Normies at the gym

what are your normie regulars like?

>go to gym one day
>see them benching 180
>6 months later they made 0 progression and you never seen them squat in their life

Other urls found in this thread:

> Signs up to committed plan
> "I'm going to get super healthy and fit"
> Shows up for 3 weeks
> Random as fuck routines
> Never do the same thing except for "warming up" on the cross trainer
> Never returns.

Thanks for the subsidising my membership!

>Rickety old men who can barely stand/walk to the next machine, but dammit they're fucking trying
>Middle-aged dudes who stand around the same machine talking about high school sports for 30 minutes at a time
>High school sports players who stand around, decked out in Nike gear & styled hair, talking about house parties
>15% women working their asses off, putting in work
>group of middle eastern dudes who crowd the deadlift platform. Dudes don't look all that strong, but I've watched one 4-plate with ease. But then they actually take 15 minutes between reps, no hyperbole
>Occasional mentally handicap person almost killing themselves on the lat pull-down machine because their wrangler is too busy texting
>One Asian guy leg pressing the weight of the fucking world for reps

>squatting poorly
>freak out when i begin to give them advice on their form and diet

Im only trying to help, for free no less.

fuck, this is me

>very serious ass hole chinese guy
>does olympic lifts very loudly
>quite strong

>quiet philipino guys always working legs
>friends with chinese oly lifter

noon 1pm
>very serious chinese guy DLing 5 pl8 and squatting 4 pl8

>a few greek guys who are pretty strong

>cute girl who deadlifts 1pl8 and slams the weight thinking she's sick asf

>cute girl who deadlifts 1.5 pl8 with a nice round ass

>fake natty guy who talks shit about steroids but is clearly running test

night time edition 1am
>two chinese guys who hog the squat racks to do olympic lifts and squats for 3 hours.

>many pajeets who just got off work in the warehouse. All weaklings who only curl 20lb barbells.

>bunch of high school kids in the summer around this hour. Much stronger than I was at their age. Most of them are on rugby / hockey teams.

>two friendly Jamaican guys who do damn near the max weight on all the machines and can bench 3 pl8 for reps.

>one Asian guy leg pressing the weight of the fucking world for reps

yes i have also seen multiple instances of this

>flat db bench press
>incline bb bench press
>preacher curls
>tricep rope extension

Basically most guys at my gym. This everyday

>>flat db bench press
What's wrong with that? I feel like I can stretch my pecs more with dumbbells.

Oh god, yes every fucking day. I've watched the same guys do this shit for the past few years. Every once and a while one will venture to the squat rack, load up 1 pl8 for their first set with no warmup, then proceed to quarter squat ass wink back snap for 10 reps. They'll then complain about how dangerous squats are for the next 6 months until they venture back over there.

>benching 95lbs
>using all the 20lbs db
>dyels doing chin ups
> Veeky Forums spergs doing their SS squats and nothing else

Ego lifting...oh wait those are the gym rats.

Normies using a bench or machine for half an hour, only on their phones.

>be girl at my gym
>obviously weight is too heavy for her
>take up two benches so she can stand on them
>assistance band for 20kg Dumbell squat
Stop with the ego lifting, drop the weight and do it properly.

Maybe they're just maintaining what they've got and don't feel like upping calories?
What's wrong with taking awhile off?

>normies mire my 340 lowbar squat for 5 reps
>pajeets and mexishits benching 1plate and never progressing
>that one guy who talks to me about powerlifting, uses a squat suit, chalk on the back, kneee wraps, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps AND weightlifting shoes to squat 315 pounds for 1 rep
>girls actually squat and deadlift with better form than the men


don't let them fail.

only time i'd say something, if the person heads straight to snapcity.

What is the thought process behind "I don't follow a routine, I just work what I think I need to work on until I'm tired"
Couple of my friends do this and it makes no sense.

excuse just to do casual chest and arms.

>take up two benches so she can stand on them

Fucking this. I tell them they'll make mad gains with consistency, but they never understand.

Dudes that spend 20 minutes on a machine to do 4 sets because all they do is sit there with their neck craned down at their phone.

Where the hell do you live

I only go to the gym to run on the treadmill. I am doing this to lose 10 lbs. Not sure if I am a normie or nuts. Besides that at home I lift the usual 25 lbs for arms and do pushups .

Forgot to add lunges.

Saw some dudes today non ironically doing 4 × 25 on the peck machine. Fucking gym instructor gives meme routines. They still do 135 for bench since I have seen them but they think they are the shit cause they are skelly and have visible abs so they keep the same weight over and over

Ive actually been doing that recently and I'm liking my progress. although i followed madcow 5x5 for a year or two and it still serves as an outline for my basic exercises before accessory lifts

>"user, I'm trying to gain weight and make a larger frame like yours, but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?"
>"Uh, well what is your intake like?"
>"I just try to eat healthy, lean meat and stuff. Also, I'm on creatine."
> ...
> "What do your lifts look like?"
> Hammer Curls
> 100 sit ups
> barbell curls
> 100 crunches
> preacher curls
> ab machine

Saitama confirmed

Moar Vegeta

Pretty Boys
>in the gym everyday
>always do the exact same workout
>do stupid circuit exercises that are clearly from mens health (which are shit)
>wont mess up hair
>wont break a sweat
>acts like a bro but bitches that they, "aren't getting big"
>eats salads all the fucking time

>never do legs
>aspires for zyzz physique
>take every fucking supplement under the sun
>never get "full looking"

Because as long as you get everything you need done in a week it doesnt matter. The muscles dont give a fuck if monday is chest day or if you're doing dips cause ou didnt last time. Nothing is more pretentious than other people saying you're doing it wrong while you are making legitimate gains.

>Doesnt try hard enough to break a sweat
There are even huge beefcakes who dont even get their pulse up, like jeezus do normies have zero pain tolerance or are they just that lazy, i am a mess 10 min after i get there every time

>One Asian guy leg pressing the weight of the fucking world for reps

because thats literally GOAT to building an attractive physique you ugly cunt haha

>fat mexican manlet lifter goes to squat rack and puts on 1 plate for warm-up
>Almost goes parallel on squat
>Goes straight to 2 plate
>not even close to parallel
>Goes to 3 plate
>Literally moves down 2 inches down for 3 reps while taking huge breaths
>Proceeds to do box squats with a box too high making his legs move even less
If you can't fucking squat the weight, why even try man? He always squats after me too. (DYEL manlet, 165x5 but I go ass to grass every time) Also, this bitch nigga takes the weight outside of the damn safety bars, doesn't wear a belt, and squats on running shoes.

The rest of the people are nice though. Helpful when you need a spotter. Everyone is on a perma-bulk though.

This is just wrong though. Periodization and frequency of muscle use are key to consistent gains.

Ok post more of that kike on the right. I saw her on here a few days ago

Late one is so true

Not the user you replied to, but nothing wrong with db flat bench, you do get a good work out from it. I believe he was referring to the stereotype bro who does nothing but chest/arms/back and does db bench every work out

You live in a very culturally enriched country :^)

Two old gay men who each resemble Tommy LaSorda (LA Dodgers baseball mgr from the 1990's).... they park in front of the gym on Sunday about 20 minutes after it opens, and then remain in their unwashed Mazda pickup reading the local newspaper.... finally come in wearing gardeners gloves and do Nautilus machine flys, machine shoulder presses (40 lbs total), and overhead pull downs (pin in 3 or 4th hole.)....

roughly a decade now of the same old. these dudes are in their mid 60's I think. fat and gay.

>don't bother me one bit.

>Hitting legs last night at about 10pm
>Two people walk into the gym
>Father and 17 year old son
>Recognise the father as a regular. He's pretty strong for a guy in his 50s. Clearly been lifting for a while judging from his size
>Son is skinny fat wearing fucking snapback
>Head over to the bench press
>Son struggles to bench the bar while his dad encourages him
>Son complains endlessly
>After only 10 minutes they leave
>Father looks visibly upset that his son is a failure.

>what is frequency.
>what is progressive overload
>what is recovery

Asians seem to have based leg muscles. Most asian guys I know can't even get close to my bench 1rm but smoke me when it comes to squats.

So much APT it hurts

>people who cannot squat 1pl8 ATG

Why even live?

Pajeets are the shittiest lifters. Always wearing sandals and they stink like shit.

2am last night at my gym
>wannabe ISISbros who curse like sailors and constantly talk about how smashed they got or how they almost fucked this one thicc chik, end every sentence by saying inshallah.
>legit ISISbro who benches 1plt for infinity sets and just looks vacantly at the thermometer for some reason.
>two SL dyles who wear gloves and do highpulls thinking they're rows.
>30yo guy who looks like a dyel but squats 4plate like a pro for 8 reps.
>turbomanlet talking my ear off about proper ohp core activation, has the back of a greek god.
>local powerlifter parading his medal from the last euro championship
>pt pretending to train some 40yo bimbo while dealing dbol over the phone
>former bouncer clerk asleep like a babyat the reception despite having a court case coming up for almost killing/crippling some dyels by selling them fake/impure gear.

Arab with a hat: Every day is bicep day.
Terrible couple: Guy does quarter squats with a belt and coaches his girlfriend through a million meme exercises. Always leave fixed-bars and kettle bells everywhere; if they're using a barbell you know it's going to be loaded when they're done. Bitch left her gum on the squat rack once.
Cutie MMA chick: she smiled at me once and now I spaghetti every time we're within 10 yards of each other. It's a small gym.
Bald manlet: May have quit, haven't seen him in a while. Previously known for deadlifting every 15 pounds bumper plate he could find to look Crossfit tough. To complete the look he would use straps, drop every rep from lock out, and start the next rep from the top of the bounce.
Asperger's: Supersets bench press with bent over dumbbell flys, dumbbell lunges, goblet squats, and whatever else he can do to tie up the gym's one good bench for forty-five fucking minutes to do three work sets. I hate him and he knows it.

I feel like I might be one of those guys, as I will struggle with benching my weight (145, but I've been able to push 155 now) but can easily leg press 320, and I haven't even trained my legs all that seriously yet. Trying now though, so I don't have the chicken leg syndrome.

chest day every day


For a start leg press =/= leg strength, roughly half the weight is what you're actually moving because of the angle of the sliders, so you're leg pressing ~160. You have chicken legs bro. Squat more

please don't shit talk anybody

I have been to asian houses were the family eats on the floor or does stuff on it, they dont like sit down by stretching their legs on the floor, they are basically squatting with perfect posture like its nothing for extended periods of time

When reading these posts I am glad that I have a home gym. At least there no one can see me, and I don't have to worry that when I fuck up or take a longer break some ass is laughing behind me. Unless the fitness witch is watching me.


That was me when I started. You have to start somewhere

W-what if you need a spotter fampai?

bunch of random kids who aimlessly go over to the free weights and try curls and lat raises, fail miserably. I saw this one kid who looked like it was his second day at the gym FLEXING HIS ARM IN THE MIRROR. I mean props to him for not caring what people think but geez you can't make this shit up.

This is some Delray Misfits level shit

>Implying 320lbs is heavy for leg press

Your legs aren't strong user, you're a DYEL in every way.

Yeah asians of all ages squat instead of sit.
When I went to Vietnam and Thailand this was the case. It's really good in the long term because their flexibility remains good into old age. I remember seeing 70 year old women and men running up and down ladders in shops like it was nothing.
I'm the only person in my family who can flat foot squat (slav squat). Apparently it's a skill you lose if you don't practice enough.

>come to gym, see gut-man cycle his life away
>leave gym 1.5h later, see gut-man still cycling
And i swear he's getting more fat too. All the sports in the world aren't going to save you if you can't stop eating and boozing.

otherwise i have
>bros who always show up in groups of 3 and do weird jerking motions on the cable machine for less than 30minutes a session, then leave again
>two guys doing compound lifts with gloves, straps and belts but do neither warmup sets nor out-lift my dyel belt-free newbieweights by much.

dunno much else. Free weights have a seperate room with no view on the man-vs-machine normies.

How dare you, caped baldy's routine was far more rounded out than that.

Worst thing is they take every single plate in the gym so they move half the weight because leg press is basically anti gravity.

They should just squat and not steal every plate in the gym.


Oh wow, 2 non retarded Veeky Forums posters.

Is it autumn yet?

Found the other one

Don't talk shit with little gym experience fuccboi, lurk more.

im only a month in, but i do this occasionally when im alone in the gym.

i just like a little motivation and reassurance that im makiny a tiny bit of progress for all the effort i put in.

>I used to do that when I joined my first gym at 16
>No gains at all
>Asked the staff for advice and they gave me a routine
>Made significant gains
>Still making gains at 19 at the same gym
Thanks based staff for helping me make it

>That one guy who takes the bar from the squat rack to do his deadlifts
>That fit looking guy who brings his girlfriend to do every conceivable butt exercise at the gym
>Same dude does half squats in smith machine with either 10lb weights or no weights at all
>The one douchebag who has 3-4 spots taken, does only upper body but no back; only chest and arms. Every. Single. Time.
>His forearms are as thick as his legs, lol
>Old people everywhere

I just got there last Friday, proud of myself, 100kg(225lbs) is my goal for the end of the year

t-that's me

>One Asian guy leg pressing the weight of the fucking world for reps

so they are everywere good to know

>that skinnyfag who works chest everyday
told him 3x he wont grow doing chest everyday
doesnt listen until yesterday where he worked back and shoulders

Those girls literally asking to be raped. U can see her entire ass maybe her asshole or pussy at certain angles with those black shorts..
I see. Her puss be mine, jaja

Use safety measures when possible and know your limits.

normies are constantly stretching

like half the fucking time, they are stretching

>guy who sweats all over everything
>guy who verbally psyches himself up all the time
>guy who grunts to loud
>guy who does dangerous novelty lifts because he's bored
>guy who tries to strike up conversations with people who aren't having it
>guy who lays in a pool of his own sweat on the floor after a set

(the guy is me)

sounds like new york to me

>Spot the sandnigger

Go back to saudi arabia or nigeria or what ever shit hole you crawled out of.

Fuck. That makes me really goddamn sad.

I'm a normie and haven't stretched a single time yet, in the 10 weeks since I started working out.

How does someone else's workout affect you in any way? Get over yourself sperglord

I don't care what anyone else does, so long as they don't speak to me.

Any conversation outside of "Are you using this?", "Can I work in?", or "Can you spot me?" bothers the fuck out of me.

>live 2 miles from gym
>ride bike instead of driving to get warmed up
>tfw approaching the bike rack after heavy squats

there's a random asian kid at my gym that looks very muscular, but isn't huge.

I've seen him squat 510 atg, bench 350 and pull 495.

he keeps his perfect clark kent hair in check tho

I thought those were kgs for a second

>turn up to gym in big groups of about 4
>wearing back-to-front hats and regular casual streetwear
>go straight to the bench
>watch each other try to lift as heavy as they can
>leave after 30 mins

Fucking scoundrels

Same as yours, only in kg.
>TFW half of the gym is 45+ yo roiders

>>normies mire my 340 lowbar squat for 5 reps
they are just thinking "what a fat fuck", not miring you