Go to gym to work out

>go to gym to work out
>havent showered in a couple days
>sit down and start and smell something yeasty
>its my fucking dick
>realize others are smelling it too

kill yourself OP

>not showering everyday



>tfw haven't showered in 8 days because it hasn't rained here in months and my well is almost dry

I've never felt so gross in my life and I fucking reak, I'm in ontario and its a damn heat wave

sorry OP

So go to the nearest lake and have a swim. It'll be like 90% as effective as a shower.

Peasant swerve

>thinly veiled cut vs. uncut thread

kys op

my ex used to call me "cock lobster" because sometimes my cock would smell like fucking lobster the morning after we fucked if I didn't shower

You're a disgrace you nasty motherfucker

>can't afford to live outside the city

gnarly !!

I'm gonna jump in my neighbors pool later when they're sleeping, the chlorine should kill these gross germs

>Can't get takeaway or take showers

>implying you can't order food when you have a well

enjoy paying a water bill every month

Jokes on you. My mum and dad pay the water bill

how does a lobster smell

*what does a lobster smell like

>tfw I got excited for a minute

My pussy smells like fish and orange juice if I get creampied and dont wash it out

did you mean boipucci?