
How do I fix this mess? It's demotivating as fuck.

5'9 163 lbs. About 7 months. I cut and got small as fuck.

I started bulking, counting macros and everything and the only things increasing are my lifts and my belly.

Should I cut back down to the non-existant muscle or should I stick it out?

Bulk but slowly on not so high calories. Slow gains with low fat increase.

I was doing 500 over maintenance. Guess I'll go down to 300

Did you forget to lift? How have your gains been? Any lifting progress?

try lifting

I was doing:

Deadlifts 1x5+/Barbell rows 4x5, 1x5+ (alternate, so if you did deadlifts on Monday, you would do rows on Thursday, and so on)
3x8-12 Pulldowns OR Pullups OR chinups
3x8-12 seated cable rows OR chest supported rows
5x15-20 face pulls
4x8-12 hammer curls
4x8-12 dumbbell curls
4x5, 1x5+ bench press/4x5, 1x5+ overhead press (alternate in the same fashion as the rows and deadlifts)
3x8-12 overhead press/3x8-12 bench press (do the opposite movement: if you bench pressed first, overhead press here)
3x8-12 incline dumbbell press
3x8-12 triceps pushdowns SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
3x8-12 overhead triceps extensions SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
2x5, 1x5+ squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 leg press
3x8-12 leg curls
5x8-12 calf raises


I can add 5lb for upper body lifts between sessions. Not so much on bench tho

And 10lb per session for deadlifts.

How about protein intake? Protein basicly means muscles.

Usually about 170g

Were you fapping a lot? That might be an issue too. Also how many calories daily in particular?

Lmao why would fapping matter?

>Also how many calories daily in particular?

I try to hit 2730

Fapping because testosterone. Believe me it is important. Also what about sleep? You need to sleep a lot in order to recover. Sleep is the time when your muscles grow.

6-7 hrs

i'd guess your nutrition is off. lower calories and up protein intake, like 200 grams, supplement with good aminos, do high intensity cardio (uphill running, running stairs, biking hills etc)

Should I cut and start over from a leaner point or keep going?

You didnt have enough muscle to cut in the first place also, you probably heavily restricted calories during your cut, like a retard.

You need to do a clean bulk for atleast a year aka, not eating like youre on roids. A little bit of a fluff is okay but if youre getting fat youre doing it wrong just train consistently and eat properly for a long time then when you have built a considerable amount of lean mass just limit your carbs and eat 200-400 calories less than you were before. This will ensure you keep most of your gains and trim off fat. You will need to do this for a couple months.

Crash diets only work when youre on gear.

Knows what he's talking about.

Just train harder and expect less progress.

Why did you cut? Mark Rippetoe advises to eat at a surplus to start, regardless of your starting weight

I was 193lb. Last thing that was going through my mind was getting even fatter.

great advice for aspiring powerlifters. not for someone who just wants to look better


>bulking and cutting phases

You got memed.

Lift, do a lot of cardio, and eat one big meal a day.

You'll be shredded with muscle in no time.

That's sounds way too easy. Can anyone vouch for this?

if your lifts are increasing, what's wrong?