No matter how much I lift or try to reach out it just doesn't go away, who here in a similar situation?
Here's the quiz if you are interested:
No matter how much I lift or try to reach out it just doesn't go away, who here in a similar situation?
Here's the quiz if you are interested:
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>I am a __ year old
I'm a really lonely person but I dont dislike it.
I enjoy myself far more than 99% of people, and for that 1% I become self conscious and dont like how I behave.
It's been in my mind to go on a solitary confinement, like a monk monastery, I would love a place where novbody talks
>Extreme loneliness
>tfw zero friends
how do i get friends?
same score user.
You and me both
Let's play a game Veeky Forums! Its called "Guess the Word".
1. "Into the _____ it goes"
>extreme loneliness
>35 exteme loneliness
I have friends, I fear I might be a kind of a cunt / emo who dosent appreciate them.
>how often do you feel you have nobody to talk to
here we go
Internet's a crazy place to say that I've seen this character get fucked before. Like, someone loaded up their 3D animation software and just went to town lmao.
I scored 29. I have no friends, and my family members and I are civil, we get along well but by no means is it like a "Damn, my dad is my fucking homie!" or like "My sister/brother and I go out all the time and shoot the shit".
I don't however feel alone, like, I just kinda do my thing and don't ever really have thoughts o- Nope, I do. I definitely do have thoughts of "Man I really wish I had some homies to go out with right now to drink/party with,".
I'm 22, and I'll see kids I graduated with on Facebook just raging their ass off in college, like ASU levels of insanity. Real talk this is why I don't use Facebook anymore, makes me envious af. I know that there is a life that I missed out on due to decisions I made in high school.
I know that had I put the effort in, I could have easily gotten a scholarship and could have lived on campus at ASU. I could have had a dorm, I could have other collegiate friends. But nah I fucked around in HS jacking off to porn all day and playing Halo.
>this triggers the quizzer
I've never thought about it like this, I force myself to interact with others but it really just sucks. Maybe it is better to just stay secluded.
If I think about it, the last time in years that I enjoyed a conversation with another person, besides my mates that I always hang out with, was at a wedding. She was 33 and I'm 22. She was pretty cool. but I'll never see her again since I'm too much of an autist to write her on fb and it would be impossible evenif I did
I cant fucking stand my peers, cant bother to try and meet new ones
got a 30, recently got stationed at a new base in alabama. recently as in like 2 months and i have yet to make friends here. all the locals are shit too
i havent left my dorm today, not even motivated to lift
I was stationed in Newport, Virginia for 5 years and hated every day of it.. Just wait for your next assignment, user.
Scored 30
Don't have any friends but bullshit around with people at work
Bad relationship with mom don't really talk
Dad/brother good relationship but not very close
bro its 3 in the morning where im at and i just got out of bed to play some online vidya so i could talk to someone.
and no one on my team has a microphone
only spergs are lonely
I scored a 25, but I was being pretty generous (in a negative sense) with my answers. Three months ago, I would have been well over 30.
As I've gotten older (33 ohmygod) I've come to realize that it's something I did to myself. I did have a number of bad experiences when I was younger that assisted in my decision to push most people away, but I was the one who chose the path of least resistance in the end.
I had a watershed moment earlier this year when I was rejected by my oneitis. It was after a difficult breakup(I got cucked) and probably the most difficult year of my life in general. I was hard on the rebound and looking for any sort of positive attention from the opposite sex.
I felt lonelier at that point than I ever had and I started to panic. Everyone I knew was busy, so I just went out of my house and walked. I ended up at a bookstore and a book caught my eye. The first few lines were something like "If you think your life is fine as it is, put this book down. If not, keep reading." So, I bought it and read it. It didn't solve my problems, but it gave me some interesting ideas.
Start reading things that are related to your problems. Books, shit online (avoid places like buzzfeed), etc. You may have to read a hundred different things before you find something that works for you, but that something might lead to something else which might lead to something else, etc.
fuck off grandpa
W-what's the name of the book?
>Get the fuck out normie
just be fine with the downtime you have, and use that to read, better yourself, and workout, etc.
For reference, the book is called "親は100パーセント間違っている", but it's not like it's an amazing book or anything. It's just the book that clicked with me. The tricky part is finding one that clicks with you.
> 34
fuck my life. the worse feeling is thinking about someone and have them not think about you in a long time.
Here I am alone in my parents basement, again. I need to move on with my life and get a job.
>extreme loneliness
Will you be my father bf
That's not his age buddy
Damn. I got 34 :l
I just need some friends.
i am pretty much always alone. i've just got used to it
36 master race reporting.
18, would be lower but I answered sometimes for the question about waiting for someone to text and call, when really that doesn't happen much these days.
Tfw if I took this quiz last year I would have gotten at least a 30.
>Tfw started being happy in september
>Tfw got a gf in April
>Tfw said gf will move to Korea on the 5th.....
I love her bros....
got a 25
i'm alone quite often, sometimes it bothers me but i hate people with general and would rather spend time by myself than surrounded by other people
the ideal for me is to spend time with people maybe a few hours for 1 or 2 days a week, any more than that and i feel drained, less than that i get a bit lonely
>Have friends
>score 37
I guess that makes sense. I only leave the house to go to the gym.
haha fuck just reading the questions made me feel bad, I'm afraid to actually find out what my score is