, pupper
Denmark is a pretty nice place without capitalism.
Upvote 2 u my commie comrade
good form, pupper
>tfw my 16 year old beagle is going blind now after being deaf for a year
Good form pupper. Good form.
Good form, pupper
good form, pupper
Good form, pupper.
What you smell is all the fatcheese I between your unwashed rolls.
good form, pupper
This, people talk about capitalism like it is some dogma like communism. Communism can exist within capitalism, but not the other way around.
good form, pupper
please follow @ratoderuacircuitos
Not the same guy, but I think you're both making some mistakes.
It's not that people are too dumb to decide where to spend their money, but you're deluded if you think every purchasing decision is preceded with thorough research on all available competitors. Advertising may not brainwash people, but publicity certainly has an influence.
I think commie-user is making a mistake here by assuming that these are all issues inherent to capitalism. A capitalist market can still be regulated.
Interestingly, it's the same issue that causes problems with democracy - the system assumes informed, thought out decisions from the general public. Not a great assumption, all the time.
good form, pupper
I've never trained at planet fitness before
good form, pupper
>tfw 5'7" 127lb girl
>deadlifting a whole fucking 133 lbs.
>setting (not even dropping) the weight down creates some noise
>lunk alarm goes off
I didn't realize that small of a lift made me a meathead jock who was better than everyone else.
good form, pupper
>deadlifting 133 lbs
consider suicide young man, even at my weakest i did more.
Considered, but I think I'll just tough it out.