How much milk is too much?

How much milk is too much?

How much do you drink daily? I drink about a litre a day and everyone is telling me it's way too much.

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I drink even more about 1,5 liters, doing this for past 2 years, never had problems

Like a liter a day
Whos telling you its too much? Tiny dyels?

make them explain to you why it's too much. people rarely have the slightest idea of why they believe something when it comes to nutrition, and the things they believe are usually wrong.

>How much milk is too much?

No such thing as too much milk

Drinking any milk is bad for you, as a matter of fact. It can cause osteoporosis which weakns the bones and makes them brittle.

Lay off the milk, user. Find a healthier alternative. Or try soy. Soy "should" be fine, but I would do my research before doing that.


>Drinking any milk is bad for you, as a matter of fact. It can cause osteoporosis which weakns the bones and makes them brittle.
this is momscience.

before this thread explodes...

any hormones or antibiotics or whatever they put in cows is in milk to some degree but are completely broken down in digestion. you'd have to inject milk to be affected by them.

there is puss in milk. less than one drop per cup. puss is not unsafe but the thought might turn some people off.

other than that it's just what it says on the carton or bottle. sugar, protein, fat. vitamins and minerals.

human beings developed a tolerance for cows milk over 10,000 years ago when they domesticated them. we are the only known species who drinks another species milk. the ability to digest cows milk is considered important to the survival and advancement of the early human race.

that's not true at all. it was one observational study of one group of people

Please just be pretending.

About the only people who believe milk = osteoporosis are those homeopathy morons.

I also thought it was momscience when dyels told me i shouldn't drink too much milk. But i asked several doctors and they all told me a couple of glasses of milk is fine but i shouldn't drink too much of it. I don't know who to believe anymore...

>Drinking any milk is bad for you

Depending on genetic makeup and availability of quality milk everyone should do this:

Cut out dairy COMPLETELY from your diet for 2 weeks.
Start slowly adding in one dairy product at a time. Maybe have a cup of milk one day. A few days later have a tall glass. A few days later try having something prepped with cheese. Etc. You will find out your personal limit, since not all bodies can process lactose entirely. When you start feeling shitty or notice negative effects, back off some, and know that's your upper limit.

If you have trouble processing milk you are a shitskin

I've done the gallon challenge without puking. I am your milk god. suckle at my 16 teets

Fuck I wanna see what happens next

>liquid calcium is bad for your bones
ok kid

Denis pls go

around 3, 2 of them being for protein shakes

yes, master.

i find that when i drink shitty quality milk i break out bad but if i get the good quality (full cream, unhomogenised) stuff i feel fine and can drink like a litre without feeling sick.

also just a caution if you have diabetes type 2 i think it's probably a good idea to limit milk because it does spike blood sugar

Doesn't too much milk lead to kidney stones?

I drank around 2L a day for 20 years with zero issue. Burgerstanis are retarded

only if you're a pussy