Fucking fat shame me in the worst way possible. Piss me the fuck off. Give me fucking pissy motivation. I have very little will power, unless I'm pissed. DO IT.
Fuck me up
Other urls found in this thread:
You're fat
with those stretch marks youve already fucked yourself enough
how much longer til your wifes son gets here
Not being able to see your own dick would be motivation enough for me
what gender are you even?
you're pretty pathetic, you know damn well your body is shit. Stop relying on others and make the change you know you need
what are you even
LOL, nope. Female. Sadly. Considering now I look ya know.
Man or woman ?
I love you just the way you are, OP, don't work out and have a chocolate cake, you look fine
honest question, did you just have a baby?
After a baby is born your uterus is still swollen from previously holding a baby making you look 5 months pregnant, then it slowly reduces in size looking normal in 2-3 months.
I just ask because of the stretchmarks and stomach size.
Well nice tits I guess , just start working out and counting calories unless your going for that pregnant look ya fat bish.
Download Pokemon go. Start walking. Have fun doing it. Notice your joints aching? Your back hurting? That's because of you and your poor choices. Only you can reverse this
Female tho. Even more reason to need to be pissed.
You know how I know you are pathetic?
Because you think you deserve an entire thread dedicated JUST to you.
Other fatties lurk /FPH? for motivation, but you are such a selfish, self-centered fat piece of shit, that you though "oh no, i will make a thread just for me, because i must be the only person with my problem"
This is how I know you have no chance no matter what anyone says, like all deluded fatties you want all things to revolve around you,
With this childlike mentality and relying on OTHERS to motivate YOURSELF, I know for a fact, you will never make it.
Please do humanity a favor, and kill yourself ASAP.
Thanks famalam.
You could legit post this in the /s/ pregnancy fetish thread.
how the fuck does that view not piss you off already? If you can't look at yourself and get angry about all the decisions past you made to do that to yourself, and start working to turn future you into a fucking human being, there's nothing we can do to help
Dude this is a SFW board
don't post that shit
you have stretch marks on the fucking anterior of your stomach. lovehandle stretchmarks are bad enough but it looks like you are about to explode. you are literally explosive. stop eating so much
It's been about 4 years since I've last had a child. I have always looked pregnant since. The stretchmarks will always be with me. But the fucking roundness of my stomach, it makes me mad. And I've got little willpower because I've been fucking put down about myself all life. Getting pissed gets things done. Get me PISSED on a daily basis. I fucking hate myself. Get ugly. Get dirty. Help me, babes.
Fuck off randy
Doesn't matter what's posted here, you're not going to lose the wight and continue to stuff you face and grow your double d man titties. You are honestly beyond hope and I truly feel sorry for you and the environment that let you happen.
>tfw guys have better tits than me
Unless you're a woman...And then I'm really confused. I think people being baffled as to what your gender is would be enough to want to change yourself, user.
Id suck on those titties desu. Ur as fat as my mom. Would you be down to treat me like your little boy?
baby.. the stretch marks go away not long after the fat does. I've been fat, skinny, then fat again and i've never had stretch marks for long after i got lean again but they always come back when i get fat.
Oh id get you dirty alright
Do you want another child, bby?
You have an eternal foodbaby.
Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins and it looks like you want an early trip to hell.
Count your fucking calories and enjoy your prolonged life.
Am i weird for being attracted to this? Not even joking.
Any more pics OP?
you're high test
this, I bet if this thread did motivate the OP to start in a positive direction she'd stop as soon as someone complimented her for it
Op don't leave us hanging
I don't really have gluttony tho. Docs can't figure out why I'm like I am. Big tum, no weight loss regardless. I'm considering doing some speed. But anger, as my original post(a) stated. Fuel me. I need assistance.
Post more pics and we will degrade you.
LOL no. Compliments would motivate me, more than y'all would ever know. But not on my current body. My current body disgusts myself. But still no willpower. Senpai willnot help.
We are not gonna compliment you you stupid sloot. Just more pics of your disgusting tits.
Get fully naked piggy
Post more pics of your tits
or just post your fat fucking gut
>Docs can't figure out why I'm like I am.
Uhh, you consume more calories than you burn?
Gee, where's my doctorate?
What you need to do is EXERCISE and EAT AT A DEFICIT.
If you can't do this then learn how to tie nooses around your neck while standing on chairs.
>motivate me
>no willpower
never going to make it desu, I tried lifting for girls several times and gave up, only when I started for myself did I stick with it, it's not motivation it's a need to change
you don't seem to have that need and are asking others to motivate you, what happens next week when it's too cold/hot outside/mums birthday/grandpa died/dog pooped on my bed to stick with a diet?
you'll give up and be at square one
>docs cant figure out why I am like I am
You eat too much and exercise to little.
t. guy without medical degree
OP you're not going to make it because your attitude is that a of a weak person's. You are seeking external motivation, when, as other anons have noted, the motivation/desire/discipline must come from inside or it will not work.
But I also like being mean to fatties so I will try and help motivate you.
You are disgusting. Not just your body, but you as a person. You have no self control, no discipline, no willpower. Your body is a symptom of the disease that is your utter weakness. If you or somebody like you hit on me or propositioned me I would be insulted that even for a moment you had looked at somebody like me and thought "he might be attracted to me". I want you to understand that every fit person you ever meet, see, or are around in public will be filled with disgust by the very sight of you. Most will not express this disgust, even in private, but we look at you and think of weakness, failure, of genetic dead ends, human trash.
Now get the fuck off my board
Would probably pork all of them except 197 Tbh
They really need to put a height on these things. 124 sounds really low for her shape in the last picture, but I'm like assuming she's 5' 8" not 5'2", it makes a lot more sense at 5'2"
>Now get the fuck off my board
No. People have busted their ass through discipline and wanting to better themselves. All you are asking for you to feel the motivation of wanting to change but not actually do anything about it. If I was wrong you wouldn't be the fat ass that you are now asking us to degrade you. Face the fact that you are never going to enjoy the way you look and are going to need a XXXL coffin.
Drop the gun, Tex
not really, women have like fucking bird bones
fuck off with your gun laws tryina take away my freedoms
You fucking fat piece of shit post more pics already
Ur fat
The double Glock 32 rounders are neat.
Hi Patrick :)
Bones don't change, fat and muscle do D:
I hate when fat people use this as an excuse, and I hate when not failure people use it as like a "you're just compensating" bullshit. It's a very easy visual thing to tell in a picture, like if you're buff and heavy you're good, if you're heavy and fat you're wrong. AUGH!!!!
Damn, how much to get a folds-job? And can you be sweaty between them already, it makes for good lube.
When are you due?
both girls in this picture look good. and the one on the right is taller
10/10 would titty fuck while watching titty bang compilations just don't cry
You have too much sugar (hidden and overt) in your diet.
Time to come up with a weight loss plan. You need to drop your calories, clean up your diet and begin an exercise regimen. Start by walking 30-45 minutes a day. Losing the weight will be slow but take it one day at a time and you will get there. Believe in yourself.
they're the same girl
Women will almost certainly not like the look of you
Don't start lifting until you fix how you eat.
Omega 3
You can eat nothing but sugar and still lose weight if you keep calories under 2000 (in your case)
actually, women welcome another addition to their crab bucket with open arms
>You can eat nothing but sugar and still lose weight if you keep calories under 2000 (in your case)
>I'm going to be unhelpful by pointing out something that is technically correct, yet for all practical purposes, insane :^)
Scientists have been taking on the sugar industry since the 60's, and the sugar industry is using the same tactics the tobacco industry used to try to "prove" that their product has no links to harmful health benefits, even though every non-sugar-industry-funded study EVER DONE has proved the link between sugar consumption in any amount, and heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
>The food industry is facing a backlash against high sugar content on the same scale as the one experienced by the tobacco industry following studies showing a link between smoking and lung cancer, experts are warning.
>A newly discovered cache of industry documents reveals that the sugar industry worked closely with the National Institutes of Health in the 1960s and ‘70s to develop a federal research program focused on approaches other than sugar reduction to prevent tooth decay in American children.
>Emerging research suggests that sugar may be linked to deadly diseases, but Health Canada’s current food labelling regulations make it tough for Canadians to get an easy picture of how much of the sweet substance they are consuming — and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change any time soon.
The point is that you can lose weight without a drastic change in diet. Normies think you have to start drinking kale shakes and never eat any junk food, but really they can start losing weight by eating less. You dont have to cut sugar from your diet if you wanna lose weight, that will happen naturally once you start eating less.
The guy you replied too was responding to someone saying to cut sugar from op's diet when all he needs to do (as a first step on his journey) is to start eating less food in general and counting calories. Once he realizes that hes starving throughout the day because those three donuts he had in the morning accounted for most of his calories for the day, he'll have to make a decision: eat foods better for him and with a smaller calorie count or stop dieting, remain a fatty, and hate himself for the rest of his miserable life
left is skinnyfat as fuck. All the skinny fat guys and girls i knew from highschool blew the fuck up. Thats why i only fuck skinnyfats and never date them
Tell me op, how did it come to this point.
Was there never a time where you thought that you were getting a bit to fat?
It always baffles me how people can let themselves go like this.
this is an example of a utopian society
>physical education a must
>can carry another person
>enhances the mind
>promotes brotherhood
>promotes health
>ensures high chance of sexual encounter
>lays groundwork for good workers and soldiers
what went wrong murrica?
nice pecs friend
Are you a boy or are you a girl?
I don't even know what I'm looking at.
i'd rather get you fatter and worship dat belly 2bh but i feel somewhat obligated to help you
>cut soda out entirely
>drink WATER but i guess you could do black coffee or tea without adding anything
>read nutrition labels properly and eat the single service size instead of three
>cut out breads, pasta, and fast food
>start eating veggies. fruits won't help you as much
>learn to cook for yourself. you have the internet and that's how i learned.
>calculate your BMI and determine the amount of calories you need to cut. i started at 1500 cal/day if that helps
>do cardio. fuck what other people think of what a fatshit you are. you will feel better after you start having an exercise routine
or continue to gain weight. i'll still fap to you.
that's a huge bitch
Your shit looks like an alien is fixin' to burst out. I keep expecting kuato to start going open your miiind...
The titties really are nice tho. Good luck, user.
Now quit fucking around and get on that shit!
I bet you're one of those women that blame the pregnancy on the fat that's remaining. Stop fucking stuffing your face, and learn to eat properly. I bet your pussy smells fucking awful too. > you are what you eat.
>nice tits
Literally the ugliest udder imaginable. Saggy and shapeless. user, you have shit taste
You'll always be a fat sack of shit and your children will probably be too. They're gonna look at mommy and her fat putrid body and think that its totally fine to be a disgusting undisciplined degenerate. Just like all families in the USA, obesity is almost genetic, probably because so is being a fucking retard. If you need a mongolian cake-baking website to get motivated to lose weight you've already lost all hope.
You're fat.
You're kids will be fat like mommy. Because they think that its okay.
Rinse, fucking repeat.
If you can't make yourself do it, you never will.
(You're a burden to everyone)
Only if we get to see more of your tits.
You're other people's motivation
Shaming only works if you're trying to hide it.
At this point, you've accepted being a fat piece of shit, and you no longer find yourself disgusting. You've become a truly worthless.
Honestly, you may as well kill yourself.
I won't shame you, I'm a chubby chaser, I love your belly btw
Sorry OPie but I'd literally bust a nut in you, so uh, yeah you do you. I mean, I'd suck the fuck outta those titties and watch those things bounce as I pound your pussy in cowgirl. Then, I'd toss that asd into doggy and nut deep, deep inside that milf pussy.
I don't want to fat shame you I just hope you die without involving any taxpayer money.
Seriously, are you a man man?
your body looks like a fucking roasted turkey
>needing external motivation to even consider losing weight
>setting narrow rules for when you're "allowed" to be motivated
You're not gonna make it.
we want MORE
>like all deluded fatties you want all things to revolve around you
That's just basic physics brah