What motivates you, Veeky Forums?

What motivates you, Veeky Forums?

ass in yoga pants

being able to thrust harder due to hipdrive

hating myself


sometimes i really don't know
but sometimes i am able to remember the best moments of my life, those seconds/hours/days are filling me and i realize man can almost achieve anything he wants, and i remember when i did what i want and i succeeded

i really miss those days


It's just part of an overall effort to turn my life around.

The inevitable Race War.

Only correct answer.

I don't need motivation to lift.

liar. if you made 0 gains ever you'd quit.

Improving myself...
Not doing it is like having the +++signs on your life and not pressing them

i have never seen my abs, i want to know if they are symetrical or not


u dont know yet do u

Same here, not lifting is like intentionally handicapping yourself.


Looks awfully jewish user.

oy vey

I hope you go shooting as well.
Fucking niggers.

You want to get strong so you can one day beat Donald Trump to death with your fists? Me too user

She's going out on a date with a guy tomorrow. I'm using that as my motivation to smash as much weight as I can.

Shrink the nose and she's a solid 8/10.

set my first foot in a gym 7 years ago. Now I still have fatty upper pelvic area

When Trump becomes president and learns all the secret shit that all US presidents learn, do you think he will change his views? I wonder.

did not mean to reply to that post

Who is this qt?

Not memeing btw

I think he will pivot to more to the center like Reagan and Eisenhower. They both ran as really right wing candidates and the governed from the center/center-right.

The near-paralyzing fear of ending up like those who I live with.

requesting the original pic

...but user, that is the original